The Resurrection of Jesus
The Theological Quandary (v.27-33)
In a crucial sense, he turns the question away from obedience to Moses to one of understanding Moses. Who interprets Moses (and the Scriptures) faithfully?
Misunderstanding the Ages (v.34-36)
Our Lord’s resurrection body was the same as before His death and yet different! His friends recognized Him and even felt Him; He could eat food and yet He could also walk through closed doors, change His appearance, and vanish suddenly.
Misunderstanding the Resurrection (v.37-40)
Jesus’s sharpest rebuke: ‘You are wrong, precisely because you do not know your Bible.
Misunderstanding David’s Son (v.41-44)
In Jesus’ reading of the psalm, David himself prophesies that Yahweh speaks to the Messiah who, David says, is “my Lord.” Since normal conventions would have the son showing honor to his father rather than vice versa, it would be problematic to portray David, who thus honors the Messiah, as the father of the Messiah.