The Principles of First Fruit Offering

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I. Introduction

A. Definition of the principle of first fruits - The principle of first fruits involves giving the first and best of what we have to God as an expression of our gratitude, trust, and faith. The Hebrew word for "first fruits" is bikkurim, which means "the first of the ripened crops or fruits."
B. Importance of the principle of first fruits - The principle of first fruits is a biblical concept that has been present throughout history, and it is still relevant today. It is a way of putting God first in our lives and prioritizing our relationship with Him above all else.
C. Purpose of the teaching - The purpose of this teaching is to explore the biblical basis and practical applications of the principle of first fruits.

II. Biblical Basis of the Principle of First Fruits

A. Genesis 4:4 - Abel's offering of the firstborn of his flock - Abel brought the "fat portions from some of the firstborn of his flock" as an offering to the Lord. The Hebrew word for "firstborn" is bekor, which means "firstborn, chief, or best."
B. Exodus 23:19 - Commandment to bring the first fruits of the harvest to the Lord - God commanded the Israelites to bring the first fruits of their harvest to the Lord as an offering. The Hebrew word for "first fruits" is bikkurim, which means "the first of the ripened crops or fruits."
C. Proverbs 3:9-10 - Call to honor the Lord with the first fruits of our wealth - The writer of Proverbs exhorts us to honor the Lord with our wealth and with the first fruits of all our crops. The Hebrew word for "first fruits" is reshit, which means "the first, chief, or best."
D. Ezekiel 44:30 - God commanded the Levites to bring the first fruits of their grain, wine, and oil to the priests, who minister to the Lord. The Hebrew word for "minister" is sharath, which means "to serve, attend to, or minister to."

III. Understanding the Difference Between Tithes, Offerings, and First Fruit Offerings

A. Tithes - 10% of our income given to the church - The word "tithe" comes from the Hebrew word ma'aser, which means "tenth." Tithing involves giving 10% of our income to support the work of the church and those who serve in ministry.
B. Offerings - Voluntary gifts given above and beyond tithes - Offerings are gifts that we give voluntarily to support specific ministries, missions, or other causes that we feel called to support.
C. First Fruit Offerings - Giving the first and best of our income or resources to God - First fruit offerings involve giving the first and best of our income or resources to God as an expression of our gratitude, trust, and faith. The Greek word for "first fruits" is aparche, which means "the first or the best."

IV. The Purpose and Benefits of Giving First Fruits

A. Expressing gratitude and trust in God - Giving our first fruits is a way of expressing our gratitude to God for all that He has done for us and showing our trust in Him to provide for our needs.
B. Putting God first in our lives - Giving our first fruits is a way of putting God first in our lives and prioritizing our relationship with Him above all else.
C. Honoring God with our resources - Giving our first fruits is a way of honoring God with our resources and acknowledging that everything we have comes from Him.
D. Opening ourselves up to blessings and abundance from God - When we give our first fruits to God, we open ourselves up to blessings and abundance from Him.

V. To Whom Should We Give First Fruits?

A. Giving to God - We should give our first fruits to God as an expression of our gratitude, trust, and faith.
B. Giving to those who minister to us - In Ezekiel 44:30, God commanded the Levites to bring the first fruits of their grain, wine, and oil to the priests, who minister to the Lord. This principle can apply to our modern-day context, where we can give our first fruits to those who minister to us, such as pastors, teachers, and missionaries.

VI. Applying the Principle of First Fruits to Our Lives

A. Steps to take in giving first fruits - We can give our first fruits by determining what our first fruits are, making a plan for giving our first fruits, and giving our first fruits with a joyful heart.
B. Overcoming challenges and objections to giving first fruits - We can overcome challenges and objections to giving our first fruits by seeking God's guidance and trusting in His provision.
C. Creating a culture of first fruits giving in our families and communities - We can encourage others to embrace the principle of first fruits by setting an example of generous giving and sharing the blessings that come from honoring God with our resources.

VII. Conclusion

A. Recap of key points - The principle of first fruits involves giving the first and best of what we have to God as an expression of our gratitude, trust, and faith. Tithes, offerings, and first fruit offerings are different types of giving that all play a role in supporting the work of the church and advancing God's kingdom on earth.
B. Call to action to apply the principle of first fruits in our lives - We are called to put God first in our lives and honor Him with our resources by giving our first fruits. Let us commit to embracing this biblical principle and experiencing the blessings that come from faithful giving.
C. Prayer and benediction - Let us pray for God's guidance and provision as we seek to honor Him with our first fruits, and may His blessings overflow in our lives and communities. Amen.
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