March 12th, 2023

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Sunday Message - "Be not Afraid"  •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented   •  21:30
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We are worshipping our Lord and savior. Praise the Lord. Hallelujah.

Amen. Amen. With our heads bowed,

Lord, I Thank you for your sacrifice on the cross O, Lord Lord, I Thank You for Your Resurrection from the to move. God both father God in heaven. I pray that this truth becomes alive and every person's heart. Oh Lord. God bless the ones and you tell her this message today. Oh Lord today Lord, Lord today. Plus this message to Richard children. Oh Lord. Oh Lord, set a response to your truth saying she says, thank you for what you did. I laid down my old self. O Lord. I step into a new cell phone, Lord, resurrected people today. Oh Lord. Oh, Lord. In the precious name of Jesus Christ. Amen. Amen. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. You make.

Praise the Lord, praise the Lord, the title of my message today is, do not be afraid. Coming from Matthew 28, praise the Lord. Matthew 28 in the end of the Sabbath as it began to draw toward the first day of the week Came Mary Magdalene and the other Mary to see the girl.

and the angel answered and said unto the woman, Fear not g. For I know that you see Jesus, which was crucified. He is not here for, he has risen as he said, come and see the place where the Lord lay

and as they went to tell his disciples behold. Jesus met them saying all hail and they came and held him by the feet and they worshipped him. Then said Jesus unto them. Be not afraid. Go tell my brethren. That they go into Galilee. And there shall they see me?

Be not afraid. Is a positive affirmation. Be not Afraid, means not to be. Possessed by the spirit of fear. Be not Afraid, means not to be overcome by fear. Be not Afraid means not to act in the spirit of fear.

Timothy 1:7 says for that, God has not given us the spirit of fear, but of power love and a sound mind.

For fear is a weapon of the devil. How many of God's children are crippled by the fear of the devil?

And when your fear cripples you. You cannot live in spiritual victory.

This is a the Resurrection season. And this is an Easter message for you. I want to build up a couple Easter messages for you. I don't want you to Easton just come and then go and let's just forget about it. Let's build up the anticipation cuz we know what's coming forward. The disciples in the people of the day, didn't know what was coming but we know so we can build up our excitement. We can build up our courage, we can build up our strength in the Lord, He's telling each of us not to be afraid. Christ has risen. He's not in the grave anymore. We don't need to serve him bound up. We have been free.

We don't need to be afraid to proclaim the gospel.

We can Proclaim it with power cuz we know that the tomb is empty.

And by the end of this message and with the help of the Holy Spirit, you will no longer live in fear to serve the Lord Jesus Christ.

Your confidence in Christ shall be built up in his mighty name. That's where we need to get our power for Be not Afraid. Christ is no longer in the grave or he has risen.

You see the two women came to look at the tomb? And then the angel of the Lord told them be not afraid, he is not here, he has risen, come and see where the Lord lay and they took him into the tomb. And he was gone. Put yourself in those shoes.

Would your heart be racing a million miles an hour with the nerves in the end of your fingertips? Start tingling cuz you say oh my goodness, what happened?

Later verse 10, Jesus appeared on to his disciples. And he also said unto them be not afraid. Go and tell my brother in.

The Easter season message is born out of these verses. This is what we live for, as Christians. This is what we give all our thanks for as Christians. Because of Matthew verse 28, go home and read it again. And again, and I guess because no power could hold him back from coming from the 10, no power. Jesus back in his mighty name. Every stone. Blocking your progress is rolled away in Jesus name. There's nothing in this world that you can't do cuz you have Jesus on your side. Be not afraid. He has Roofing people.

Jesus Christ has risen from the dead. Do you know what that means? Can you actually feel it? Can you comprehend that? A human man dead buried. Risen Just get in yourself and think about that for a minute. The two women were afraid as they approached the tomb. But the angel of the Lord said clearly be not afraid. Oh, Lord, Jesus. He's not in the grave anymore. He's not among the dead. He is risen. They start for him among the Dead funny. Wasn't there. And neither was he in the grave? For it was proven. The tomb was empty. His Triumph is our Triumph. His victory is our Victory. We shall rise. Also. No, Grave. Shall hold us bound. No tribulations here on Earth will bind us in the name of Jesus.

Protege. Any Graves your destiny has been buried. In will no longer hold you you are liberated. You are lifted. Your truck be not afraid people.

You know, when you get in your prayer closet when you get in your car when you're just in your alone time and you still start to think I'll be all Mighty power that the events that happened and you are his child. You are his daughter. You are his son and he did this for you. Oh my goodness. And make sure trouble

Spiros to strengthen, do he couldn't be stopped? No man, no power can stop you.

With him on your side.

Be not Afraid, the Lord Jesus has risen. And all authority has been given to us.

