The Deaf-Mute

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Mark 7:31–37 (ESV)
31 Then he returned from the region of Tyre and went through Sidon to the Sea of Galilee, in the region of the Decapolis.
32 And they brought to him a man who was deaf and had a speech impediment, and they begged him to lay his hand on him.
33 And taking him aside from the crowd privately, he put his fingers into his ears, and after spitting touched his tongue.
34 And looking up to heaven, he sighed and said to him, “Ephphatha,” that is, “Be opened.”
35 And his ears were opened, his tongue was released, and he spoke plainly.
36 And Jesus charged them to tell no one. But the more he charged them, the more zealously they proclaimed it.
37 And they were astonished beyond measure, saying, “He has done all things well. He even makes the deaf hear and the mute speak.”
Here we find Jesus in a predominately Gentile region. Jesus begins the process of breaking down barriers in the culture to remove the distance/access between the Gentiles and God.

The man (vv. 31–37) could neither hear nor speak, but the people were sure that Jesus could heal him (Isa. 35:6). Since the man could not hear the Word and thus have his faith strengthened and could not pray verbally, the Lord used spittle and touch to encourage him. Our Lord’s “sigh” (groan; see 8:12) reminds us of 2 Cor. 5:2 and Rom. 8:22. How His holy soul must have grieved over the sad consequences of sin in the world! Jesus took the man away from the curious crowd and did not make a spectacle of him. Jesus did not want people to follow Him because of His miracles; but the more He told people to keep quiet, the more they talked! On the other hand, He tells us to tell everyone the Good News, and we keep quiet!

The Bible Exposition Commentary Chapter Six: The Servant-Teacher (Mark 7:1–8:26)

Jesus took the man away from the crowd so that the healing would be private and the man would not become a public attraction. Since the man was deaf, he could not hear our Lord’s words, but he could feel Jesus’ fingers in his ear and the touch on his tongue; and this would encourage the man’s faith. The “sigh” was an inward groan, our Lord’s compassionate response to the pain and sorrow sin has brought into the world. It was also a prayer to the Father on behalf of the handicapped man. (The same word is used in connection with prayer in Rom. 8:23, and the noun in Rom. 8:26.)

Ephphatha is an Aramaic word that means “be opened, be released.” The man did not hear Jesus speak, but the creation heard the command of the Creator, and the man was healed. Both the tongue and the ears functioned normally again

that spittle supposedly had a therapeutic function in both the Greco-Roman (e.g., Pliny, Nat. Hist. 28.4.7; Tacitus, Hist. 6.18; Suetonius, Vesp. 7) and the Jewish world

his looking to heaven points to his relation with God from whom he receives the power to feed the hungry, heal the sick and raise the dead.

“He sighed” (ἐστέναξεν). This action has also been taken as a therapeutic gesture with parallels in ancient magical healings

But this gesture too is associated with prayer. It can represent a sign of deep distress that leads to prayer

But the actual healing takes place through Jesus’ authoritative word

Jesus “commanded them” (διεστείλατο αὐτοῖς) turns the attention abruptly back to the “crowd” (7:33) or to those who had brought the man to Jesus (7:32

Mark 20. The Healing of the Deaf Man with a Speech Impediment (7:31–37)

Whether the man “could hardly talk” (NIV) or was mute, i.e., unable to utter any sound, is difficult to decide. The word in the Greek text (mogilalon) properly means speaking with difficulty. It is not found elsewhere in the New Testament and appears in the LXX only in Isa 35:6, where, however, it translates a Hebrew word meaning mute. The statement “began to speak plainly” in v. 35 also suggests the meaning in v. 32 should be “hardly talk,” but the adjective in v. 37 properly means unable to speak at all.

Mark 20. The Healing of the Deaf Man with a Speech Impediment (7:31–37)

Touching a person, using saliva, uttering deep groans, and using foreign words were common in ancient healing stories; but this in no way suggests that Mark invented the details to conform to the usual practice. Inasmuch as Jesus could not speak to the man, touching him was an important way of expressing concern. Looking up to heaven indicates that Jesus prayed for divine help before performing the cure (cf. 6:41). Scholars are uncertain whether “Ephphatha” is Hebrew or Aramaic—probably the latter. If it refers to the healing itself, it must be the opening of the ears to hear (cf. v. 35) rather than the loosening of the tongue to speak; but it may be directed to the whole person.

“What strikes me in this episode is the deeply human and intimate way Jesus dealt with this deaf-mute. Think about how a deaf-mute might respond to this situation with a stranger—fearful, uncomprehending. Jesus leads him away from the crowds to gain his full attention. And instead of words, he uses actions to signal his intent—fingers in the ear and spittle on the tongue...And then the deep sigh, the single Aramaic word that sounds like a sigh, ‘Ephphatha!’ ... It’s interesting that Mark should keep this word, so strange to his Gentile audience. Perhaps he is intent on capturing exactly that deeply human element in the story for his readers and for us. Jesus’s ‘Don’t tell anyone’ is almost a joke. You heal a deaf mute, of all people, and instruct him not to tell anyone. If it were a leper, that might work, but how are you going to keep a healed deaf-mute from talking about it?” (Leonard Vander Zee, “Proper 18B,” Center for Excellence in Preaching, Calvin Seminary, September 3, 2018
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