March The Supernatural Jesus
breakthru the supernatural jesus
1 March 2009
launch pad
Mark 4:35+
The acoustic setting from the boat would have been ideal for Jesus’ voice to carry to the crowds. Some places in Palestine, such as a cove near Capernaum, have natural acoustics that would allow as many as seven thousand people to hear a person speaking in the center of the cove.[1]
Rousing a sleeping prophet to secure his prayers may have reminded the disciples or first hearers of Jonah 1:5–6, but Jesus appears quite different from Jonah here[2]
In Jewish tradition, the one who ruled the winds and sea was God himself (Ps 107:29; cf. Jon 1:15). The disciples’ surprise at Jesus’ power is thus easy to understand.[3]
Storms often rose suddenly on the lake called the Sea of Galilee; these fishermen had usually stayed closer to Capernaum and are unprepared for a squall this far from shore. [4]
Sea of Galilee boat on lake
Mountains pic
Unusual storm – life brings storms – some storms are designed to take you out
0 - teaching , in boat
55 secs – sunset, crowd melts away
1:08 let’s go to the other side of the lake
2:50 peace be still
Worship Jesus – he can calm any storm etc
Why are you afraid? Do you still have no faith?
Who is this man?
6:01 arrive other side of lake
Demoniac – naked,
My name is legion … we are many
7:45 end
0:10 getting demons out
0:52 healed & sitting quietly
1:20 let me come with you
1:30 slip quietly back into the lake
0 arriving back in Capernaum
Jairus falling at his feet
0:40 walking to Jairus house
1:23 Who touched me?
Woman healed
Woman healed
1:00 Your daughter is dead
3:00 arrive at house
Kick people out
3:35 little girl arise
0:48 res moment
1:30 3 ½ mins left
[1]Craig S. Keener and InterVarsity Press, The IVP Bible Background Commentary : New Testament (Downers Grove, Ill.: InterVarsity Press, 1993), Mk 4:1.
disciples *Disciples. Students of rabbis or philosophers, normally committed to memorizing and living according to their master’s teachings.
[2]Craig S. Keener and InterVarsity Press, The IVP Bible Background Commentary : New Testament (Downers Grove, Ill.: InterVarsity Press, 1993), Mk 4:30.
[3]Craig S. Keener and InterVarsity Press, The IVP Bible Background Commentary : New Testament (Downers Grove, Ill.: InterVarsity Press, 1993), Mk 4:30.
[4]Craig S. Keener and InterVarsity Press, The IVP Bible Background Commentary : New Testament (Downers Grove, Ill.: InterVarsity Press, 1993), Mk 4:30.