It's been given to us by his resurrection. We have the authority to live in Victory. Don't know if you know what that means. People some Christians don't know how much Authority they have in Jesus Christ in heaven and on Earth has been given unto me and he gave it to you.

Because he is our savior.

The same Authority. He has is also available to every single one of us in this church and you Bates, be saying to yourself Pastor what you talking about. I have as much Authority as Jesus. Get into the scripture, have him walk by your side. John 1:12 says, what you all, who believed in him and accepted him, he gave the right to become children of God and that is you Luke 10:19 says, behold I give you power to tread on serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy and nothing shall by any means hurt. You

Now I'm not talking to a little pain from a cut. I'm not talkin in the big pain from a wound. I'm not talkin the pain from your mind being hurt by someone in the world. I'm talking hurt you. Beyond those pains, which at the time you may think are big pain. Nothing can hurt you.

Do not be afraid. All love story has been given unto us because he has risen hallelujah. Hallelujah, hallelujah. Yes, call us already has been convinced to us to witness to others, authorities. Has been given to us to bring the unsaved to trust. His declaration. In verse 18 is the authority has given

When are you going to use the powers? When will you know, you have the power? What are you going to do to get the power?

We were commissioned is a go and work for him without fear.

Go ye therefore and teach All Nations. Baptizing them in the name of the father and of the son and of the Holy Ghost, teaching them to it's all things whatsoever. I have commanded of you.

and lo I am with you always. Even unto the end of the world. This is his Commandments and promise to you.

All authority has been given to us. I say all authority has been given to what I'm saying. In one more time, all authority has been given to what's the lead Victorious Life in Jesus Christ.

Paul said in 1st Corinthians 15, but thanks be to God, which give us the victory through our Lord. Jesus Christ. Therefore, my beloved Brethren be steadfast unmovable. Labor is not in vain in the Lord.

Okay, who's been walking around and they give a little helping hand here in a little helping hand there, and a little helping hand there. And now, some, you're looking around. Okay, who's going to give me a hand? Who's going to give me a pat on the back. But I tell you your lord, Jesus Christ. It's right there next to you.

Blue rewards, be able to give the reward. That is a reward.

Hallelujah. We now have a life of victory. We've got the life of Victory in Jesus Christ. Hallelujah, we live in love above all of life challenges. You see, we get through all of our challenges now. Don't we look at you 15, 16 20, 30 50 61 stop their years.

You got through those challenges, didn't you? And I see you sitting here and I see you smiling here and I see you're dressed. Well here. And I know it's most your drove here. And most of you came from a nice warm home. You got a nice job.

We live above life challenges. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Victory to live a righteous life. Hallelujah. Bugari Glory to be God. Oh my goodness. Became so we could have life.

He came so that we may have life. Not the chair with the person sitting next to you is thinking they're looking at you about. Not to care about that kid in the school. See what he saying or talking about not secure with a colleague that sits in the cubicle behind you sinking.

When you're in Jesus Christ. And I said when you are in Jesus Christ Hallelujah you are more than conquerors. That's a Hallelujah. I said Hallelujah, take your place.

So that you may be safe. Soon as you can get through your child, so you can get through your tribulations. So you can see the light at the end of the tunnel. No more pain. No more sickness, no more. No more afraid for he has risen

Take your child. Drink your troubles him deal with it. Stop it. Get together and talk about it in the name of Jesus.

Child. Children of God, this message is coming your way today.

Easter is coming.

Do you know your Savior Lives? You know that?

He did not die in vain. He died to save you. He died to give you eternal life. Don't be fierce stricken by the devil. He cannot hurt you anymore. He was defeated thousands of years ago. Little minion, and all his little minion colleagues, and students, and all those little minion people walking down the street. It's your job to bring them to Christ. It's your job to be stronger than that. It's your job to list them. Not have them pull you down.

He's got no power over your life. If you walk out here today saying I am free. My life is Victorious.

God is saying to you today. Do not be afraid. He is not in the Tomb anymore.

And he has given all the authority.

All the authority. Story, t22 playing the gospel. So from today, I'm forward, do not be afraid. Do not be afraid to Satan. Do not be afraid of your finances. Do not be afraid of your trials. Do not be afraid of your tribulation from today forward. You will walk in the party of Jesus Christ. You will walk in Victory.

So when you leave this church today, you were going to stand up tall. You're going to put your shoulders back. You're going to. Let's go ahead. Hi you're going to say I am a child of God. My God is Not Dead by God lives in me.

From today forward. The enemy has no power over you and you cannot be stopped.

What stopped you years ago?

Has been stopped.

The sickness has dots. The chains of poverty has stopped.

The weight of sickness has stopped. Coleman Reese.

He is. Our God Almighty and he has given you all of the authority.

He has taken that burden off at you in the mighty name of Jesus, mighty name of Jesus. Be not Afraid. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Hallelujah.

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