Refresh # 3 War & Work
refresh # 4 war & work
25 Jan 2008
BIG IDEA Filled with Spirit to win battles & serve Christ
launch pad
The workings of the Holy Spirit are invisible, glorious, and gentle, and within them, He never tells us about Himself. He comes to glorify Jesus—helping us to see Jesus more, to understand Jesus better, to respond to Jesus more obediently, and to love Jesus with a deeper heart of commitment. Jack Hayford
Neh 4:15+ war & work
Take up sword of spirit eph 6:18
Soldiers would throw 1 or 2 javelins at 20m hoping to pierce shield, body armour or body then run forward with classic Roman short sword used with stabbing action in close in fighting
1. Christianity is a ‘contact sport’ …. sword of Spirit – not javelin, arrow, catapult of Spirit
2. Holy Spirit’s training in warfare – revealing & quickening scripture
3. WHAT IS YOUR BATTLE? Mind, family, work, temptation, attitude
· pick your battle – family – conflict with in laws – pick your battle
– pray what is Spirit given Scripture for you!
– pray the Bible … Jesus defeated satan’s temptations thru scripture AD LIB THIS STORY
serve in the spirit
Paul writes to a Philippian church under pressure from
1. Rome - Roman colony filled with retired Roman Army vets, loyal to Caesar – primary salute to Nero ws Hail Caesar Saviour & Lord –
2. Within – conflict in the church
3. Jewish Christians –now you Know Christ fulfil Moses & get circumcised
In the light of this 3rd pressure Paul writes Ch 3
v1 focus on Christ
v2 Beware! Beware! Beware! 3 fold warning – emotive language, borne out of Paul’s hurt from these people
- we are circumcision – Christ has brought us into secure covenant r’ship thru Spirit
- we serve God by his Spirit – this happens as Holy Spirit …
- convinces us we are uniquely gifted what I would do as a volunteer
i. creative type, tech head, connection builder, task oriented, friendly face
- calls us to mobilise our gifts in our …
i. family project workplace Paul A, Richard KM, Adrian O church Bali team
- empowers our service i. dedicate …. deploy …. believe for anointing … stay faithful
1 Feb Volunteer of Year …. 67 yrs at Mt Hawthorn Baptist