Jesus is Lord Over Disease and Death
Reading inverse number 21, As We are continuing and our study, Through The Book of Mark, The Gospel According to mark. Mark chapter number 5, inverse number 21.
Just now when Jesus had crossed over again by boat to the other side, a great multitude, gather to him and was by the Sea and behold. One of the rulers of the synagogue came Jarius by name and when he saw him, he fell at his feet and beg him earnestly saying, my little daughter lies, at the point of death, come and lay your hands on her that she may be healed. And she will live So Jesus went with him and great multitude followed him and thrown him. Now, a certain woman had a flow of blood for 12 years. And that suffered many things from many Physicians. She spent all she all that she had and was no better, but rather grew worse. When she heard about Jesus, she came behind him in the crowd and touched His Garment. For she said, if only I may touch his clothes, I shall be made. Well, immediately, the Fountain of her blood was dried up and she felt in her body that she was healed of the Affliction. In Jesus, immediately knowing in himself that power had gone out of him turned around in the crowd and said, who touched my clothes? but his disciples said to him, you see the multitude thronging you and you say who touched me? He looked around to see her who had done this thing, but the woman fearing and trembling knowing what had happened to her. Came and fell down before him and told him the whole truth. And he said to her daughter, your faith has made you. Well go in peace and be healed of your Affliction. Let's pray I gracious and kind Heavenly. Father lord it's been so good already to say that we have been in this place to sing the songs that have reminded us of your immense power. And that just lies in your name. Father, we pray that in the name of Jesus that you would meet with us in a very special way. I pray that the scriptures Lord would be illuminated to our hearts and Minds. I pray that you would give us the gift of understanding your word. I pray, the Lord for those who are here that do not know your son. Jesus. I pray that you would give them saving illumination that they would come to the knowledge. Have your dear son. And today would come and call upon your son Jesus by faith to save their soul. Father we pray that you bless each and every person here and Lord, all those who are sick and those who are traveling father, we pray for them. We love you. We ask all of these things in Christ name, amen.
the overarching theme of that Mark has been emphasizing from the end of chapter 4. And now in in 2, chapter 5, that overarching seem is the lordship of Christ that Jesus Christ is Lord. As we continue in chapter 5, many theologians have called this chapter, the home of the incurables. The cause in this chapter, we read of the three great Terrors of mankind. Here in chapter 5, we read of demons of a demon-possessed man wearied of a disease woman and wearied of a young girl who was touched my dad. However, as we have seen in the past few weeks, when Jesus shows up everything changes, a man A couple of Sundays ago, we saw how Jesus is Lord over the storm. Last week, we saw how Jesus is Lord over Satan. And this week, we are going to be looking at how Jesus is Lord over disease and even death. A chapter 5 also shows us the diverse reach of Jesus's saving power of her example. In verses 1 through 20, I we see our Lord Is Man's savior. And verses 21 through 34, we see how our Lord is a woman's Savior and then in the last part of chapter 5, we see how our Lord is a child's savior. So chapter 5 also displays God's power that reaches two contrasting segments of society. For example, on one hand chapter 5 focuses on an outcast woman, who has been suffering from a horrible Hemorrhage. A horrible bleeding for some 12 years. Are the haemorrhage rendered her according to Jewish law, ceremonially unclean, which meant that she was a transmitter of uncleanness to anyone who would come in contact with her. And so therefore she was ostracised from normal society, she was banned from Worship in the synagogue or in the temple. And in her desperate situation, she pursued medical help. As Mark tells us, she suffered many things from many positions, does that mean that she suffered many things from many Physicians? Well, in the talmud, which is the collection of all the Jewish law and tradition? He gave 11 different cures for this specific sickness. Some were potions. But others were mere superstitious craziness. And very likely this woman tried these remedies, but to no avail and Mark says that she had spent all that she had yet instead of getting better, she got worse. So this Outkast woman was broke. She was cut off from home, she was cut off from society. She was cut off from religion and she is in declining. Helping you would say, if you saw this woman prior to her touching Jesus, she was at the very bottom I'll be societal ladder in that day. On the other hand, there was The prominent family of Darius, it was a leader of the synagogue. And many Bible scholars believe that he was the head ruler of the synagogue if so he was locked in as the president of the board of Elders and responsible, then for the conduct of services. He was a prominent man. He was a man of wealth. Jarius was a man of great prestige. But he was an equally great knee just as his Outcast woman. What This 12 year old daughter. Was sick Nyan to death. She had been the joy of his life and Luke houses and Luke chapter 8 that this was his only daughter. And now, this Joy was about to depart from him. Maybe some of you have been where Jarius is at. And you have had a son or a daughter who was near death.
