John 4:1-42 - Come and See Him! Rumors
When we’re asked to talk about Jesus,
I asked a guy one time to tell me about Jesus and he said:
“Jesus is a cool guy with brown crocks”
Some might talk about the picture of Jesus
Long brown hair with no spit ends
With a long white robe
His upper body doesn’t move when he walks
Picture of Jesus
This is the picture of Jesus that a lot of people think about.
He’s peaceful and etherial
Too perfect for this world
Extremely delicate and fragile
How did He get white?
A white Jew in the Galilee is just not likely.
I don’t think this guy can help me. I don’t think this is the guy that the Bible calls Jesus.
We have so many misconceptions as to who Jesus is, it’s no wonder that many people don’t tell others about Him.
We know facts about Jesus, but some of us don’t know Jesus.
The same was true for the woman in our passage today.
The context
Jesus was traveling, ministering publically around Jerusalem and decided it’s time to head home toward Galilee
It was a long trip from Judea to Samaria alone, and the heat of the day caused Jesus and His disciples to need some rest.
The Jesus from the picture doesn’t look like a guy that would be traveling in grimy conditions, have dirt under his nails, or sweat.
The Jesus that we find in John 4 sounds like a guy that has come to labor and work on behalf and with sinners.
The disciples go into town to get food and Jesus takes a break at this well in Samaria.
Jesus meets this woman there from Samaria
He’s sitting at this well with no cup, no bucket, and asks this woman for a drink.
Her response reveals some cultural issues (v. 9)
Jews and Samaritans had a very broken relationship
They did not get along at all. They hated one another.
Samaritans thought Jews were illegitimate and Jews thought you couldn’t call someone anything worse than a “Samaritan.”
They were the lowest of the low
The scum of people
Some Jews refused to say the word “Samaritan”
They would pray in the Temple that the Lord would not hear the Samaritan’s prayer and that He would not forgive them!
Talk about some heart issues.
The Jews thought Samaritans were dogs.
Her comment was a jab.
“Oh, is it okay for you a Jew to drink after a dirty old Samaritan?”
Jesus answers her rhetorical sarcasm with a winsome challenge.
Jesus is only challenging her tone toward Him, not her identity.
He answers her snarkiness with gentle kindness.
His response reveals her spiritual thirst.
Jesus Offers Living Water
Jesus Offers Living Water
“Oh, if you only knew the gift of God and who I am” (v. 10)
Jesus gives her a fitting metaphor of God’s gift: Living water.
They’re sitting at a well.
He has no bucket. No cup. and says, “You’d ask me for a drink if you knew who I was.”
This living water He is referring to as they both sweat under this blazing hot sun is the rest and satisfaction in God—The Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit.
He’s referring to eternal life
She doesn’t understand the metaphor that he’s talking about
“You have no bucket. How do you plan to do that?”
She doesn’t understand that Jesus is addressing her spiritual need for eternal life, not His physical need of water.
Jesus’ response helps her cross the bridge (v. 14)
Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again.
After drinking the cool water on a hot day, you’ll still need more. You’ll never be satisfied.
He draws an immediate contrast between physical water and living water (v. 14b)
She still doesn’t understand the grandier of what Jesus is saying
She playfully says, “Yeah! That sure sounds great! I have no idea what you’re talking about; all I know is, I need water.”
Jesus reveals our emptiness
Jesus reveals our emptiness
“Go, call your husband” (v. 16)
Jesus transitions to speak to the reason she is there at the hottest point of the day.
Before walking up to the well that day, Jesus knew everything there was to know about the woman.
She doesn’t know or understand Him, but He knows and understands her.
This just got personal.
She answers him short and sweet to avoid shame and detection of truth.
“Let’s talk about something else. I have no husband. Move on.”
She tried to make herself look unmarried so that she kept what little dignity she had.
She’s avoiding any further investigating
She’s trying to make Jesus think she’s not as bad as she is. She’s trying to be careful to cover her sin.
Bumper sticker Christianity says that “God wants you to be happy with who you are”
Jesus doubles down—“I know, you’ve had 5. Now you’re with Shaggy.”
