2009 Sermons

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Isaiah 40:27-31

January 4 2009

Intro - There are times when a Christian grows weary. It can be a weariness over sin and your human weakness or it may be over the spiritual battle God has given you to fight and you’re getting tired.

I. The Israelites felt abandoned by God .

            A. Doesn’t God see what’s happening?              26, Lk.12:24, 28

            B. Sometimes He will discipline us.              Is.54:8, Heb.12:5-6, 11

            C. Sometimes He will test us.                          1Peter 1:6-7,

            D. And we usually say it’s not fair!                          Job.9:17

                        1. Recognize that God is always in control.  Job 42:2

                        2. Pray for understanding.                          Job 42:3-4

                        3. Pray for acceptance.                          Job 42:5-6

                        4. Pray for those who have wronged you. Job 42:10

II. God never gets tired.

            A. He has unlimited power.             Jer.32:27

            B. He has unlimited love.             Eph.2:4, 1Jn.3:1, Rom.5:5

            C. He has unlimited grace.             Rom.5:20

III. He will provide you with the strength and power you need.

            A. Strength to overcome the enemy. (Satan)            Is.58:11,  1Cor.10:13

            B. Power to endure your circumstance.            Duet.1:30

            C. It is given to all who wait upon the Lord.

                        1. To wait means to look to Him for your needs.  Lk. 12:30

                        2. He alone can give you this ability to overcome. Ps.39:4

Con. - look to Him today, ask Him for the power, strength and faith you need to overcome and He will give it.


Deuteronomy 6:1-9

January 11 2009

Intro - Our text today talks about teaching our children. What does that mean?  It doesn’t mean “advising” them. Giving our opinion and then letting them choose.  Illus. Child in Hwy.

     The Hebrew word in our text for teaching means to “goad with a rod”. In other words to force a change through training.  Illus. Drug problem and Shepherd and sheep. Ps.23:2-3 “makes”. 

     The purpose is to transform behavior from rebellion to obedience, wrong to right, sinful to godly.  Luke 6:40 - be like the teacher.  Pr.22:6

     Parents, it’s your job to change and mold your child to be like Christ in their behavior.  Heb.5:14.  It may not be easy (Heb.12:11) but the end result is a blessing. And the Lord doesn’t leave us without a manual.  2Tim.3:16

So, how do we teach?

I. By example.  1-3

            A. What does your child see in you?              James 1:22, 2Chr. 17:3

            B. Your child deserves a good example.              1Tim.4:12     Illus. “Our Child Deserves”

II. By giving knowledge.  4-6

            A. A child doesn’t by nature seek or know about God .  Rom.3:11

            B. We must give them biblical truth.              Pr.22:6

            C. They must know there is a better way.             Pr.14:12

            D. That way is to love the Lord above everything else.  Jn.14:15, Eph.6:1, Ex.20:12

III. By training. 7-9

            A. This is not a part time job!  You train every moment in every place.

            B. Every time your child does wrong you need to correct the behavior, don’t ignore it.  Pr.13:24

Con. Why - so your child will have reverence for God . So God might bless their lives. So things will go good for them.  Use the example of our Savior in Ps.23.  Make, lead, guide.


1Cor. 1:26-31

Jan. 18 2009

Intro -   Why do you think God called you to be a believer?

I.  You can be sure that it was God who did the choosing.   26-28

     A. You would not be saved if He had not sought you.              Lk.19:10, Jn.6:44

     B. He rescued you from going to hell.                                       1Pet.2:9   Illus. The recent plane crash and rescue.

     C. His great love is why He came to rescue you.              1Jn.3:1, 14-18

II. Consider your calling.  26

     A. Calling = your vocation - you have been called to SERVE.  It’s your job.  1Cor.3:9,   3Jn.1:8

     B. Look at God’s list of abilities.

           1. Foolish vs wise.

           2. Weak vs strong.

           3. Humble vs proud.

III.  The purpose for which you were chosen.

     A. It was not so that you could boast!   29

     B. It was so that you could glorify Christ.                         Jer.9:24,  1Cor.10:31, 2Cor.4:6, Act.12:23

     C. It was so you could recognize everything you have is because of Christ in you.

           1. Any wisdom you have is a gift from Christ.              1Cor. 2:14, 3:19, Col.2:3

           2. Any righteousness you have is from Christ.             2Cor.5:21

           3. Any sanctification is a work of Christ.                          Jn.17:17

           4. Any redemption we have is because Jesus has redeemed us.            Rom.3:24

Con. Therefore to not serve the Lord is to rob Him of the glory He deserves.  It’s like denying that he has given you gifts and talents.


2Cor. 1:3-11

Jan. 25 2009

Intro - Our God is a God of mercy and comfort. Mercy because He has compassion and forgiveness. Comfort because encourages and strengthens us.  Paul praises Him for this. Praise is the key to comfort. Blessed be the Lord.

I. Christ comforts us.

            A. In times of affliction. (Phy)   Ps.121:1-2

            B. In times of fear.  (Emotions)  Ps. 23:4, 2Cor.7:5

            C. In times of attack. Temptation or loneliness. (Spiritual) 1Pet.4:12-14, Heb.13:5

II. Every believer will be afflicted.

            A. This is not optional if you are living for Christ.  2Tim.3:1, 12,   Is. 43:1-2, 5;  41:10

            B. It may be physically, emotionally or spiritually.  Job, Paul, Jonah.  Acts 19:28-29, 2Cor.11:26-29

III. We learn through affliction.

            A. To trust in God .  9               Rom.5:3-5 tribulation is the starting point for sanctification.

                        1. It is to our benefit.            2Cor.12:10, Mt. 5:10-12, Rom.8:28

                        2. God is in control.  Not because of the  experience but the fact that He rules.  2Cor.4:7

            B. How to comfort others.  6            2Cor.7:6-7

            C. How to face death with hope.  10 Rom. 8:38-39, Jn.11:25

            D. How to pray through the circumstance and give glory to God .  2Thess. 3:1

Con. Jesus comforts you so that you can comfort others. As the gospel song puts it, “through it all I’ve  learned to trust in Jesus , through it all I’ve learned to depend upon His word.”



Matthew 14:22-33

February 1 2009

Intro - Our text today reminds us that Jesus is with us.  We never face the storms of life alone. As the hymn writer put it, “His eye is on the sparrow and I know He watches me”.

