In the FOOTSTEPS of the SAVIOR Ch. 2

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I. The Nature of storms on the Sea of Galilee
A. The diminutive state of the Sea of Galilee makes it more subjective to the winds that howl down on the water out of the Golan Heights. It turns this relatively calm body of water into a blender of ten foot waves. It can happen several times over the course of a winter.
B. This is the situation which the disciples found themselves. The lake became a popcorn popper, lifting their boat, spinning it around, plopping it down.
C. The fishermen among the disciples knew what was about to happen. So they start rowing. They row, row the boat. But they do not get far, because they’re rowing into the wind.
II. The nature of storms in our lives
A. Life comes with storms. No one gets through scot free. Not the old, not the young, not the rich, not the poor, not the healthy, not the unhealthy. Everybody has to face storms.
B. Peter and his fellow storm-riders knew they were in trouble. They knew what these storms could do. They had weathered them before.
C. “Has anyone seen Jesus? He told us to get into the boat.” It’s one thing to be in a storm because you disobeyed. It’s another thing to be in a storm because you did what you thought was right.
III. Jesus appears in the storm
A. About four in the morning, Jesus came toward the disciples, walking on the water, “A ghost!” they cried out in terror. They didn’t expect Jesus to come to them this way. Neither did you.
B. Jesus responds to their fear with an invitation that is worthy of inscription on every church cornerstone. “Courage I AM Fear not” He speaks courage into the storm. Not just not just calling for courage…releasing His supernatural courage.
C. The literal translation of Jesus statement is “I AM.” Jesus is not just announcing His presence on the sea but is announcing His authority over the sea. “I AM” has proclaimed His name over our problem as well. When we wonder, Is anybody going to help me? God says, “I AM.”
IV. Courage comes from focusing on Christ
A. Peter understood who was commanding the weather. He would rather be out of the boat with Christ than in the boat without Him. So when Jesus said, “Come,” Peter stepped out of the boat and walked on the water toward Jesus.
B. As long as Peter’s focus was on Christ, he had courage. But the moment he looked somewhere else, he became afraid and he started to sink. The same is true in our lives.
C. Jesus extended His hand and pulled up a sinking Peter. Jesus likewise wants to get in the boat of your struggles. He knows that once you face Him, you will have courage to face your problems.
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