TeamTime #2-Mankind & Sin
Pastor Kevin Harris
2023 German Soccer Camp • Sermon • Submitted • Presented
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· 3 viewsGod clearly defines what sin is. We all have had sin blocking our relationship with God and barring our access to his holy presence.
You’ll remember that our theme verse for this week talks about Jesus quick return...
7 “Look, I am coming soon! Blessed is the one who keeps the words of the prophecy of this book.”
Recordarán que nuestro versículo temático de esta semana habla del pronto regreso de Jesús...
7 «Por tanto, Yo vengo pronto. Bienaventurado el que guarda las palabras de la profecía de este libro».
And from this verse we’re reminded that we must keep God’s word, understand what it says, and live it daily—that’s what it means to keep the words of the book.
Y a partir de este versículo se nos recuerda que debemos guardar la palabra de Dios, entender lo que dice y vivirlo a diario; eso es lo que significa guardar las palabras del libro.
Yesterday we looked at the truth about God creating the world and that he declared that everything he had made was good.
Ayer vimos que Dios creó el mundo y que declaró que todo lo que había hecho era bueno.
Today we are reminded that everything took a turn when the first man and woman made a choice that kind of ruined everything that God had declared to be good.
Hoy se nos recuerda que todo dio un giro cuando el primer hombre y la primera mujer hicieron una elección que en cierto modo arruinó todo lo que Dios había declarado que era bueno.
Does anybody know what that choice was? [Adam and Eve made a choice to eat the forbidden fruit and sin entered the world.]
[Adán y Eva decidieron comer el fruto prohibido y el pecado entró en el mundo.]
God Is Holy
God Is Holy
One of the things that we need to understand is that God is holy. That means he is pure and clean. He is so pure that he cannot live along something that is not clean.
Una de las cosas que tenemos que entender es que Dios es santo. Eso significa que es puro y limpio. El es tan puro que no puede vivir con algo que no es limpio.
Have your parents ever bought you some new clothes and told you to keep them clean? Not to get them dirty?
That’s something like God, when he has to keep himself separate from sin.
When we sin it separates us from God in such a way that we can no longer be close to him.
Cuando pecamos nos separamos de Dios de tal manera que ya no podemos estar cerca de Él.
The first part of our verse for today tells us that we all are sinful and separated from God...
23 For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God;
23 por cuanto todos pecaron y no alcanzan la gloria de Dios.
This sin that we have within us from birth keeps us from being with God and relating to him. Sin is more than something that we do, it is something that changes who we are and keeps us from being able to fulfill our relationship with God.
Este pecado que llevamos dentro desde que nacemos nos impide estar con Dios y relacionarnos con él. El pecado es más que algo que hacemos, es algo que cambia lo que somos y nos impide realizar nuestra relación con Dios.
However, God provided a way that we can be forgiven of our sin. This allows us to enter into God’s presence and experience his glory.
Sin embargo, Dios proveyó un camino para que podamos ser perdonados de nuestro pecado. Esto nos permite entrar en la presencia de Dios y experimentar su gloria.
Let’s look at the second part of our passage for today...
24 they are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus.
24 Todos son justificados gratuitamente por Su gracia por medio de la redención que es en Cristo Jesús,
The justification and redemption that this verse talks about comes to us through Jesus Christ.
When we choose to follow Jesus and believe in him, we can be made right with God. Who wants to be with God and be able to be with him?
Cuando elegimos seguir a Jesús y creer en él, podemos quedar bien con Dios. ¿Quién quiere estar con Dios y poder estar con él?
This is a lifelong transformation that takes place in us as we continue to study God’s word, learn from it and apply it to our lives.
While we often choose to live in our sinful state, we have free access to God’s forgiveness. We can choose to confess our sins to God to find forgiveness at any time. But sometimes we choose to sin and this cuts us off from the power that we have in God, through his Spirit, who continues to be with us.
Aunque a menudo elegimos vivir en nuestro estado pecaminoso, tenemos libre acceso al perdón de Dios. Podemos elegir confesar nuestros pecados a Dios para encontrar el perdón en cualquier momento. Pero a veces elegimos pecar y esto nos separa del poder que tenemos en Dios, a través de su Espíritu, que sigue estando con nosotros.
Tonight and this week you have the opportunity to choose to accept Jesus Christ as your Savior by believing in him and asking him to save you from your sins—you might be here tonight and know who Jesus is, but not have access to everything that he has to offer.
Tienes la oportunidad esta noche y esta semana de elegir a Jesucristo creyendo en él y pidiéndole que te salve de tus pecados.
You can choose to believe in Jesus Christ and ask God for forgiveness of your sins. It’s simply a matter of praying to Jesus, “Jesus, I know that I am a sinner. I choose to turn away from my sin and accept you and your forgiveness. I believe in you and what you did for me. I accept you as my Lord and choose to follow you. Amen”
Puedes elegir creer en Jesucristo y pedir a Dios el perdón de tus pecados. Es simplemente cuestión de rezarle a Jesús: "Jesús, sé que soy un pecador. Elijo alejarme de mi pecado y aceptarte a ti y a tu perdón. Creo en ti y en lo que hiciste por mí. Te acepto como mi Señor y elijo seguirte. Amén".
We’re going to talk more tomorrow about Jesus and how he brought us this forgiveness. If you want to know more about that or you prayed that prayer with me for the first time, I want you to talk to your coach or one of his helpers or come talk to me or Pastor Joe.