I. Take courage, He is with you.

      A. “It is I” what more need be said?  The God of the universe is with us.  Jer.32:27, Lk.1:37, Ro.8:31, Mt.1:23

                       The all-knowing, all powerful, everywhere present One.  Ps.53:5    Illus. Drones

     B. Take courage = be encouraged! Based past experience and knowledge, be confident.  20,  Mt.8:14-15, 23-27

II. Do not be afraid, He is with you.

     A. God fights for us.  2Chron.20:15

     B. God protects us.  Ps.46:10-11

     C. God is in control.

III. Come, He is with you.

     A. Those who walk with God never walk alone.  But there is cost.     Mk.8:34

     B. Fear can immobilize a person.  “Scared stiff”   Love gets rid of fear.       1Jn.4:18

     C. Jesus wants you to overcome your fear by learning to walk with Him.   Eph.5:2      

Con. - His presence gives victory over sin and courage to live a godly life. There are things you would not do and things you would do if you were consciously aware of the fact the Jesus is with you.  Most of all Jesus wants you to remember His presence so that you will be strong in your faith. He is there with you!   Poem.

class=Section3> MOVING FORWARD

Philippians 3:7-14

Feb. 8 2009

Intro - when we think of moving forward spiritually, we must think of priorities, self discipline and goals.

I. Moving forward, means to compare the things of this world to the things of God .

      A. Paul’s possessions and abilities were not of value to him.   Scholar, religious leader=money, etc.

            If God has given you intelligence, wealth, possessions and you are not using them for Him they are rubbish.

      B. Nothing this world offers is worth hanging on to.  If it’s not drawing you closer to Christ it’s moving you away!       Jim Elliot’s words: “He is no fool to give what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose.

      C. The worlds “stuff” is rubbish.   1Jn.2:15-17   = without eternal value.

II. Moving forward means the self-discipline of knowing Christ.  Matt.16:24

Self-discipline is not self will - it’s taking God’s power, grace and discernment and applying it to your situation.                                                                                                                                                                    Ph.4:13

            A. A relationship based on faith not law.   No works - Jesus paid it all.  Eph.2:8

            B. An experience of Christ’s power over sin.   over, flesh, lust and pride.

            C. A willingness to suffer.   Heb.12:1 - encumbrance, hindrance.

                        1. Jesus suffered the shame of the cross, will you confess the shame of your sin?. Heb.12:2

class=Section4>                           2. Jesus was humbled by taking on our human flesh, will you humble yourself in  repentance?

                          3. To know what it is to have a broken and contrite heart.  Ps.51:17

III. Moving forward is to be willing to be molded.

            A. Allowing the Holy Spirit to conform you to the image of Christ.  Rom.12:1-2

            B. Seeing yourself realistically.  “I’m not perfect, Jesus can change me”.

            C. Not letting past failure turn you away from Jesus.  Deal with sin then move on!!  Heb.12:2 eyes on Jesus.

Con. - Press on - fulfill the call that Jesus has given you. Take your Christian life to the next level. 1Cor.9:25-27



2Timothy 3:14-4:5

February 15 2009

Intro - the world’s idea of love and the Bibles is very different.  The world’s according to the dictionary is feeling, attraction, pleasure.  All about self. The Bible on the other hand is about self giving and self sacrifice. 1Cor.13:4-7 and John 15:13.  True love is a divine gift.  We love because He first loved us. Of all the many descriptions I like the simplicity of these 2, Rom.13:10 and 1Cor.8:1.  Love doesn’t do wrong but rather it edifies (builds up).  Our text reveals 3 areas where love can be displayed.

I. If you love your children you will teach them about salvation.  14-15

     A. Does your child know the sacred writings?                           Ps.119:11, Jn.5:47, Ps.78:5

     B. Does your child know the way of salvation, - confess, repent, receive and trust in Jesus alone?

     C. It’s a learning process that takes time and commitment.

           1. Some parents aren’t involved at all.

           2. Some part time.

      3. Like any learning it takes consistence and perseverance. Church reinforces what you teach at home.                                                                          Pr.22:6

II. If you love your fellow man you will reprove and correct him.  16-17

     A. Correction is not enjoyable.  Illus. Recent ELBF matter.              2Cor.6:17

     B. However, it is necessary.

           1. To maintain the purity of God’s truth and to train in righteousness.  2Tim.3:5, Eph.5:11, 1Thes.5:21-22

           2. To equip people for good work.                                      Eph.2:10

III. If you love your church you will preach and teach the Word of God . 1-2

     A. This means reproving and rebuking even if people get mad and leave. 3-4   Titus 1:9

     B. It means exhorting. Encourage the faithful.                                      1Thes.4:1

     C. You cannot preach for the sake of keeping people in church or money in the offering plate!  Titus 1:10-11

Con.  Do you have true love for your children, other people, your church?  True love usually means facing some sacrifice on your part.  Jesus taught us to love others as He loved us.


Isaiah 53:1-7

February 22 2009

Intro - our text is a prophecy by the prophet Isaiah as to what would happen to Jesus.  Heb.13:12 tells us that this did happen.  What He suffered, He suffered for you and me.

I. Who will believe it?

  A. Arm of the Lord speaks of His divinity.       Jn.10:18, 30

  B. A tender shoot speaks of His humanity.       Ph.2:6-7

  C. Jesus was both God and man. He alone could be our Sacrifice.  Acts 4:12, Lk.22:42

II. He experienced the evilness of sinful man in order to free us from sin.

  A.  Crushed - Gethsemane -     hemato-hi-dro-sis.  Illus news article.  Lk.22:44, Heb.12:4

  B. Beaten beyond recognition.  Considered smitten by God .

  C. Scourged        Jn.19:1,  1Pet.2:24-25

  D. Pierced.         Jn. 19:34

III. Our sin is what caused the suffering of Jesus.

  A. All of us have sinned.  “Our”      Rom.3:23

  B. Jesus took all our sin on Himself.      2Cor.5:21, 1Pet.3:18

  C. He was the “perfect” sacrifice that saves from God’s wrath.  Ex.12:5, Jn.1:29

  D. Only one thing you need to know.  You sin, God doesn’t. If you want to spend eternity with God , get rid of sin!


Con. Lord fill us with gratitude. Le us never forget the price sin inflicted on You. Help us to never drive another nail.

                                                                    Illus song words.


Luke 10:17-20

March 1 2009

Intro - some try hard to get into the book known as the Who’s Who in society.  That’s not important but there is book you want to make sure your name is in.  The Lamb’s book of Life.  Rev.20:15.  How do you know that your name is written in that book?

I. It’s not by what you do.

      A. The 70 rejoiced over what they had done.

      B. However, supernatural happenings are not proof of your name being in the book of Life.  Mt.7:21-23

II. It is because of what you believe.

      A. I believe that I’m a sinner.              Rom.3;20

      B. I believe Jesus forgives those who repent of sin.  Lk.13;3, 1Jn.1:9

      C. I believe it is all by grace, a gift from God .  Eph.2:8, Rom.3:28, 6:23

III. All of this takes faith.

      A. Without faith there is no salvation.  Heb.11:6

      B. Without faith no forgiveness of sin.  Acts 26:18, Mt.26:28, 1Cor.11:27, 29

      C. Some think this is silly or foolish.  1Cor. 2:14, 1:18

Con. - Is your name written in the book of Life?  Are you by faith trusting in Jesus for your salvation.