Marriage didn’t work out, so let’s try cohabitation.
Her life and her sin is now exposed—which is exactly what the water Jesus talked about was supposed to quench.
For whatever reason, this woman had been left 5 times.
No wonder the 5th guy is out.
“The other guys died? Nah. I’m not going that way.”
She’s living and sleeping with a dude that’s not her husband and Jesus is speaking directly and candidly with her.
She was living in adultery.
But Jesus doesn’t use the same tone that the church has historically.
When addressing sin, many churches simply say you’re going to hell then cast out the sinful party.
Not Jesus. He’s not trying to flex His muscles or stump her.
He simply states the facts and leaves her conscience to the rest.
Jesus says hard things gently.
Jesus commends her honesty. She intended to simply withhold information, but Jesus interpreted it as a confession of the fault.
Jesus shows us that when we are trying to confront a sin that corrections are most productive when they are least provoking.
Jesus doesn’t address her with his torch lit and pitch fork sharp
He addresses the sin in her life with the gentleness of a surgeon.
He’s going into the most sensitive part of her life
He’s not touching a scar. He’s touching a wound.
You can touch a scar. You can’t touch a wound without some retreat.
She’s trying to hide
You don’t go to the well at noon
That’s a 5am chore.
She doesn’t deny the truth that Jesus presented to her, but she puts up a religious wall to compress the sore spot Jesus just touched.
John 4:19-20 “19 The woman said to him, “Sir, I perceive that you are a prophet. 20 Our fathers worshiped on this mountain, but you say that in Jerusalem is the place where people ought to worship.””
She responds by trying to mask it with theology.
She’s willing to keep the conversation going after He just aired out all her dirty laundry.
Because He’s approaching it gently
Sometimes, the people that we sharply disagree with receive a sharp tone from us or we avoid them all-together.
We just can’t get along
This isn’t what Jesus models for us.
The people that we work/live with don’t deserve our hateful tones and words.
Jesus is sitting here with major racial issues present, and He speaks to her in a winsome and gentle way.
These two were so opposite.
This was more than Repub v. Democrat
This woman was a Samaritan.
The Samaritans believed that the temple in Jerusalem and all the Jewish priests were illegitimate.
They believed they were the true descendants of Israel and based on Deuteronomy 11:29 believed that they worshipped on the correct mountain, Mount Gerizim (south of Samaria)
“29 And when the Lord your God brings you into the land that you are entering to take possession of it, you shall set the blessing on Mount Gerizim and the curse on Mount Ebal.”
Although their named similarly to their town Samaria, they took their name from the Hebrew word which means “Keeper of the law.”
She is trying to evade the conversation from her sin to religion.
“I’m doing my best to serve God.”
I pray every night before I go to bed
I try to read my Bible
I try to be good!
Jesus answers her with meekness and patience.
He teaches her a lesson about true worship (v. 21)
“Soon, you wont be going to a location.”
At that time, Temples and Tabernacles were the locations of worship.
Today, churches hold a very similar song.
If you try to change anything about the location or refuse to come to that particular building, you’re not truly worshipping.
This is what this woman is saying here: “I go to the right church!”
Jesus just said that it’s not about the building or the particular service.
It’s about worshipping in Spirit and in Truth!
Not becoming religious by going to a religious building!
That would constrain us to be on our best behavior for church alone!
Some people are Christians just for the sake of the building that the worship is performed in!
Notice how Jesus said, “The house is coming, and is now here” (v. 23)
Don’t be Christians that forget that the gospel is for right now!
Notice that He draws her attention to a person of worship, not a place of worship
God is the center focus of our worship
“If you only knew who it is you were talking to.”
She’s talking to the one who was going to bring her back to God
She was talking to the one who would save her from her sin
She was talking to the one who was going to restore her to real life.
He was going to give her true life!
A relationship with a heavenly Father!
He was going to make her into a joyful worshipper of a real God!
She continues to pretend to understand what He’s addressing (v. 25)
“I know the Messiah is coming.”
Then Jesus takes the veil off. “That’s me. I’m Him.”
Wide eyes. “Stop.”
This rocked her to the core of her being.
