The great fisherman
I wonder where you stand... assessment of world / prospects
- pessimist? breakdown of family, global warming, terrorism
- optimist? healthcare, technology
interested in that question - reading from Ephesians
last week LONDON EYE
this week - zoom in, foundational truths
Bad news and good news
bad news- world in a worse state than even pessimists think v1-3
good news - hope for the future even brighter than optimists think v4-7
- dead through our trespasses and sins v1
- devil - "ruler of the power of the air" v2
- children of wrath v3
tragic death of Shakilus Townsend
teenager lured to death by "girlfriend"; beaten by gang
not in a dark alley -- quiet cul-de-sac
not deprived youths -- one former public school boy
poison makes people do most cruel, vicious, unspeakable things
poison taints us all
v3 "All of us..."
- rships anger aggression/ cold distance
Sewage works - Thames overflowed
killing 100s of fish
"dead fish go with the flow"
v2 "...following the course of this world..."
really is abd - pollution + flow --> helpless
life w/o Jesus is a living death
"But" v4 great turnaround
read v4-5
Thames analogy - fished us out
Not from safe vantage point. rod - not even life to bite
dived into murky waters - bare hands
reality - world gone wrong, rships broken
Jesus betrayed by one of closest friends
clear light of day, crowds
"and raised us up with him and seated us with him in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus" (v6)
Crystal clear water
- however polluted the world may get - we are safe
"No guilt in life,no fear in death, this is the power of Christ in me."
Life w Jesus has heavenly quality / resurrection.
(3) How can this be v8-10
All about what God has done
v8 "For by grace you have been saved, through faith, and this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God."
by GRACE through FAITH
gift of God which we accept through trusting in Jesus in Christ alone
- If you have never placed your trust in J will today be the day?
- If we know we have been rescued do we have motivation and confidence to share our faith
Jesus called disciples "fishers of men"
- times I have been uneasy with that phrase - if I was a fish would I want to be plucked out my habitat?
- unless of course water living in is polluted
- Best thing you can do for someone - introduce them to J
life without Jesus - swept downstream in polluted waters
Read "In Christ Alone" v1.