Mark 9:17-29

March 8th 2009

Intro - Our text today deals with the spirit world.  A young boy possessed by an evil spirit, needed help. When we read of situations like this there are certain truths you should understand.

I. The spirit world is real.              Eph.6:12,   Ex. Mk 5:11-16 swine

     A. There is only One good or Holy Spirit.              Ps.143:10, Helper, Comforter, etc.

     B.  All other spirits in the spirit world are evil.              Eph.2:2

           1. No such thing as a “friendly” spirit.                Rev.12:9, Mt.25:41

           2. No such thing as a relative’s spirit coming back to visit you.   Heb.9:27

     C. All evil spirits look for a place to dwell.                          Matt.12:43-45

II. We are all created as physical and spiritual beings.   1Thess.5:23

     A. Our soul and spirit will live on after death but it doesn’t roam around here on earth.   Ecc.12:7

     B. Believers are possessed by God ‘s Holy Spirit.              Acts. 5:32,  1Jn.4:4

     C. Unbelievers are open to the other spiritual powers because they oppose the HS. Rom.8:9, Eph.2:2, Act 7:51

           1. They can be possessed.              Act.16:16-18

           2. They can be influenced.             Act 8:18-24

           3. They can be attacked.             Act 19:16   they Jesus and Paul but said “who are you?”

     D. How do you open up to the spirit world?  Shamans, spiritist, ancestor worship, witch doctor, medicine man.

           1. God forbids you to seek them out, and most people don’t.              Lev.19:31,   Saul - 1Sam.28:19

           2. Many unwittingly open themselves up to the spirit world.              Eph.4:27

                 a. Online “spirit food” store, you can buy food for elves, genies, vampires, unicorns, etc.

                 b. Movies, books, (Harry Potter)

                 c. Games, - pokey man, Ouija board, tarot cards, etc.

III. What do we do with those who are playing around or have been affected by the spirit World?

     A. When children foolishly seek the spirit world bring them to Jesus.             Mt. 11:28, Jn.14:27, 16:33

     B. When people fall for and follow false religions, (like Shamanism, etc) bring them to Jesus.

Con. - Jesus has the power to defeat Satan and all of his deception. Jesus has the power to set you  free from the bondage of the spirit world.   People need Jesus.        Acts 26:18


Luke 4:31-37

March 15th 2009

Intro - Jesus had traveled to Capernaum. In fact the bible says He settled there, made it headquarters for much of His ministry. This is why the city faced such a stern curse when Jesus later spoke of it.  Matt.11:20, 23-34

I. He spoke with authority. - 32                Luke 4:18-19

     A. Not like the Scribes and Pharisees, legal, petty, social teachings.   Mt.7:28-29.  

     B. People can tell the difference between the “Word of God ” and man’s opinion.

           1. What Jesus said, worked!

           2. There was power behind the words.              Heb.4:12-13

           3. Even the demons understood the difference.  James 2:19

     C. We need to recognize his authority and holiness (pure, good, right) Matt.10:28, Rom.7:12, 1Pet. 1:15

     * Demons tremble because they know Who Jesus is, does your life reflect a knowledge of the Lord’s holiness?

II. He has nothing to do with the unclean spirit.

     A. Tells him to be quiet - literally shuts him up!  Paul’s ex. Acts 16:18, 2Cor.10:18, Jn.12:43

     B. The things of Satan’s world are so repugnant to Christ, He wants nothing to do with them.

     C. Neither should we.  We should be “separate”.             2Cor.6:15-17, 1Cor.5:9, Eph.5:7, 11, 1Jn.1:6

III. What is this message people spread about Christ?

     A. He has power over all things.              1Jn.3:8, Heb.2:14

     B. He has power to make you clean.              Matt.9:2-6

Con. - Jesus came and defeated Satan. He proved His power over sin and the demon world so that you might know He can forgive your sin.  No one else, only Jesus has the power to take your sin away. Have you let Him do that?

Our Loving Savior

Isaiah 42:1-7

March 22 2009

Intro - The best way to remember that our Savior loves us is to look at some of His promises.  Matthew confirms that this prophecy was fulfilled by Jesus.  MT. 12:17.

I. The bible tells us that a loving God sent a loving Savior.  Jn.3:16-18

A. God loves us.  Jer. 1:5, Is.49:1

B. Christ loves us.  1Jn.4:19

1. Even though we are sinful.  Rom.5:8

2. He longs to forgive us.  Mt.23:37, Jn.5:40

II. He will not break or extinguish us.

A. He understands you and has compassion on you when you feel defeated and weak.  Heb.4:15-16, 2:18

1. He will forgive your sins and heal your backsliding. Is.44:22, 55:7

2. He loves us no matter what.  Hosea 14:4-5

B. Helps when we realize we cannot help ourselves, our faith is small, we smolder and instead of burn brightly. 

1. Like a smoldering ember we need a wind to start us up again.   Mt.9:2, Is.41:10

2. However, sin keeps us from loving Him.  Rev.2:4,  Heb.3:12-13

III.  He will continue to use us.   2Cor.5;20

A. Because He called us to be a light.  Mt.5:16

B. Because there is still much work to do.  Jn.9:4

Con. With Christ your life is never wasted, never washed up, never left alone.  Jesus is in the business of taking what is weak and using it for His glory.


Numbers 21:4-9

March 29 2009

Intro - In 1Cor.10:6-9 we read that all things that happened to the Israelites in the O.T. were for our benefit, to be an example for us to learn from. Numbers is much more than a book of numbers! God taught the Israelites many lessons in this book and our text is one of them. You might say the book of Numbers is a book about critical people and how God dealt with them.  Num. 11:1-2 critical of food (fire) Num. 12:1-2,8-10 of Moses (leprosy) Num. 14:2 fear of giants (40 yrs.) Num. 16:2-3 of leadership (death) Num. 16:41,49 sympathy for wrong doers (death).

    What do we learn from the example in our text today?

I. God’s people became critical.

     A. Because they were impatient and greedy.             James 5:8-9

     B. Because they were ungrateful.   No food?

     C. Because they questioned God’s sovereignty.  Rom.9:20

II. Lesson? God punishes ungrateful, critical people.

     A. To name sin is not a critical spirit.                          Eph.5:11

     B. To criticize God ‘s plan and God’s people is another thing.                          Eph. 2:19-22

           1. To criticize what God has done is to deny Him His due glory.            Eph.3:21

           2. To criticize another believer is to attack the Savior who dwells in them. 1Cor.12:27

     C. A critical spirit robs you of God’s blessing.              Num.14:22-23

     D. A critical spirit can lead to death.  Vs 6

III. God forgives when they repent.  Lk.13:3

     A. Some will not repent until the feel the consequence of their sin.  7

     B. They confessed and asked for help.

     C. Moses intercedes.                Luke 23:34

Con. - The Lord responds with a plan that would bring humility and show faith.  Today salvation comes when we humble ourselves before the cross with faith in our hearts ask Jesus to forgive us and save us. Jn.3:14-16

Rom.10:9, confession and faith are demonstrated in the heart of the one who will call upon the Lord for salvation.