Life at she knew it at that moment changed.
Jesus came to save sinners
Jesus came to save sinners
There is not a person who does not have a past.
Every one in this room has done things they’re not proud of
Perhaps for some, that is actually your present.
Just like this woman, you come to the well at the time of day to avoid the people that might judge you because of your past.
Some of you may have relationships from the past that still haunt your thoughts.
“If anyone found out about this...If anyone knew what happened”
Some of you have been chasing something in your life to try to make you whole, yet you remain unsatisfied.
If that describes you, Jesus invites you to come to Him.
He had every social reason to reject the Samaritan woman, but that’s not the Jesus we find in the Scripture.
This Jesus is unlike the Jesus some of us heard of from church growing up.
The Jesus we find in the Bible is a friend to sinners.
He endures our arrogant pride
He is patient with us when we fail consistently
He doesn’t leave us in our sin, He pulls us out of it.
Jesus doesn’t condone our sin, but He draws us out of it.
He gives us life back.
He doesn’t leave us behind.
He invites you and all your baggage to come to Him.
Repent of your sin
Turn away from it
It’s not worth it
Believe that Jesus is Lord.
He alone can satisfy your every need.
You will always be thirsty with out Him.
You will never be satisfied without believing in Jesus.
You can try religion and positive thinking
It’s not strong enough.
Only the gospel of Jesus Christ will satisfy weary sinners.
The gospel is for everyone
The gospel is for everyone
You have never met someone who does not need to meet Jesus.
She left her jar and went into the town to talk to people.
She left the only reason she came to go talk to the people she was trying desperately to avoid.
“You have to see Him” (v. 29)
The talk of the Messiah was taboo at that time. It could bring serious ramifications to those who claimed to be the Messiah.
The fact that she’s saying this openly in the town is a significant deal.
The fact that she’s the one saying it, given her past, just adds to it!
These rumors spread all over town
This woman was so touched by her interaction with the Savior of the world, she begins to tell everyone that He told her “everything she ever did.”
She was telling people that He might be the Messiah.
This was a major claim during this time in history.
This sparked all kinds of curiosity and people began coming in waves.
This is not the Jesus that this woman met.
Picture of Jesus
She met the Messiah, and He didn’t look like the Savior she had always heard about!
She didn’t meet the Jesus that church people showed her!
She didn’t meet the God that religion demanded.
She met the true Jesus!
She met the friend of sinners, who came not to be served by to serve and give Himself as a ransom for many.
He turned her story of shame into a story to share.
Her experience with Jesus led to an uncontrollable need to tell someone.
She couldn’t keep this to herself
“He’s nothing like we anticipated! Come meet the real Jesus!”
Many people believed in Jesus because of her testimony alone (v. 39)
We share out of the overflow
We share out of the overflow
It’s powerful what the Lord can do in people’s life through the story of what God has done in your life.
This woman didn’t have a degree in theology
She had not been baptized, nor was she a member of a church.
She was sloppily faithful with what she knew.
All she knew was that she met the real Messiah and that His grace was faithful to forgive her of all her sin!
Come and meet Him!
Seeing her change was enough to draw their interest.
They desired more of this Jesus!
They asked Him to stay in their town two more days!
“Jesus, I have questions!”
After the woman introduces them to Jesus, Jesus shows Himself to them and now it’s not only by her story that they believe, but they have their own interactions with Jesus!
It’s now their story!
The story of the gospel is our story!
A magnificent Creator, in His kindness created us in His image
We, a fallen and broken people, rebelled against God and went our own way.
We fractured the relationship.
God, who is patient, kind, humble, and loving, pursued us sinners.
He went so far as to send His Son Jesus to become a curse on our behalf so that we could be reconciled to God!
We can be forgiven because the wrath of God was satisfied on the cross of Christ!
In power, the Father raised the Son from the dead in victory of sin!
This is our story!
I was thirsty, and Jesus gave me living water!
I was hungry, and Jesus gave me the bread of life!
I was dead, and Jesus made me alive with Him!
Let’s share this story and not be ashamed of it.
Let’s share this story so that it may become someone else’s story.