And only a parent would understand the predicament that Jerry has found himself in Jarius, probably thoughts. Just take my life. Not hers. Darius and his wife were emotionally at the bottom. We also see here to desperate representations of society. 1 rich. The other poor. One who was accepted the other who was rejected. One, who was, I had familial relations had a family, the other was all alone. And both of them were in need of Supernatural. Hell. After 12 years, the girl, and the woman have lead such different lives. But now, through adversity, had found their souls bound together. And they were both going to be recipients of God's saving power. The first thing I want you to notice with me this morning is this Jesus hears, the Cry of the distressed. Jesus hears, the Cry of the distressed. Jarrius comes to Jesus distressed. This woman comes to Jesus distressed and Jesus hears the cry. We see the same theme in the stories that were just preceding this particular story. Jesus calming, the sea and Jesus healing the demon-possessed, man. And all of those stories, we see that Jesus cares for those who are in distress. He cares for those who are in trouble. You think of the trouble, the disciples found themselves in in the previous chapter as they found themselves in that horrible storm, and they thought for sure, that they were going to die upon the Sea of Galilee, they knew that they were in trouble. We think of the trouble of the demoniac there in the Gatherings. There's a man walking around a graveyard. He lives among the graveyard walked about naked cutting himself.
Totally possessed by many demons. But Jesus cared so much for this man that he travel through stormy seas to get to him. Jesus cares for those who are in trouble. Notice also that Jesus is the omnipotent God. We learn that he has a 40 over what is impossible for you. And I That nature and demons and diseases, and even death. Surrender completely and even immediately to his Sovereign Authority.
Notice as we think about this.
We can come to Jesus with our request. Hey man, we can come to Jesus with our request. We see this a 21 now when Jesus had cross over again by the boat to the other side, it has just come back from the Gatherings. From healing that demonic. Possessed man. A great multitude gather to him and he was by the Sea and behold. One of the rulers of the synagogue, came Jerry my name and when he saw him, he fell at his feet and begged him earnestly saying my little daughter lies, at the point of death come and lay your hands on her that she may be healed. And she will live So here we see in chapter 5 once again a large crowd had gathered around the Lord Jesus Christ, a great multitude had gathered, but in the midst of this massive crowd, a Man shows up by the name of Jairus, the ruler of the synagogue, he was a Man of Distinction. He was a man of respect. He was a man in good standing with the with the society but yet this man does something that's all the other religious leaders of his day did not do the shows. Jesus complete humility. Basically, he begs Jesus on his knees with his face to the ground, his little girl is dying.
and in spite of the growing opposition that the religious leaders had against Jesus, Jarrius bucks that trend. And he comes to Jesus humbling. I can just imagine that the crowd must have stood silence watching this prominent man. This Man of Distinction begging. The Lord Jesus Christ.
See Jarius was no friend. He was no previous friend of Jesus. Jesus was an outsider. He was considered as an outcast. Jesus had been accused by Jerry Lewis and his friends, the religious establishment of heresy. But yeah, we find Jarius coming to Jesus. Even more amazing than that. We find Jarius Bowing in humility. He's pleading with all he had for his little daughter. This, this was an amazing scene.
But even with his coming to Jesus, even with his coming in his humility to Jesus, we must not mistakenly. Think that Jerry has had become a great man and a fake. We must not think that g that Jerry is had suddenly become a follower of Jesus. The simple fact was he was desperate. He was desperate and in his desperation, he received a small measure of faith in the Lord Jesus. You. No doubt heard of all the miracles of Jesus. He maybe have even talked to those have been healed by Jesus. So we come to Jesus with his request. But notice also we must come to Jesus. Insight. we must come to Jesus in faith verse 23, tells us
You begged him earnestly saying, my little daughter lies, at the point of death, come, and lay your hands on her that she may be healed. And she will live Jesus went with him and a great multitude, followed him and thrown him. So, as I said earlier, in his desperation, Jarius received a Measure of Faith, and in this Jarius was like, so many of us in our coming to Christ. You see it was not Jarius his love for Christ, that brought him to Christ. No, it was not what he could do for Christ that brought him for Christ. What was it that brought him to Christ? It was Jerry's, his need that brought him to throw Jarius was in total despair. One. Pastor said it this way. This pair is commonly the Prelude to Grace and I believe that's true. God uses many times the desperate times of Our Lives to bring us. To himself by grace. Jarius came to Jesus because he believed he believed Jesus could do for him. What no one else could do? And in this, his humble faith is a model that we all should emulate.