Rom.10:13   Look to Jesus, trust Him.


Isaiah 53:10-12

April 5 2009

Intro- What does it take to satisfy God ?  Perfection and Justice.  Matt.5:48, Rom.3:23.  A perfect God demands justice and a just God demands perfection.  Only Jesus could meet these demands. Jesus lived a perfect life and offered up Himself as the perfect sacrifice.  John 1:29.  How did His life and actions satisfy God’s demands?

I. He became a guilt offering for us.

      A. Only He could fulfill the requirements, “perfect ram”.  Lev.5:18

      B. Through the shed blood sins are forgiven.  Lev.7:1-2, Rom.8:32

      C. He shed His blood to forgive our sins.  Heb.10:22

      D. As a result many will be “born again” his offspring.  Rom.8:16

II. He endured our punishment.

      A. God is just and demands that sin be punished.

      B. Christ took or penalty and can thus offer us Justification.  2Cor.5:21,   Rom.5:1

                  1. As a result He will be glorified.  Phil. 2:9-11

                  2. As a result our debt is paid.  Col.2:13-14

III. Because He died for us.

      A. The ultimate penalty for sin is death.  Rom.6:23

      B. God accepted the payment.  Jn.19:30

Con. - He interceded for us.  There was nothing we could do to satisfy God so Jesus stepped in and did it for us!



John 14:1-16

May 5 2009

Intro - Jesus was encouraging His disciples by telling them about heaven.  They had been very discouraged by the information they had just received prior to this.  One would betray Jesus, Jesus was leaving, and Peter would deny Christ!

This troubled the disciples so Jesus starts this chapter saying, “Do not let your heart be troubled”.  He teaches them several things about heaven that should encourage them.

I. Be encouraged because I go to prepare a place for you.

      A. Heaven is a place prepared for believers.  Just as hell was prepared for the devil.  Mt.25:41

      B. Jesus is coming again for the believers. 1Th.4:13-18, Jn.17:24

      C. There is only one way to get to heaven.

                  1. The Way.  Rom.10:13, 1Jn.5:12

                  2. The Truth.  His Word is right, you agree with it.  1Cor.6:9-10,  Jn.15:6-7 you live it out in your life. (15)

                  3. The Life. IF we accept God’s truth and repent and receive Jesus than we have eternal life. Christ in us is life.

II. Be encouraged Jesus can and will answer your prayers.

      A. Because He is the God of heaven .  9-11 Luke 1:37

      B. He rules the universe. Col.1:16-17

      C. Therefore He can and will answer your every prayer. 13-14

III. Be encouraged Jesus has given you the Holy Spirit.

      A. When Jesus ascended up to heaven He sent the HS to indwell us. Jn.15:26, Jn.16:7

      B. The Holy Spirit empowers us to live our lives for Jesus.   Luke 24:49, Act.1:8

Con. This is my prayer for each of you but especially for those who are confirming their faith today.  Rom.15:13


1John 3:19-24

May 10 2009

Intro - How do we gain confidence as a Christian, assurance of our salvation?  The bible tells us that we should approach God with hearts filled with assurance.  Heb.10:22

I. It is not obtained with a guilty conscience.

A. Sin brings guilt.                          Rom.2:15

B. Sin puts up a barrier.              Ps.66:18, Pr.28:9

C. You can try to cover it up but it is still there.  Is.57:20.     Illus. Aspirin & sugar.

D. God promises to hear the prayer of the righteous not the guilty.  Jn.9:31, Ja.5:16

1. The prayer of the righteous is “Lord forgive me”. The new man continues in this confession.

2. The old man/nature tries to justify self.              1Tim.4:1-2

II. It is not obtained with a false peace.              Jer.6:14

A. People seek approval of others rather than God .  Jn.12:43

B. You can always find others to agree with your sin.  Rom.1:32

C. Are concern should be, “What does God’s Word say”.  Ps.51:4

III. Confidence is ours when our conscience is clear.

A. A clear conscience comes with confession, repentance and obedience.  22, 24, 1Jn.2:28

B. By having the Holy Spirit dwelling in us.              2Cor.5:17

C. By taking God at His word.              Jn.16:8, Rom.10:13, 1Jn.1:9, Rom.8:1, Heb.10:19, 23.

Con. - What is the desire of your heart?  Have you acted on that , are you trusting in Jesus, are you confessing sin?  Then you can be confident, you can be assured of your salvation.


James 5:13-20

May 17th 2009

Intro- Prayer is a vital part in every area of the Christian life.  A person cannot function as a Christian without prayer. So God’s word tells us to “prayer without ceasing.”  1Thess.5:17, Lk.18:1

I. Pray if you are suffering physically, emotionally or spiritually.   1Pet.4:12-14

A. Prayer shows that you know Who is in control.   1Pet.3:14-15

B. Praise shows you know Who should get the credit for your needs being met.

1. Praise is a form of worship, because it glorifies the one you are praising.   Is.42:8

2. Praise is a form of worship because it shows you believe God hears you.  Is.45:20-22, Jer.10:1-5

3. Christians believe only Jesus can hear and answer prayer.  1Tim.2:5.  Anything else is an idol.

II. Pray if you are sick.

A. Seek the help of the spiritual leaders in your church. “Must”.  Not the Benny Hinns and Todd Bentleys.

B. God is a God of structure. There is always and order and process in what God does.

1. In marriage - 1Pet.3:7,

2. In calling a pastor. 1Tim.3:1-7

3. In resolving church problems. Mt.18:15-17

4. In sickness - James 5:13-16.   God is doing something spiritual even in sickness.

Closer walk, less of world more of Jesus, testimony to others, etc.

C. Do it God’s way and you will see Godly results.

III. Pray for other believers.

A. Praying for each other brings healing and restoration.  Healed relationships, restored fellowship with God

1. Pray for others physical needs.  17-18

2. Pray for others spiritual needs.   Opened eyes, discernment, etc.

B. Rescue the backsliders.

Con. Are you praying? Are you upholding the brethren in prayer?  God has given us a tool every one of us can use. To help others.  Let us be faithful in using the gift of prayer.


Luke 12:4-12

May 24th 2009

Intro - Jesus spoke these words, at least partly, as a responds to the hypocrisy of the Pharisees.  They felt they were better than others and thus more valuable to God.  They also had a lot of power and authority among the Jewish people.

I. Jesus was teaching us not to be afraid.

      A. Even though they had power.        Jn.5:18, 7:32, 12:42

      B. Jesus reminds us that He has more power.

            1. We would be wise to fear Him more than man.

            2. We would be wise to prepare for eternity. Prepare to meet our Creator.  Amos 4:12

II. God, your Creator, does not forget about you.

      A. He is mindful of every animal in His Creation.  6

      B. He is mindful of every part of our lives.  7

            1. Of what others do to us.              Ps.37:1-9

            2. Of what we do.                          Ps.139:1-6

      C. Knowing about something in detail shows it is valuable to you.  Lk.12:34

         In fact you can tell what is important to people by seeing what they know the most about.

