Salvation comes through the Christ placing himself in the seat of the servant.

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John 12:13

We’re detectives, trying to crack the case of what Palm Sunday really is about!

Three Clues:

Christ is Lord:

Why is Christ Lord?
He is God (apart of the Trinity)
He created the universe with his word
He proves himself to be God
Why doesn’t everyone believe him then? SIN!
Sin blinds us to the truth and hardens our hearts. (Rom 1)
Christ entering into Jerusalem is him saying, “I am the Lord.”

Christ is Man:

Jesus was born as a baby.
He is fully God and fully man.
If we read our BIble’s more, we know that Jesus had emotions, he felt pain, happiness and joy like we do.
We know that our bodies are weak.

Christ is Savior:

The Jews knew from reading the Old Testament that a savior would come. They thought he would be strong and conquer.
Christ is the savior, but saves us through weakness.
Find it odd that he’s riding a donkey? Servants rode donkeys.
Totally counter to what the world expected a savior to look like.
Tim Keller: That’s the gospel, “the gospel is that we are safe in weakness, not in strength” We are safe in Christ’s strength because he was weak.
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