That's, we shall see Jerry as his faith was going to bring great rewards.
we noticed that Mark record that Jesus then after seeing and hearing of Jerry's his plea, he immediately set out with Jarius there was no hesitation verse 24 tells us that So, Jesus responded. To Jarius and his faith. He responded to his knee. But as they went, remember, a large crowd had followed, and they were pressed about the scripture tells us. and think about this, if you're Jarius, How is crocheting? This must have been for him? Jarius is in a hurry, he's ready to get home to his daughter who is very near death. He's got to get Jesus from point A to point B and there is no time for hesitation, but Jesus is being pressed about And so you can imagine the frustration that Jerry's felted, be much like that in an ambulance, but yet that ambulance on the way to the hospitals in a traffic jam.
and then, all of a sudden, Everything comes to a standing Hall. Notice, secondly, that Jesus feels the pain. Adidas East. Jesus feels the pain of the disease. And what occurs in these next verses? Really the only way that we can truly appreciate them is to again understand the urgency of the situation. However version it was for Jesus to get to Jerry's home but also you've got to understand the Hebrew laws concerning ceremonial uncleanness. Those two things have got to be understood for us to really appreciate this particular Passage. We learn In this passage of scripture that Jesus is not too busy and one task to stop and help. Someone else who is hurting Especially one, who is determined and humbling? Has faith in him. This teaches us that we can approach Jesus in our suffering. We can approach Jesus in our suffering. Verse 24 tells is this Jesus went with him and a great multitude, followed him and thrown him. Now, a certain woman had a flow of blood for 12 years and had suffered many things from many Physicians. She had spent all that she had was no better, but rather grew worse. When she heard about Jesus, she came behind him in the crowd and touched His Garment. So again the crowd is still there, there is total chaos. There is total just Bedlam I guess you could say. Jesus is trying to follow Jerry's, he's trying to get to where Jerry is home is at, but then a woman suddenly appears this woman who has a blood disorder, making her ceremonially unclean. She's forbidden access to the temple. She's been sick for some 12 years. He comes. She comes and appears on the scene. And that's a pointed out earlier. This woman was the antithesis of Jarius, the total opposite of Jarius Jarius was a highly respected leader of the synagogue. This woman was a social outcast. She was ostracized from Jewish society and even Jewish religious life. And while Jerry is had known 12 years of joy in 12 years of happiness with his daughter. This woman had experienced 12 years of heartache and 12 years of rejection because of her illness.
But yet. She and Jerry as though. They are opposites in many many ways. They shared one thing in common, They both knew that Jesus was their only hope. They both knew that. This is why this woman did what she did. This is why she did the unthinkable. This is why she did the Unspeakable acceptable thing she Out Of Reach Out And touched him and immediately. She felt healing flow through her body and she was made whole noticed this and verse 28, that we must approach Jesus in faith.
She said, if only I may touch his clothes, I shall be made. Well In the meatly, the Fountain of her blood was dried up and she felt in her by that, she was healed of the Affliction and Jesus, immediately knowing in himself at Power had gone out of him, turned around in the crowd and said, who touched my clothes? But his disciples said to him, you can see the multitude thronging surrounding you and you say who touched me. And he looked around to see her who had done this thing. But the woman fearing and trembling knowing what had happened to her, came and fell down before him and told him the whole truth. The blood without a word Jesus is power. Completely killed her. The same power in which he used to make the Raging Sea, in the same power that he used to speak the demons out of that, the demoniac in the Gathering. The same power he used to heal. This Woman's long-standing illness. And with that in mind, Jesus turn around in the crowd and said, who touched my garments? I understand here that his question was not motivated by ignorance, okay?
He knew whom he got healed, but in order, he asked this question in order to pull the woman out of the crowd to let others know who was healed. And as was typical of Jesus's disciples, they did not understand what he was doing. Looking around, they said to him you see the crowd thronging you are pressing in on you and you say who touched me? That were thronging is the word can be translated pressing. It means to compress or to jam2 it indicates you that Jesus was completely crampy and he was jammed in. He was being touched and enclosed by the people on all sides of him. And so from a human point of view, the disciples asked and obvious question. There were so many people in close proximity to Jesus that it seemed impossible for him to try to single out just one person who touched him. But from the Divine perspective, the Lord knew precisely to whom he was referring and he looked around to see the woman who had done this, and she had wanted to hide but she knew Jesus was speaking to directly to her. So the woman fearing and trembling aware of what had happened to her came then and fell down before him and told him the whole truth. With that said, we need to understand this woman's face. At its core. Was imperfect fake, but it was real face none-the-less. Amen. It was in Perfect babe, but it was real nonetheless and Christ honored in price honored her in perfect faith. And Bob listen. Still does the same thing today. Hopeless and beginning phase. Beginning faith is often times imperfect faith. And we can take courage in this. That one does not need to have it all figured out. To possess a faith, which pleases God. This is why. Oftentimes saves those who know virtually no theology. Oftentimes those who come to Faith in Jesus Christ. Know nothing about the doctrine of justification then do nothing by the doctrine of scripture. They know nothing about the doctrine of the trinity. Now this just does not minimize deep understanding, which is something that God uses to make our faith larger, but the point is a faith that pleases God does not belong only to the informed Elite or the some theologian. The other thing we see in this passage of scripture, that Christ, instructs, real Faith, the instructor real face, even if it is imperfect, look at this number 34.
