If We are the Body of Christ!...

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“If We Are the Body of Christ” – and we Are!
1Cor 12:12-31, Rom 12:4-8; Mat 28:18-20
Faith Baptist Church/1 May 05/am - FBCW/5 March 2023/pm
INTRO: I borrowed a couple of the main points from a song, that raised some good questions of a truth of the Lord’s churches today: It began with: “If we are the Body”. Paul tells us in 1Cor 12 and Romans 12, using a physical body as a metaphor for a proper relationship between Jesus and His churches. Not as an invisible universal body, as some believe, but a local assembly of born-again believers of like faith and practice, coming together to worship and fulfill the great commission of Jesus Christ. Only a local body, one in close proximity, can do anything. A dismembered or scattered body cannot do anything fully, but a body fitted together, each member doing what it is supposed to, can do anything & everything asked of it. A body is a good illustration of a local church, Jesus the head/authority & control (Col 1:18) and the members, as the appendages and organs which do the work. It illustrates for us of FBCW, and how we must have all our members of this body (assembly of born-again believers) to be complete and fully functional with all its members doing what they are meant to do. But, like the song raised some questions of duty, and why many churches today behave as they do. If the body of Christ is what it is supposed to be, then why are the things that Jesus said His churches are to do, not being done or not done as they ought? Let’s look at some of those questions of the body of Christ.
I. If we are members of His body (FBCW) The question is: why are His arms not reaching? We/as the Lord’s church have been equipped for the Lord’s purpose, so:
A. Where is the outreach?
1. Are we reaching our families, community, and region and uttermost parts of the earth?
2. Are we reaching people in spite of their position, stature in life, and without respect of who they are. Are we an equal opportunity/gospel church? W/o respect of persons. Rom 2:11, Jam 2:9 (I heard of an organization that said we don’t want those kinds of people in our group)
B. Jesus’ arms are powerful (they are the arms of God), always reaching with compassion to the poor and the lost.
1. Where is the/our compassion? Do we have compassion like Jesus? Mat 9:36
a. Jesus looked upon the mourners of Lazarus and wept, and on the humanity at Jerusalem he had compassion and wept. Jn 11:35 mourners of Lazarus.
b. Jesus looked on the multitudes w/ compassion and took care of their spiritual needs and their physical needs. Mat 14:14; 15:32
c. Our arms, as members of Christ’s body, must reach out to the multitudes with compassion the food/manna from heaven, Jesus, and then to physical needs, as we are led by the H.S.
2. Where is the power? There are too many of the Lord’s churches who are powerless/weak. Rom 1:16 The power given His churches by God through His H.S. It is the dunamis (root of our word dynamite) it’s the dynamite of God. Phil 4:13 Are we using our strength or His?
a. Mat 28:18All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth. Go ye…” The power given to the Lord’s churches.
b. We have the power of Jesus with us as a church body when we are functioning as a church. Eph 1:19 It is powerful enough to raise Jesus from the dead, what about us then?
1. Eph 5:18 Are we filled/controlled by the H.S.
c. We represent our Lord and Savior for the furtherance of His kingdom. But we can only do it well/right in His power!
C. If a body is missing its arms, it is missing its strength and can’t do what it’s supposed to. It can’t reach out to all it was intended to. Yes, it can still function but not completely.
1. We may have that problem today.
2. But, if the body has a member which is not functioning, the body as a whole can’t perform its duty. Eph 4:12 teachers, preachers, evangelists and pastors; “for the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ.”
D. We must ask ourselves as individuals and as a church, are the arms of Jesus, us, reaching to fulfill the great commission and following the example of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the head (position of authority and leadership) of this body, here at FBCW.
II. If we are members of His body, the question was raised: why are His hands not healing?
A. Not necessarily physical healing, which only God can do anyway, but the healing of souls. Spiritual healing, that all men/women need!
1. God may or may not see fit to heal our physical bodies, but our physical needs are not as great as our spiritual needs.
a. The comforting of the souls of the lost or the struggling.
b. Many people come to churches today waiting to be unaccepted or even rejected and admonished.
B. I believe the more charismatic denominations take the healing powers of God and apply it too frequently to the physical and neglect the spiritual. (too often glory to men and not God) Jn 16:13 H.S. doesn’t speak of himself but guides into all truth.
1. We know from the Bible that Jesus was most certainly concerned about the physical and emotional welfare of His people, but He also makes known that the spirit was more important. 1Pet 5:7; Mat 6:25,33; Mat 10:28,31(soul/body); Jn 3:12; Mat 23:23
a. Jesus always took care of the spiritual needs along with the physical.
b. Jn 4:17 Jesus used the physical to show/ID the spiritual. Our physical needs often reflect the spiritual need. The affliction of the body because of sin, reflects the need for a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ.
c. It is our job not to preach a social gospel, like so many missionaries sent around the world today, doing good things for people but not preaching what it takes to be saved.
d. What good does it do to feed a child/adult and save it/them physically if only they die/separated from God eternally. Mat 10:28
C. Are the Lord’s churches hands healing the afflicted souls of men?
1. What is/churches their mission program like?
2. Is there a burden for lost souls by each member and the body as a whole? Are they/we encouraging them to reach the lost w/the gospel?
3. Are they/we praying for lost souls to be saved?
4. Are they actively sharing the gospel in their own area of responsibility?
D. Having soup kitchens, and food/lodging/farming, etc. programs are great if the spiritual need is taken care of as well. Our CHURCH POLICY: No money/help w/o hearing the gospel.