III. Because you are valuable to God, He is always with you.

      A. When you are giving a testimony or defending the faith.  Rom.8:38-39, Heb.13:5-6

      B. So don’t be afraid to speak up for Jesus. -8    Mt. 25:21

      C. So don’t worry about what to say. 12                            Rom.8:28

      D. Just be willing to speak! The devil makes it difficult to speak.

Con. - the more aware you are of God‘s constant care and presence, the bolder you will be to share Christ with others.  Luke 12:32


Acts 2:32-41

May 31 2009

Intro – I want to focus in our text today on how a relationship with Jesus Christ changes our life.

I.        You will become a witness.

      A. A witness to the change in your life.  Eze. 36:26-27

      B. Your life will bear witness of the new discernment.  Jn.16:13

      C. You will give testimony of God’s grace. In a trial the witness shares what has happened.

II.   You will repent of sin.

      A. My sin is what nailed Jesus to the cross. 36.

            1. Christians take responsibility for their sin. Ps. 51:3-4.

            2. Unsaved either justify themselves or blame someone else.  Gen. 3:12-13

      B. Only cure for sin is repentance.  Lk.13:3

C. Repentance will separate you from a perverse generation. 40  (homosexual, abortionist, pedophile,  pornographer.)  2Cor. 6:17-18

            1. Your fellowship circles will change.  2Cor.6:14, 

            2. Fellowship = spend time with, eat, drink, or partake in activities with someone. 1Cor.15:33

            3.  You will love the unsaved or unrepentive but you will not fellowship with them.  James 5:19-20

4.  The great downfall of the church is that they have confused the love of Christ for the unsaved with fellowship of the unsaved!  1John 1:6-7

5.  When you fellowship with someone living a sinful life, refusing to repent of sin, they interpret your fellowship as approval of their behavior.  Eze.3:18

III.  You will experience the power of the Holy Spirit. 

      A. Without repentance you cannot experience God’s power.  Acts 3:19

B. With the HS working in you, you become a magnet for Christ.  You pull together rather than separate.  2Tim. 2:15-16, 21-23

      C. The power of the HS is best seen on the battle field of everyday life.  Job.1:20

Con. Has your life been changed by Jesus?  Have you testified of that change.  Are you following Jesus today?


Matthew 28:16-20

June 7th, 2009

Intro- this is the job description of every Christian.  God gives different gifts, tools, talents, etc. to get the job done.

I. Why do we make disciples?

      A. Because He said to do it!  Go! Is a command not an option.

      B. All authority belongs to Jesus.   Even over death –             Rom.8:31

            1. The Lamb takes His role as the King of Kings.  Is.42:6-7,  1Tim.6:12-16

            2. We go forth in meekness (not weakness) but with power and authority.  Matt.10:14-20

II. How do we make disciples?

      A. Baptizing – bringing them to Christ.   Jn.12:46,  Lk.21:13-15

            1. We can’t save them but we can bring them.  To church, bible study, fellowship. Gal.3:24

            2.  Because without faith there can be no salvation.   Heb.11:6

      B. Teaching  - implanting God’s word in them.  Acts 20:27

            1. Obedience to it.        Jn.15:15

            2. Sanctification through it.  JN.17:17  the continuous work of discipleship.

III. When do we make disciples?

      A. Now.  Not out of fear.   Rom.8:15, He is with us right now. Matt.1:28. He is sending people your way.

      B. Until the end.  Don’t quit.  Christians don’t retire.

Con. – have you even attempted to carry out this command?


I Timothy 6:6-16

June 14 2009

Intro – Paul wraps up his letter to Timothy by saying, in everything lets honor God.

I. Honor God thru contentment.

      A. Grumbling and complaining doesn’t honor God. 1Cor.10:10

      B.  Greed and selfishness rob one of contentment.  Ph. 2:3,  James 3:16   biggest piece

      C.  Contentment comes from having the right perspective.  Job.1:21, vs 7.

      D.  Having a satisfied heart honors God.  Lk.12:15,  Ecc.5:10      Rockefeller – always more

II. Honor God thru your finances.

      A. Money can be destructive morally.  Temptation and moral ruin.

      B. Money can be destructive spiritually.  Desire – idolized  you wander away from the faith.

      C. Putting the things of God first will honor God.  Mal.3:10-12

III. Honor God thru service.

      A. Fight the good fight of faith.  Contend. Ps.35:1, 2Chr.20:15, Ex.14:13-15, De.20:3-4, 2Chr.32:7-8,

      B. Keep the commandment -  Matthew 28:19                                                                        1Sam.17:45-51

      C. Do so with in a Christ-like way.  Titus, 2:6-8

Con. – serving Christ as King of your life will honor God.  Are you a humble servant of the Lord of Lord’s and King of King’s?



June 21 2009

Intro – God had previously promised Abraham that his descendents would live in the land God had given him. In our text today God reminds him that this promise is still going to take place. Abraham believed.

I. He believed God’s word.

      A. Trust is believing God will protect.       Ps.41:1-2, Ps.121:1-8, 2Th.3:3

      B. Trust is believing God will provide.        Ph.4:19, Matt.6:33, Gen.22:8, 14

      C. Trust is reveled in action.              Gen.12:4

II. Trust overcomes fear.

      A. Believing you are in God’s hands removes fear.  Is.43:1, 44:2

B. If you are a believer, God may not change your circumstance but He will always accomplish  His purpose      in your life.             Ps.138:8,  Ph.1:6, Ph.2:13

      C. When fear arises, meditate on who God is.        Ps.46:10,  Is.41:10

            * Faith is trusting God will accomplish things His way and in His time.

III. Trusting in God saves us.

      A.  Faith saves us.        Gal.3;6, James 2:23.

      B.  Trust the work of God, whether it be the stars or the cross.  Rom.10:9

Con. – Trust God and He will always do what is best for you.  Rom.8:28, Ps.84:11



July 26th 2009

Intro – Jacob had an encounter with God and it changed his life. What has God done to wake you up? For  Jacob it was a dream. Jacob awoke to a new awareness of God’s presence, power and provision.

I. His dream made him aware of God’s presence.

      A. Surely the Lord is in this place.  16

            1. Being in His presence should cause reverence.  Fear = respect. “awesome” -17.

            2. Being in His presence should cause you to worship. – 18-19.

      B. The Lord’s presence should encourage you.

            1. Joshua 1;9 – Joshua

            2. Ps.16:11 – David.  Ps.34:8

      C. He promises His continual presence with us.  Heb.13:5-6

II. He was aware of His power.

      A. His power demands holiness.

            1. Moses – Ex.3:5

            2. Isaiah -  Is.6:5

            3. Joshua – Joshua 5:14-15

      B. This should be a continuing relationship between us and our Lord.  1Pet.1:15-16

            1. He empowers us to live a holy life.  Ps.119:38

            2. His indwelling Holy Spirit empowers us to live for Him.  Lev.26:12,  2Cor.6:16

III. He was awakened to God’s provision.

      A. He will supply our needs.  Food, clothing, safe travel.

      B. He will finish the work He has begun – 15.  Phil. 1:6

      C. Because Jacob believed this, he gave a tenth of all he had to the Lord.

Con. Have you been awakened to God’s presence in your life?  If not you need to invite Jesus into your heart today.  If you have, how has it changed you?


