Manuscript/Matthew 6:1 -15
Matthew 6:1 – 15
(cf. Luke 11:2 - 4)
Title: Effective Prayer and Praying
Exegetical Thought --- God is to be exalted in His Holiness.
Homiletical Thought ---Effective Prayer and Praying so that they reach the ear of God.
FCF ---Cast your burdens upon the Lord.
Introduction --- As Christ is teaching on the Mount to give man understanding for governance of his life and how he interacts with God and his fellowman He brings into focus sharing, giving, and praying…He was not asked how to pray rather He laid out a pattern which put you in touch with the ear of God... “Cast your burdens upon the Lord and he shall sustain thee.” Prayer is not a ‘gimmee’ or a grocery list of wants… In prayer is our affirmation to God that we are submitted to Him and –willing to do His Will. We all desire effective prayer when we pray.
This passage is a great one for consideration because of the way in which He brought understanding through clarifying all the incorrect steps to having effective a prayer that come up to the ear of God…
Main Points: Essentials in prayer.
- 6.5— Christ says effective prayer is secret in your closet. Let’s not misunderstand, He did not say to not pray for ill, in agreement, helpless, etc…The reward is in prayer is between YHWH and you…
Boasting prayers; Praying publicly brings reward from men only.
Are you turning it into a theatrical production?
When praying to whom are you praying…God or man?
Cast your burdens upon the Lord.
Illustration - - Elisha Hoffman was born in Pennsylvania and spent his life as pastor there. Once while visiting one who had been through deep trial, she cried: “Oh, what shall I do? I don’t know what to do!” Then her face brightened and she said, “I must tell Jesus!”
On his way home, the words of the woman came to the pastor’s mind, and that night he wrote this comforting song.
Application - - Tell Jesus!! Tell Jesus!! When the disciples locked the doors, Christ knew He was sure of a welcome. He could not get their ear because of the din and confusion that came through the open doors. Closing the door to the world is opening the
door to the Master. Don’t be afraid of shutting the door. It is the best invitation for the Master to enter. Not the door of your heart…
Trans. – Prayer is for men as they realize we are not self-sufficient…need/depend… God
- 6.7—8
Babbling prayers; God knows what you need before you ask. The words we use à must sincere, just rhyming phrases does not constitute prayer…Christ forbade senseless repetition by His teaching of the simple, direct, and intelligible words…its reverence
Cast your burdens upon the Lord.
Illustration - - “Pa,” asked a little boy, “does the Lord know every thing?” “Yes, my son,” replied the father; “but why do you ask that question?” “Because,” replied the boy, “our preacher, when he prays, is so long telling him every thing. I thought he wasn’t posted.”
Application - - Make your prayers ones that pointed not circling the petition.
Trans. -
- 6.6—
Prayers God receives; We should pray from the heart, in private.
Reward/answered prayer is in those between God/you… Christ Himself prayed constantly and continuously, He had the habit of praying in secret, on the mountaintops, in the garden, while His apostles/disciples traveled to the next of meeting… He wove intercession into His structure…
Cast your burdens upon the Lord.
Illustration - - Said the great and devout scientist, Sir Isaac Newton: “I can take my telescope and look millions and millions of miles into space, but I can lay it aside and go into my room, shut the door, get down on my knees in earnest prayer, and see more of heaven and get closer to God than I can assisted by all the telescopes and material agencies on earth.”
Application - - Use the tool and position, get down on your knees… Let your closet seasons be, if possible, regular, frequent, and undisturbed. Effectual prayer availeth much.
Conclusion ---6:9 – 15 Elements in Prayers; When we observe what Christ explained in His teaching of and on prayer during the Mount of Olives discourse we will reach the ear of the Father in àrecognition that God is where all prayer begins— 1) “God’s Paternity” Faith - “Our Father in heaven;” hallowing God’s name is to hold matchless His being in reverence— 2) “God’s Priority” Worship- “May your name be honored;” only issue to be concern w/knowing the kingdom is w/Him—3) “God’s Program” Expectation - “May your kingdom come soon;” 4) God’s Plan --understanding God’s will---Submission - “May Your will be done here on earth, just as it is in heaven;” it is 5) God’s provision---Petition - “Give us our food for today;” “ 6) God’s Pardon” seeking forgiveness---Confession -“And forgive us our sins;” Love is to be shared not hoarded----Compassion -“Just as we have forgiven those who have sinned against us;” On Him is the vault --Dependence - “And don’t let us yield to temptation;” and again thanking Him for He alone
holds us---Acknowledgment -“For yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever.”
…[ The natural temptation with every difficulty is to plan for it, to put it out of the way yourself; but stop short with all your planning, your thinking, your worry, and talk to Him!]