1. Why are the hands of the body of Christ not healing the souls of men?
2. Does our body, FBC, have healing hands through Christ. Are we fulfilling the Great Commission of Christ? Mat 28:19
3. Are we comforting the struggling and hurt souls of men/women?
III. If we are members of His body, the question is: Why are His Words not teaching?
A. Are we just speaking the easy words of God? “Jesus loves you!”
1. The Bible tells us that the Word of God is quick, and powerful and sharper than any two-edged sword, cutting asunder of the soul and spirit. Heb 4:12
a. The Word cuts to the quick, it did the Jews and they wanted to kill Jesus for it. It can hurt if we are honest!
b. Churches calling themselves the body of Christ don’t always preach the Whole word/counsel of God, only what won’t offend the members.
c. If the Word is not taught and preached it cannot be learned. The H.S. doesn’t have anything to work with. Jn 14:26b
d. Our teachers/each of us have a great responsibility to teach Jesus’ words no matter what, so do I!
B. Many fundamental churches are not growing numerically today because they do not preach the whole counsel of God. Just the fluffy/easy stuff.
1. It is better to please God than to please man. Stick by the stuff, teach even the hard things of God’s Word. Acts 5:29 Live it as well.
2. The Holy Spirit uses the Word of God in our lives to speak to us, and reveal, guide and teach us how to live for Christ. Jn 14:26,16:12
C. The Word of God won’t teach, if it is not spoken. 1Cor 1:17-18
1. Here at FBCW, we are like the apostle Paul, we teach/preach “Christ crucified” whether a stumbling block or foolishness, it is the power and wisdom of God unto salvation. 1Cor1:23
2. The Word of God should be like a burning fire in the hearts of men if it is spoken. Lk 24:32
IV. If we are members of His body, why are His feet not Going? Mat 28:19Go ye
A. It’s easy to send others, but are you personally going where we can? Wherever we are given opportunity! Lk 8:39
1. I am thrilled about our mission’s program considering where we were only a few short years ago. But we are only beginning to do what Jesus commanded His churches to do. We now also have J/R; Homeless; CBS door knocking and mailings.
2. We can do more and I will encourage us at every opportunity to do more.
a. In the world, in our region, and in our community.
b. Give more, pray more, encourage more, do more for the cause of Christ, work while we have light, the night is coming when we won’t be able to. Jn 9:4
B. Too many churches today send missionaries with a social gospel, not just the plain gospel.
1. Many churches don’t do that much.
2. The feet of Jesus are not moving. They just stand still/sit there and sing songs and claim to worship God.
3. If we want to worship God and please God, then we have to go as a church. Fulfill the great commission. Worship is action, not stagnancy!
C. Here I go again! What is each of you/us doing, are you a foot that is not going/walking? (like the old secular song, These boots ain’t made for walking- maybe you can’t walk but you can talk).
1. We are but few, and many can’t go far, but they can still go.
2. One day we will have more and we must encourage them to go if they are called by God to do so.
a. Don’t ever say, I won’t…, the blessing is in being willing to go as much as going itself. Don’t miss out on God’s blessing!
b. God has put up the recruiting poster “God wants you
3. I look forward to the day when God will use this body to send pastors and missionaries from our own church/body.
V. Finally: If we are members of His body, the question should also be: why doesn’t the world/believers see the love of God In our church and/or in us!
A. Through Christ, He has shown His love for us, Jesus is the only way for His
love to save us. 1Jn 5:19-21
1. Jn 14:6I am the way the truth and the life, no man cometh unto the Father but by me
2. Jesus came to this world not to judge but to save. Jn 12:47 Though he will one day judge everyone. Jn 5:22
3. Jn 3:16 Tells us of the great love of God for those who will believe on His Son.
a. The gift is for everyone, but if a gift is unopened or unreceived is not a gift and there is no benefit for anyone. Rom 6:23
B. Through the Love of God to us, when we receive Jesus as Lord and Savior we have the ability to love like He does to others.
1. Are we showing that love in spite of their being hard to love?
2. Do we love others in greater ways than we did before?
3. Can people see the love of Jesus in us through the fruit of the Spirit? Gal 5:22-23
C. If our body, FBCW, can’t show the love of God and His word in us, we won’t grow or function as a whole or healthy body. Acts 2:42
1. It will limit the number of functioning members to do the work God has called us to.
2. Don’t just shake a hand, which is good, but be sincere, truly love the brethren and our visitors for coming, & take an interest in their life as much as possible. (it would be helpful to know those who sit in front of you)
3. Befriend our visitors and spend as much time as possible with our existing members. Make it a ministry to disciple them, yourself.
D. Why doesn’t the world see the love of God in His body, it’s because professing believers are either not saved or not spiritually mature and/or some just don’t care.
1. If we are saved, we should have a burden for souls, we will then naturally love people. “Hearts for the Harvest” We should ask God to break our hearts for souls.
2. As mature Christians, we should have a greater capacity to love.
a. We also should have a capacity to forgive & restore. Gal 6:1
b. If we don’t have these things, you must ask yourself, why?
c. Once you know the answer, do something about it.
3. Then, with the Word of God, doing the will of God, you can do the work of God. And the world will see the love of God in you and consequently in this body called FBCW.
a. Let us endeavor to honestly examine ourselves, then look around, and ask does the world see the love of Jesus in us.
b. Is this body full functioning and not just talking about love, but actively pursuing and sharing it.
c. Or are we hindering the work and growth of this, Jesus’ body.
CLOSING: Are we of First Baptist Church of Westminster functioning as a healthy body with Christ as our head or are we as many of the bodies of this world sick and dysfunctional? Let us purpose to do be a healthy body, exercise our faith, and eat a proper diet of the Word of God and will be a resource for Jesus to use.
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