And he said to her daughter, your faith has made you. Well, Go in peace and be healed of your Affliction. We noticed your how Tinder Jesus was to this lady. This was the only recorded instance of Jesus addressing a grown woman as daughter.
Jesus said to her daughter, your faith has healed you Not your touch.
Your touch did not heal you. It is not your Superstition that field you. It is not magic but your face
and listen, her faith may have been a small as a tiny Mustard Seed, but Jesus saw it a man, Jesus honored it and Jesus developed that small fee
And this is why Jesus called her before the multitude. Because this woman here represents Humanity All of us because just like this woman, we have been ostracized. We have been alienated from a holy God because of our sin because of all uncleanness.
And like this lady, many have spent our we spend our resources, trying to find remedies that really do not work for us. Flea. Many try to Remedy Our alienation from God by just joining a church.
Are many try to just do something as baptism or turning over a new Leaf, whatever the case is. But those remedies, those are faults remedies, that do not work.
I praise the Lord, Christ comes to us from the cross. Trump's he comes to us from the cross and we need only to touch him by faith. And as you do, you do not fear that he will not respond. I thought you come to him by faith. He will respond. You do not fear that, you are too ignorant to come to Jesus by faith. Now, listen, the only thing you should fear.
Is that you will let him pass without reaching out to him in face? And blood. Listen to me. He's passing by This morning.
Going back to our Passage. No Doubt. At this very Point Jarius was very frustrated. Time is of the essence and time is running out.
You wanted to get going in, this takes us to our third and final point. Jesus has authority over. Jesus has authority over death again. Jarius, at this point is probably filled with anxiety, he is filled with frustration. His daughter is at death's door and in Jared's Is Mine. He's thinking no doubt. This woman has been sick for 12 years She could she could have wait, another 30 minutes. Lord. What we see here.
We can believe in Jesus. Even in spite of dire circumstances. We can believe in Jesus, in spite of the circumstances, things for Jarius appear to go from bad to worse. Notice verse 35. While he was still speaking. Some came from the root of the synagogues house. Who said your daughter is dead. Why trouble? The teacher any further? As soon as Jesus heard the word that was spoken, he said the ruler of the synagogue, do not be afraid. Only believe. Do we see here that Jesus is interrupted with bad news? Jerry's, his daughter is dead. Hope is suddenly gone. but Jesus response to the bad news with a challenge to Jarius, And it is, as if Jesus is saying to Jarius Jarius, despite all the appearances, I am neither distracted. Nor am I interested in your need? Jarius. Listen, I will work in my time. Not others time. I will not be hurried. I will not be dictated believe and watch what I do. we believe in Jesus, in spite of our circumstances but notice we believe in Jesus, regardless of the Skeptics Believe in Jesus, regardless of the Skeptics, verse 37 tells us.
And he permitted, no one to follow him, except Peter James and John, the brother of James.
He came to the house or the ruler of the synagogue and saw a Tomac and those who wept and wailed loudly. and when he came in and he said to them, I make this commotion and weep This child is not dead, but sleeping. And they ridiculed him. But when he had put them all outside, he took the father and the mother of the child and those who were with him and he entered where the child was lying. Jesus and Jerry's, they continued on to Jerry's his house. When they arrived, they found the professional mourners had already made it there. The mourners were wailing. They were crying. They were playing sad Tunes Jewish law require that even the poorest of people have at least one mourner and two flute players. These mourners showed up just as soon as they heard of this desk, I bet begin to. Well, they begin to cry, the begin to scream calling attention that the fact that Dad had entered into this home and they came very quickly because the Jewish custom was to bury the dead before the sun would go down. So since Jerry's was a wealthy man and because he was very well-known, the number of these hired mourners would have been very many and Mark is crimes are noise as a homo. This word describes a large up Roar very loud uproar in Jesus Seasons morning going on. He sees its whaling going on. And Jesus, he reproaches this scene and he makes a rather strange statements. Details, the mourners to stop their wailing because this little girl is not dead. But only sleeping. And what do they do? They laugh at him, they ridicule him.