Exodus 3:1-14

August 2 2009

Intro – God speaks to Moses from the burning bush. His message for Israel is the same for us today. There are 5 statements God makes that I want you to look at today.

I. I have seen the affliction of my people.  (7)

      A. He hears us.  Ex.2:23, Ps.4:3, Ps.34:17, Jn.9:31

      B. He is aware of your misery, problem, etc.  2Cor.4:8, Rom.8:18, Is.63:9

      C. He knows of your bondage, weakness and addictions.  Rom.7:14, Lk.12:2, Heb.4:13

II. I have come to deliver them. (8).

      A. He delivered them from the Egyptians.  Ex.14:30

      B. He brought them to somewhere better.  1Th.3:2, Col.1:13

      C. He will deliver you from the power of Satan and bring you to a better place, fellowship with God.

                                                                              1Pet.2:9, Mt.5:6, Ps.22:24

III. Therefore, come now, and I will send you. (10)

      A. Moses led the Israelites in obedience to God.

      B. God will use you to guide people to Jesus. Rom.10:15, Mt.28:19, 1Cor.1:27-28

IV. I will be with you. (12)

      A. He was with the Israelites.  Duet.20:1

      B. He will be with you. Mt.18:20,  Acts 1:8,  Mk.13:11

V. I AM WHO I AM. (14)

      A. God doesn’t base His power on some other entity.  (like sun god or moon god, etc.)

      B. He is self existent and self dependent.  Therefore what He says is certain.  1JN.1:9, Jn.1:12, Rom.10:13

Con. -  1Jn.1:7 This is the promise we are visually reminded of when we partake in the communion service.


2Thess. 3:10-15

August 9th 2009

Intro – God’s word speaks directly or indirectly to every situation we face in life.  And today’s text speaks to a problem they were having in the early church but the principal applies to us today also.  At first glance it may seem harsh but remember God never rewards laziness.

I. If you are unwilling to work then you should not eat.

      A. “Willing”.  Some are willing but cannot.  1Tim. 5:16,   Ja.1:27, Mt.25:35-36

      B. The unwilling to work are the selfish who think someone else should pay their way.

      C. God doesn’t reward laziness.  Mt.25:26-27, Pr. 19:15, 21:25

II. You should live a disciplined life.

      A.  Not undisciplined = unruly, insubordinate, unwilling to listen to those in authority.

      B.  Not a busybody =bustle about meddling in others business and gossiping about others.  1Tim.5:13

      C.  To be disciplined is to follow those in authority and keep busy with the work they give you to do. Mt.24:45-47

III. Shame on you!

      A.  The shame factor in church discipline is the last step.  Mt.18:15-17

      B.  To disassociate is the way we let someone know their behavior is not acceptable.  1Cor.5:11

      C.  The goal is to keep them in the fellowship.

            1. He/she is not your enemy.

            2. He/she is your brother or sister in Christ.

Con. If we are to have healthy relationships in the church and with other Christians we need to follow these guidelines in scripture.  But always in love!  Eph. 4:15.  Our goal is to win others to Christ or win others back to the Lord.


John 6:66-71

August 15, 2009

Intro – Making friends is a good thing to do.  We should be friendly to people we meet and let them see the love of Christ in us.  However, if friendship is as far as our relationship goes then we have missed our calling.  We should make friends in order to lead others to Christ and salvation.

I.  We should be friendly.

      A. You never know who God may send your way.  Heb.13:2

      B. As an example of Christ’s love.           1Jn.4:7,19

      C. Do we see others as people that Jesus has sent? (65)

            1. Believers sent to help us?                    Acts 9:17

            2. Unbelievers sent in order to be saved?  Acts 10:17, 20

II. Truth, not friendship should be the driving force.

      A. Speaking the truth will sometimes cause separation.  (66)  Mt.10:34-38,  1Pet.2:7-8

      B. It is better to speak and separate than hold on to a friendship and perish with them.  2Cor.6:14, 

      C. Don’t let friendship be your end goal.           1Cor.15:33

      D. Be willing to speak the truth.          Eph. 4:15.  Most Christians don’t speak up soon enough.

III. Influence others for eternity.

      A. Ask them, “What will you do with Jesus?” (67)

      B. What if you are the only opportunity someone has for salvation?       Acts 26:28-29

      C. Jesus influenced the disciples.  68-69

      D. Will you influence others?  Illus. Moody

Con. – you should make friends with others in order to speak the truth about Jesus to them.  God will give you an opportunity if you are willing to influence them about salvation.

By modest estimate, more than a quarter (25%) of the entire population of the United States have professed an evangelical conversion experience. William Iverson wryly observes that "A pound of meat would surely be affected by a quarter pound of salt.  If this is real Christianity, the 'salt of the earth,' where is the effect of which Jesus spoke?"


1John 1:8-2:2

August 23 2009

Intro – our text today is a simple one.  It speaks of sin and Who it is that can wash our sin away.

I.  When is something a sin?

      A. Not up to man to decide. Man as a tendency to lie about sin.

      B.  God determines what is sin.  If you disagree it’s the same as calling God a liar.

            1. Sins of commission.

            2. Sins of omission .

      C. God’s word tells us what sin is and the HS convicts us, we don’t need to wonder.  Gal.5:19-21,

                                                                  1Cor.6:9-10, Ps.139:23, Heb.4:12

II. What does sin do?

      A. Causes physical death.  Gen.2:17

      B. Causes spiritual death.  You lose discernment of good and evil.   Illus. dog and tax return.

            1.  It separates us from God.

            2.  Unrepented of sin leads to hell.

      C.  An example of sin hardened hearts.  ELCA

III. How can sin be forgiven?

      A. Through the shed blood of Jesus Christ.  Vs 7

      B.  He is our Propitiation.  Our payment for sin.  Rom. 8:31-34

Con. Romans 3:24-26.  Have you come to Jesus to have your sins washed away?



August 30 2009

Intro – Our faith must rest in what God says not what man says.  We can tap into His wisdom through His word and by the power of the Holy Spirit.  This is the wisdom that will lead to salvation.  2Tim.3:15

I When Christians speak the word of God, they are speaking wisdom. 

