Dont Walk Away from the Game
Don't Walk Away From The Game
We should be about our Fathers Business.
Why? Whats the Big Deal?
The future (eschatological) kingdom will be an outwardly manifested kingdom over which Christ will reign in power and glory. The future kingdom of God will prevail over the whole earth and will fulfill the Old Testament prophecies to the faithful remnant of Israel, concerning Messiah’s reign upon the throne of David (Isa. 9:6–7; 11:1–10; 24:23; 32:13; Dan. 2:44; 7:18–27; Mic. 4:7). The New Testament saints will rule and reign with Christ as kings and priests (Matt. 25:21–23; 1 Tim. 6:14–15; Rev. 5:9–10; 19:14–16; 20:4–6). The thousand-year reign of Christ over the earth is known as His millennial reign. Although the word millennium does not occur in the Bible, it is the Latin word for “thousand years” (Rev. 20:4–6)
1.Scripture tells us that there are two conditions for reigning with Christ . The first of these conditions is ‘Enduring to the end.’
Count it a privilege that every believer is under the rule of God now and
will participate in serving the Lord in the coming millennial kingdom