But there is a lot of Truth. In Jesus words. You see Bobby. There are many people who look at death. As the end of all things. But that is not true at all. They see death as a time of absolute hopelessness. Jesus seems to have a different opinion about death, amen. He calls death sleep. And even says this and John chapter number 9, speaking of Last Resort John chapter number 11 rapper. That was Jesus says, this girl is sleeping. He reveals a proper perspective of death. That went death claims a Believer. When Death claims a child of God, the body lays down and sleep, but the soul flies away to be with the Lord. Amen. And so there is no real dash for the child of God.
Real Bass. Is the separation of the soul from God. Not the body from the soul.
This point. Jesus Takes the inner circle of Peter, James and John. This is the first time, Jesus separates them from the others and he does something marvelous here, I believe he kicks out all the folks in the house or unbelievers. And he, and just those three disciples in the girl's, parents go in. And then we see something in our last set of section of scripture that we can believe in Jesus, because he can be trusted. We can believe Jesus because he can be trusted verse 41 houses that he took the child by the hand and said to her, to lease out to my, which is translated little girl, I say to you arrives and immediately they grow a rose and walked for she was 12 years of age and they were overcome with great amazement but he commanded them strictly that no one should know it and said that something should be given her to eat. Then Jesus again, he does the unthinkable in that culture, in that Jewish culture, and that is he touches the body of a dead person? And for a Jew, that was a You never do that, never do that. Well, he did and with his gentle touch as mom and dad looked on with tears in their eyes. He says to leave to my little girl, I say to you, you get up. And that word kalijai means youth or lamb. Most of the time it was used to speak of a Little Lamb. Someone asks Jesus referred to her as a little lamb and expression of complete endearment and kindness. And think about this. It it mentions that the girl is twelve years old and culturally speaking by now, she would have entered Womanhood at the age of 12. But the creator of our universe saw her as a little lamb. As her parents, surely mute her The response by now should not surprise us immediately. She got up obeying the master In the Bible says, they were immediately overcome with amazement great amazement. Which is one of the great understatements of scripture, amen. He gave a command to keep this quiet wanted to do that. Well, from Messianic reasons. The crowd already to this point was overwhelming in size. They were already. It was already a very dangerous situation where Jesus and his his disciples. If they heard that Jesus now is Raising people from the dead. Wow. It was really escalate out already dangerous situation. So, for Messianic reasons, he tells his disciples in those parents take, don't tell nobody what took place in this home and then he instructed them to give her something to eat. Any did this for practical reasons? This girl have probably not eaten in several days. She's very sick and she needs to be nourished. And so we see here that Jesus is concerned even for her well-being. But this little lady had been completely restored to full health. And Jerry has learned and we learn today Through The Eyes of scripture that we can believe in Jesus, no matter what. We can sing. With faith and confidence. Hallelujah. What a savior he is. Let's pray together. Father We thank you, Lord for your grace. Father, we thank you for this passage of scripture that reminds us.
But, you know, are the stressful situations, you know the trouble that are hurts us. Some things that are. public, and others can see, but Some things that are hidden. Deeper than our heart, that troubles Us in distress Is Us. That we can go to you with our request. We can go with you with our troubles. We can go to you in faith, knowing that you are going to hear us.
It's a father. I pray for everybody. Leave her that it's here that we would have even more confidence. About love and care that you have for your children. The father, we also. Pray, the Lord for those who are here. They're lost. Have never come to faith in Christ and much like this woman and our passage of scripture. We are alienated were ostracized from the kingdom of God. I bother you have made a way. That we can be brought and I unto the father. And that is through your son, the Lord Jesus Christ, the father. I pray that those who do not have a Relationship with Christ a right relationship with Christ. Father, I pray that today would be the day of salvation. I pray that they would Through The Eyes of faith. Come to your son. Jesus, repent of their sins and be saved. Father, we love you and we have to all of these things in Christ name, amen. Let's all stand as you are standing.
if God is speaking to you this morning,
come to him by faith. You may feel that your faith is too weak. You may feel that your faith is too ignorant, but you respond, To Christ by the site, that is giving you and you do not have to fear. Price rejecting you a Christ. Not responding to you, you respond to him, you call out to him. And he will save you. And I will be out in the foyer for your after the service. If you would like to speak with me about anyting spiritually. At that pertain to this sermon or anything else. I love to spend time with you after the service, but may the Lord bless the remainder of this Lord's day as we are dismissed and song.