      A.  Other believers will understand this wisdom.   Prob.28:7,  2Tim.2:7

            1.  There are levels of understanding.        1Cor.3:1-2

            2.  The more time you spend in God’s Word the deeper your understanding will be.  2Tim.2:15

      B.  The wisdom of God is not understood by the world of unbelievers.

            1.  Not by those who have been blinded.        2Cor.4:3-4

            2.  Not by false prophets or pastors.            1Cor.14:37-38,  1Jn.4:6

II. The Holy Spirit reveals God’s truth to us.

      A. Only the believers have the Holy Spirit to do this.        Jn.16:13,  Mt.13:11-12

      B. We are to teach these truths to others.          1Tim.4:10-11,  2Tim.2:2

III.  The natural man cannot understand these truths.

      A. Unbelievers will reject the truth.           2Tim.4:3-4

      B. Unbelievers cannot understand because they do not have the Holy Spirit.       Is.55:8-9,  Jn.8:47

      C. Because the HS dwells in us as believers we can discern and understand spiritual truths. Heb.5:14

Con. – As believers we have the mind of Christ. We know what He thinks because He has told us in His word.

Therefore, we must warn others of their foolish sinfulness.  Ezk.3:17-21, and we must remove ourselves from those who reject God’s truth.  Prob.14:7


2 Samuel 12:1-7

Sept. 6 2009

Intro- at some time in life we need help to see things clearly. Spiritually God sends people into our lives to help us see things better.  Sometimes we just need to see things from a different perspective.

I. The prophet Nathan was sent to help David see his sin.

      A. Amazingly, David didn’t see it because sin is deceptive.              Heb.3:12-13

      B. Spiritual blindness needs the Holy Spirit to correct our thinking.        2Tim.3:16

            1. God’s word is like the eye chart.                           Acts 17:11, Rom.15:4

            2. The Holy Spirit is like the glasses that make it clear to us.        Jn.16:13-15

      C. Sometimes you might be the eye doctor!

            1. You first must pass the exam.                          Matt.7:4-5

            2. You must do your work with humility.                         Ph.2:3, Rom.12:3, Gal.6:1

II. You can have perfect vision and still have a blind spot.

      A.  Keep your eyes on Jesus.                                 Heb.12:2,  James 1:23-24

      B. Have a heart for other people.                         Mt.5:43-44

III. Will you listen to the eye doctor?

      A. David did.  He repented of his sin. (13)

      B.  How do you respond when someone shows you a blind spot?

Con. – Pray that the Holy Spirit will open your eyes.  Allow the Word of God to search your heart.  What ever sin is revealed, confess it and ask for the Lord’s forgiveness.


Proverbs 4:14-27

September 13,2009

Intro – be watchful.  Illus the Escalators. Our text tells us we need to be watchful and scripture reinforces this truth.  Mt.16:6, 2Jn.1:8, Heb.13:7, Lk.21:36, 1Cor.16:13, 1Pet.4:7.  What are we to watch for?

I. What path we get on or stay on. 4-19.          Mt.7:13-14

      A.  Don’t walk the path of evil men.           Mt.7:15-16

            1. Avoid and turn away so your thinking is not affected by them.  Illus. Karl Marx.

            2. Their joy is in causing trouble and misleading others.       Rom. 1:32.

      B. The right path enlightens and you grow and understand.         2Pet.3:17-18

            1. In discernment.                 Heb.5:14

            2. In truth.                        Jn.3:21

      C. Those on the wrong path want to hide what they do.

            1. They would rather deceive and gossip than get to the truth.

            2. Believers want to resolve conflicts and find out the truth.        Mt.18:16

II. We need to watch that we are listening to the Lord’s advice. 20-23

      A.  Obedience to God’s word brings spiritual and physical healing.        Pr.3:8, 17:22.

      B.  More importantly, being on the right path leads to salvation.        1Jn.1:7,  Mt.7:14

III. Watch your actions, put off the bad and put on the good.  24-27,  Eph.4:20-24

      A.  Put away deception and gossiping.                    Eph.4:30-31

      B.  Instead, keep your eyes on Jesus and do as He would want.  Prob.3:5-6

      C.  Don’t try and make crooked (excuses or exceptions)  the straight path of the Lord.  (27)  Acts.13:8-11

Con. -  Get on the right path, stay on it.  Don’t get side tracked or off course.  Walk with the Lord in obedience to His Word.


1Kings 17:1-6

September 20 2009

Intro – his call was to get Israel to change their behavior.  To turn from the idols and false gods to once again worship the one true God.   America needs to hear that message today.

I. Who was this prophet Elijah?

      A.  He was the prototype of John the Baptist.        2Kings 1:8,  Mt.3:4,  11:14

      B.  He was known as the prophet of fire.

            1.  The Mt. Carmel test.    Rebuilt altar and fire came down.  1Kings 18:21.

            2.  King Ahaziah’s soldiers.  2 groups of 50 burned.         2Kings 1:13

      C.  He preached law rather than grace.

            1. But today is a day of grace.        Luke 9:54-56, Jn.3:17

            2. The day of grace will not last forever.       Rom.2:5, 2Pet.3:7,  Rom 2:4

II. What was his message?

      A.  Repent of sin.        John Mt.3:2,  Jesus Lk.13:3, Heb.1:1-2

      B.  He confronted sin.         Jude 1:3-7

      C.  He revealed the word of God.       17:2, 18:1, 2Tim.4:2

III. How did he deal with the ungodly?

      A. He spoke the truth, what God had said.  Eph.4:15.

      B. He obeyed the Lord, not man.           Jn.12:43, Rom.3:4,

      C. He trusted God to take care of him.       Mt.6:33

Con. – Be an Elijah, preach the word of God to your friends. Heb.3:15, Pray that they repent and come to know Jesus as Lord and Savior while it is still the day of grace.  IF they do not repent, a day of judgment and fire awaits them.



September 27 2009

Intro – Is Jesus enough for you?  Many people want something more, entertainment, emotional excitement, a vision, a dream, etc.    When Jesus means everything to you will be content to hear His word preached and studied. You will want nothing more than to increase your knowledge of Him and His truth.  You will have a hunger for the Word of God and desire to fellowship with those who want to live their lives for Jesus.

I. Because Christ was everything to Paul, he trusted Him with his circumstance.  1Peter 1:6-7, Rom.8:28

      A. The Holy Spirit gives the grace to endure your situation.        Jn.14:16,  1Cor.10:13

      B. This brings glory to Christ.          1Peter 2:12, 4:16

            1.  Through his life.                   Gal.2:20

            2.  Through his death.  Illus. the cross still stands. The man died the message did not!

II. Because Christ was everything to Paul he was content.

      A.  Contentment shows Christ is everything to you.  Heb.13:5, 1Tim.6:8

      B.  He was content to live.              Ph.3:10,  John 15:5

      C.  He was content to die.         2Cor.5:6-9

III. Because Christ was everything to Paul he was intent on carrying out His will.  1Cor.2:2

      A.  This would mean bearing fruit.           Matt.28:19

      B.  This would mean encouraging the believers. Rom.15:4, Heb.10:25

Con. – Contentment and service are signs that Jesus is everything to you also. He redeemed you, may your grateful heart praise Him.

