Another Counsellor
Wednesday Communion 1 May 2002: John 14:15-21
Jesus’ teaching on Holy Spirit Last Supper, night before he dies
Disciples’ anxious, fear. Jesus 3 years, now losing him. (bereavement)
ANOTHER Counsellor
Paraclete – stands along side
speaks up for
same job Jesus has been doing but inside them
someone else. but intimately related to Jesus
Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Jesus
v18-19a, 20b [Holy Sp scary, mysterious??]
!! He won’t in fact leave them!
Disciples’ problem with Jesus 3 years- afraid of losing him
Comfort he won’t leave them!
Our problem is that we’ve never seen Jesus!
Holy Spirit promised to us to. But because we’ve never seen J hard to grasp radical nature.
v19b “Because I live, you also will live”.
!!!!! Jn 20:19-22
RISEN Jesus breathes “Receive Holy Spirit”
his very life.
Jesus people.
Risen Jesus power, new life.
Crucified Jesus (wounds) Christian calling life of suffering and servant
Christ stands with us today. “Peace be with you!”
Breathes on us and asks us to receive his Spirit.
Calls us to the follow in his footsteps, risen but crucified.