The Protector Shepherd
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Intimacy of the shepherd-sheep relationship
READ: John 10:1-18 (focus on the protective shepherd)
Three Required Sheepfold Elements
Three Required Sheepfold Elements
RECALL: External influences
Internal influences
Jesus: If I have to step in myself, personally, I will
Here, He will use metaphor of Shepherd to get His point(s) across
1) Hearing the Shepherd’s Voice
1) Hearing the Shepherd’s Voice
Jesus starts with “Truly, truly” = Amen (An alarm, alert, to get attention)
Context here is one of a hostile environment (world, self)
Recognizing Him
Isaiah 61 text >> Luke 4 fulfillment
Knowing His Word
Discerning what is not
True sheep of the shepherd will not follow a strange voice
Call a child by wrong name, no response
Notice here, the Shepherd is the one who knows the names of the sheep
And the sheep simply know that the Shepherd IS - God IS (I Am)
Sugar - body treats as toxin, white cells fill up with it, and can’t fight disease as they should (but sugar is sweet and good)
False teaching - is a poison, but is tickles the ears, “tastes” good because it promises an easier life (just be a good person, just go to church once in a while, enjoy yourself and the good life you deserve…) - all the while, it’s killing you, spiritually, and you don’t realize
Both are tough habits to break - must know and accept what is true
True sheep are healthy, because they entrust their care to the Shepherd
True sheep are with the Shepherd - because they WANT to be (the shepherd doesn’t NEED them)
True sheep are healthy, spiritually, because they WANT to be
Being open to listen for Him (also element of Hearing the Shepherd’s voice)
‘Behold, I stand at the door and knock; if anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and will dine with him, and he with Me.
This passage is to the church - that church (Laodicea) is struggling to hear the Savior
When did YOU hear His voice? Have you, really? When did you decide to be a sheep, to surrender and follow? (Jesus does not “trap” sheep)
If you have not heard His voice, maybe it’s because He does not know you personally...
Scripture is full of calls to listen to the LORD
Thus says the Lord; Behold; Truly, truly (“Amen”); He who has ears, let him hear
The Shepherd calls, do you hear?
(Second element of the Sheepfold here…)
2) Entering HIS Way!
2) Entering HIS Way!
One way, one gate, entrance on His terms
Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but through Me.
“And there is salvation in no one else; for there is no other name under heaven that has been given among men by which we must be saved.”
so that at the name of Jesus every knee will bow, of those who are in heaven and on earth and under the earth,
There is no bargaining - our opinion is not important when it comes to salvation, truly being in the sheepfold
Jesus says “I am the way” - you can disagree, you have the right to be wrong
False teachers, enemies, “predators+ - cause confusion among the sheep
There is much confusion today - pluralism
If there were other ways to the Father (besides personal repentance, personal trust) - Jesus would have told us
He didn’t - HIS WAY, so.....(third element of the sheepfold...)
3) Submitting to His Leadership
3) Submitting to His Leadership
The shepherd leads - goes before the flock and encounters the problems they will face, FIRST
Sheep are not affected by outside distractions when they are locked in to follow
They know they are safe, they know distractions lead to trouble
Forget sometimes, but for the most part, they know
His leadership involves protection - ultimate protection
Shepherd would lay in the opening at night, to protect the sheep from predators
This also served to protect the sheep by keeping them from leaving the sheepfold
Sheep want to stray, tempted to stray
True sheep will get to that point, see the shepherd, and stay, knowing they are safe - even when they can see what lies beyond the gate - tempting
His leadership involves love/selflessness
Shown (SHOWN) by action
The Good Shepherd lays down his life for His sheep
The sheepfold that is eternal life with the Shepherd was costly to the Shepherd
The cost to the sheep is to surrender
Forsake the old life
Surrender to the new life
Shepherd Loves and Invites Other Sheep
Shepherd Loves and Invites Other Sheep
And He expects the sheep to faithfully follow, so others can join the sheepfold
The Father loves the Son
10:17 - literally - “Because the Father loves Me, that is the reason I lay down my life”
This love led to the Son’s willingness to die for the sheep
The Son knows this love, so He was willing to die to save you
John’s Gospel - starts with “Jesus is God”
The resurrection is already settled, the reason we have the Way opened
Laying down His life was only part of Jesus’ purpose
Taking it up again - the climax to His purpose - the resurrection
The Shepherd encounters the problems of the sheep - FIRST
The Shepherd died and was resurrected - FIRST
Now…this is open to anyone to be one of his sheep
The Good Shepherd
Calls out
Provides the way of entry
The Good Shepherd Expects
Decision to enter
We serve the awesome, Good Shepherd
I’m glad to be in His sheepfold? You?