Word Study on Mountains
Ralph Sorter
Ps. 121:1-8 I will lift up my eyes to the mountains from whence my help comes.
Gen. 8 The ark rested on Mt. Ararat at the end of the flood; the first sacrifice took place there.
Gen. 22 Abraham’s test of faith of offering Isaac was on a mountain.
Ex. 19:18-19 God descended upon Mt. Sinai in fire, smoke, thunder, and an earthquake.
1 Ki. 18 Elijah proves God is greater than Baal on Mt. Carmel.
1 Ki. 19 After Elijah fled from Jezebel, he met God and had a vison of his future task on Mt. Horeb.
Josh. 8:30 Joshua built an altar to God for worship on Mt. Ebal.
Ex. 3 & 4 God called Moses into service on Mt. Horeb to be a deliverer.
Ex. 19:20 God called Moses to the top of Mt. Sinai to give him the Ten Commandments; he stayed 40 days.
Num. 20:23 God spoke to Moses & Aaron on Mt. Hor.
Ex. 17:8-13 Aaron & Hur held up Moses arms on a mountain at Rephidim and their army prevailed.
Deut. 27:12-13 Moses stood on Mt. Gerizim to bless people, and on Mt. Ebal to curse people.
Ex. 33 God showed Moses His glory while on Mt. Sinai.
Deut. 34 Moses got a glimpse of the Promised Land from Mt. Nebo.
Josh. 24 God’s men were buried on mountains: Joshua on Mt. Gaash, Joseph at Shechem, Aaron’s son, Eleazar in the hill country of Ephraim
Num. 20:25 Aron was buried on Mt. Hor, where God had spoken to him.
Judg. 7:2-3 Gideon told Israel that whoever was afraid to go to Mt Gilead and then come back.
Isa. 44:21-23 Because God has wiped out our transgressions, the mountains shout with joy.
2 Sam. 5:7-9 Mt. Zion was the site chosen by David to build the Temple of God and Jerusalem.
Isa. 27:13 On the day of judgment, those scattered will come to the holy mountain at Jerusalem to worship.
Matt. 4:8 One of Jesus’ temptations to prepare Him for ministry was on a mountain.
Matt. 5:1 The world’s most famous sermon of Jesus was on a mountain.
Matt. 14:23 The night before Jesus walked on water, Jesus went up to a mountain to pray by Himself.
Matt. 17:1 Jesus was transfigured with Moses and Elijah on a mountain.
Matt. 24:3 Jesus prophesied the signs of the end times from Mt. Olives.
Matt. 24:16 When the end times begin, those in Judea are to flee to the mountains.
Matt. 26:30 The place Jesus chose to spend His last night on earth was on Mt. Olives; deep prayer and warfare took place there.
Matt. 27:33 Jesus became our redemption on Mt. Calvary – Golgotha.
Matt. 28:16 Jesus’ last words spoken to His disciples and His ascension was from a mountain.
Rev. 16:20 In the last bols of God’s wrath, God causes an earthquake that makes the island mountains slip into the sea.
Isa. 31:4-9
Isa. 8:18
Isa. 40:9-11