Hebrews 2:1-18
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Hebrews 2:1-18
Relevance of angels in the OT law:
They would "mediate" (act as an intermediary) between God and man, and this was represented in the tabernacle/temple
In the most Holy place, a veil with angels woven into the fabric separated God's presence from the High Priest & the people of Israel
Ark of the covenant, in the Tabernacle, the very presence of God would dwell above the mercy seat rested between two angels
So in essence, you had the presence of God, mediated by angels and then mediated by a High Priest and then the people of Israel, and then the Gentiles
Angels were held in high regard - and the law was revered as the message spoken through angels
And so this Gospel message, spoken by the man, Jesus, was being discredited as less than the law that came through angels
Having established in Chapter 1 that Jesus is greater than the angels he continues on in Chpt 2 to say that we therefore need to pay much more attention to his message than we ever did to the message of the Old Covenant
The message of Jesus more weighty than the message of angels (v1-4)
What was the standard for paying attention to the law - Deut 6:8-9
The danger of not paying attention is drifting away
(gradually being washed away) vs a conscious leaving (Qn - key theme?)
The problem with drifting away from this message of salvation:
The law spoken by angels had consequences for every transgression (600+ laws to observe)
How will we escape punishment if we reject the WHOLE Gospel - spoken of by multiple witnesses and spokespeople
Jesus, the Son in v3
For the Father in v3
The Holy Spirit in v4
The apostles in v3
The law, spoken by angels had just punishments, how much more the consequences of the weightier Gospel message? How will we escape if we neglect it?
v5-8 The Humanity & death of Jesus
Y’all are believing that because Jesus was a human being, his authority and his message are diluted and less important - let me tell you why he had to be a human
OT prophecy
God subjected the new world not to angels, but to a human being (v5)
Prophecy from Ps 8:4-9
Referring to a human being, a son of man
Made lower than the angels for a short while
Crowned with glory and honor - kingship
Everything subjected under his feet (authority over everything)
Prophecy yet to be fulfilled
Everything not yet subject to Him
Not every knee is bowed to him as king
Those who accept him as king (audience of this letter) are oppressed, mistreated and suffer
We see it partially fulfilled:
Son of man, lower than the angels
v9 We see Jesus made lower than the angels by becoming a human being
Reason - so that he might taste death for everyone
He had to be a man, so that he could experience death - somehow, this was a grace of God
We see him crowned with glory and honor because he suffered death
Surprisingly, the means/reason that he is crowned with glory is through his suffering and death
How and why would suffering & death (a symbol of defeat), be the reason to crown this son of man as a king and honor him?
The rest of the chapter fleshes this out - this is the salvation that we cannot neglect
v10 - God, who holds in his hands the power over all existence, could have chosen any number of ways to redeem and bring to glory to many sons and daughters, but the most appropriate, the one most in line with his nature, was this one
He would save many sons & daughters up into glory by bringing Jesus down in suffering
In this way, he would make Jesus, the source of their salvation, perfect
v11 - Why? Because Jesus, the one who sanctifies the sons and daughters, and the sons and daughters themselves all have one Father - they all originate from the same being
So Jesus became like us, so that we could be like him, not just to share in humanity, but to share in brotherhood and sisterhood, to have the same Father
So Jesus is NOT ashamed to call them brothers and sisters
Consider how this would have fallen on the ears of the hearers
Shunned from the temple (could not even access the court of the gentiles), rejected by their community and cultural practices and rejected by their very family (Matthew 10:34-36)
To hear now that part of this great mystery and method of salvation is that the God in heaven is your father (when your earthly father may have rejected you), and Jesus, the Son of God, is not ashamed to call you brother, and call you sister
v12-13 3 Passages he quotes that he references to Jesus
unashamed to call the people of God his brothers and sisters - an proclaiming God’s name to them (Ps 22:22)
Trusting in God and his method of salvation (Is 8:17)
In community with the children of God, given to him (Is 8:18)
Okay, so we understand that the reason for Jesus coming down from glory, becoming a son of man, being lower than angels for a short time was to be united with believers as brothers and sisters and children of the same Father.
But that still does not explain why he had to die. Remember he was made lower than the angels for a short time, so that he might taste death for everyone. Why did he have to die?
v14 and on
Because the children (us) have flesh and blood in common, Jesus also shared in taking on flesh and blood
So that when he died, he may destroy the one holding the power of death - the devil
Consequences of sin was death (Gen 3 - because you disobeyed, you will return to the dust)
To die, in a state of sin, would be to face judgement (Luke 12:4-5 - 4 “I say to you, my friends, don’t fear those who kill the body, and after that can do nothing more. 5 But I will show you the one to fear: Fear him who has authority to throw people into hell after death. Yes, I say to you, this is the one to fear!)
So Jesus has to die as a human being, so that he can take on himself the fiery consequences of judgement reserved for human beings and by doing so, empty death of it’s power to condemn and destroy the power of the devil to lead people to condemnation through tempting them to sin
So Jesus shares in flesh and blood like the children of God, so that he can taste death for everyone
So his death, that looks on the face of it like a defeat, was actually a victory
His public, humiliating crucifixion was actually a public, humiliating distracting defeat of the devil and of death and of sin (Question?)
Col 1:14-15 He erased the certificate of debt, with its obligations, that was against us and opposed to us, and has taken it away by nailing it to the cross. 15 He disarmed the rulers and authorities and disgraced them publicly; he triumphed over them in him
So, he is crowned with glory and honor, because he died a death of victory
v15 - Freedom - The author compares the inability to escape this impending fate to a life bound in slavery - Jesus frees his flesh and blood siblings through his flesh and blood death
Kings would often go into battle to rescue their imprisoned citizens from other lands to free them, this is the picture the author is looking to draw (Ephesians 4:7-8 - Question?)
So he takes on flesh and blood to:
Identify with believers as brothers and sisters
Taste/experience death for everyone
Empty sin, death and the devil of their power
Free those living lives of slavery as a result of sin
To wrap up his comparison of Jesus with angels he concludes
v16 - He has to come like a human because he was coming to help human beings, not angels. Not just any human beings but the offspring of Abraham, symbolically meaning those who put their faith and trust in God
v17 - So he had to be made like his brothers and sisters in every way so that he could help them
The High Priest would be the one who makes the atoning sacrifice for the people
An animal would be killed so that it’s death would be a substitute for the death of the repentant sinners. 1 sacrifice for the sins of the nation
Jesus serves as this High Priest for us - why was it necessary that he be a human high priest?
As a human being, Jesus was tempted, and overcame the temptation
That makes him faithful - he did not give in to the temptation
But it also makes him merciful - he knows what it is to be tempted, and to endure suffering because of the temptation
(his temptation was that he abandon his mission, reject God and take the easy way out) - for his audience, their temptation was to reject the Gospel so that they would not have to continue to endure suffering
Because he knows suffering, and he knows temptation, he took on humanity, and took on flesh
This is why it was entirely appropriate (in v10), in bringing many sons and daughters to glory, for God, for whom and through whom all things exist should make Jesus perfect through suffering - not that he was imperfect in terms of any blemish or sinfulness - but that he could only become a merciful and faithful High Priest - a PERFECT High Priest for us, if he became human, endured temptation, endured suffering, so that he could come alongside us and say, I know what you are going through, and i can help you.