God’s Child

Matthew 18:1-6

October 4 2009

Intro-  Jesus tells us 4 things about His children in this text today.

I. They are converted.

      A. Not everyone is a child of God.          Mt.7:13-14, Jn.3:7

      B. Conversion is simple but necessary.       Jer.17:9, Lk.13:3, Act 3:19

      C. To be converted means to be changed.        Act 26:20,  Eph.5:8, 1Peter 2:9

II. They are humble.

      A. Pride keeps people from Christ.              Proverbs 16:5, 1Jn.1:10, James 4:6

      B. The very act of conversion is saying you were wrong.  1Jn.1:9

      C. The process of sanctification is one of humility.  Ps.139:23, James 4:10, 1Peter 5:6 Micah 6:8

III.  They represent Christ.

      A.  What you do and say to a Christian, you are really doing to Jesus. Gal.2:20, Mt.25:44-45     Illus.

      B.  We welcome Christ to work in our hearts by loving the brethren.        1Jn3:14, 18

      C.  We push Christ out of our lives when we don’t love our fellow believers. 1Jn 4:20

IV. They can stumble.

      A. Christians are not perfect, they make mistakes.          Rom.7:15

      B.  If another person is the cause of his/her stumbling they are in grave danger.  Rom.14:21,  1Tim.2:9

Con.- If you are a child of God’s today, act like it, live like it.  Let the joy of your salvation be what motivates you to godly living.  You’re His child, represent Him well!


Jeremiah 17:5-10

October 11, 2009

Intro – the Lord compares people to trees and bushes.  Bushes easily dry up and die.  Trees grow strong and produce fruit.  Our spiritual lives reflect one of these two plants.

I The bush people.

  1. They trust in self, rather than God.              Jer.48:7,  Col.2:8
  2. They bring on God’s curse.               Is.30:1, Ga 3 10
    1. They miss God’s blessing.             Acts 3:26
    2. They live an unfruitful life.              Jn.15:5-6
  3. They turn away from the Lord.              2Tim.4:4

II   The tree people.

  1. They trust in God rather than man.              Ps.40:5  Proverbs 3:5- not even own understanding.
  2. They extend their roots.              Ps.1:2-3, Jn 7:37-38
    1. No fear when depending on God.  Rom.8:28
    2. They know God will provide.  Lk.12:22, 32
    3. They will be fruitful.                          Eph. 4:14, not tossed to and fro.

III   God knows His plants.  Spiritual horticulturalist.  

  1. Your natural condition.                     Jer.32:19 #. Your motives.                                   Heb.4:12
  2. His judgment is final.              Fig tree. Matt.20:19             Rev.21:8

Con.  Which one are you?  A bush that is easily moved or a tree that has strong roots in the word of God.


Luke 13:10-17

October 18 2009

Intro – Jesus many times spoke out against the Pharisees and their hypocrisies.  Our text today is one of those times. Jesus wants us to live better than the world around us but we should not think, by nature, we are better than others because it is just by the grace of God that we are what we are.  Some think because I’m a preacher, teacher, front row church goers that it makes me better than others. That kind of thinking is pride and hypocrisy.

Jesus came to set us free from those sinful attitudes.  Let’s look at what it was that brought about the Lord’s condemnation of the Pharisees.

I. Jesus heals “a sickness caused by a spirit.”

      A.  Possession by demons was and is a real problem.          Mk.5:2, 15

            1. Judas started as a disciple but ended possessed by Satan.  Jn.13:2, 27

            2. Saul an example of someone who went bad.        1Sam.15:23, 16:14, 23, 18:10, 28:7, 16, 19.

            3.  Don’t give Satan a opportunity.  Parents protect your children from movies, books etc.   Eph.4:27

      B. Oppression is real also.         Acts 10:38

            1.  Lot        2Peter 2:7

            2.  Paul        2Cor.11:23-28

            3.  Luther  Illus. Wartburg stain.

      C.  As a Christian you can be oppressed but not possessed by Satan.  1Jn.4:4

II.  The power to be set free was the Word of God.

      A. Jesus just spoke, the word of God has power.        Rom.1:16,  Jn.8:36

      B.  The blood of Christ has the power to set us free.        Zech.9:11,  1Jn.1:7

III.  Hypocrites resent God’s plan.

      A.  It’s to simple.               1Peter 2:6-8, 1Cor.1:23

      B.  It doesn’t include self effort.       Rom.9:32

      C.  Jesus exposes their hypocrisies.  Mt.23:33

Con. – have you been set free, forgiven, sins washed away?  Come to Jesus and He will set you free.


Colossians 1:24-2:3

November 1 2009

Intro – Paul was an Apostle, missionary, teacher and as we see from our text today a minister. Paul would go and plant churches and then turn it over to others like Timothy to serve as pastors.  But he understood what it was to be a minister.

I. It was a position determined by God.

      A. A man should be called or chosen by God to be a pastor.               Acts 26:16

            1. The call comes with a love and burden for others, not selfishness.  Rom.9:3

            2.  The call comes with a sense of responsibility, authority and protection.  Heb.13:17, 1Tim.5:19, 20;

                                                                                                                  Ps. 105:15, 

      B.  There are pastors who are not called by God.        1Pet.5:2 (money)

            1.  They are doing the devils work.                    Matt.7:15,  2Cor.11:13-15, Jude 1:3-4

            2.  You need to test their spirit to see if they are of the Lord. 1Jn.4:2,  2Peter 2:1-3, Gal.1:6-10

II. It was a position that is intended to benefit the church members.

      A. A true pastor will help his church follow Christ.        1Tim.4:6

      B.  A true pastor will encourage believers.  “Christ in you, the hope of glory”.  27

      C.  A true pastor will preach the word of God.  28  “Proclaim Him”  2Tim.4:2

      D.  A true pastor will:  28

            1.  Admonish = warn of wrong behavior.        2Tim.3:16 

            2.  Teach = show correct behavior.

            3.  Strive to get members to be Christ like.  Eph. 4:11-13

III.  It was a position filled with struggles.          2Tim.4:7

      A.  A true pastor is grieved when church members go astray and will fight to get them back on track. Gal.5:7,12

      B.  A true pastor rejoices when members see, understand and obey the truth of God’s word. 3 Jn.1:4

Con. – it’s all about Jesus.  A true pastor wants you to know Jesus, grow in your knowledge of Him, work in His wisdom and to know the love and fellowship of believers.


Romans 13:1-7

Nov. 15 2009

Intro – Our text tells us we must be “in subjection” or submissive to those in authority over us.  When people decide not to do this, it turns into anarchy.  Mexico today is an example of a nation on the verge of anarchy.  We are to be in subjection to the “governing authorities”.  This principal is taught in the Bible and applied to several areas.  What are the governing authorities? 

I.  Our national and state leaders.

      A.  God has allowed them to be there.               1Peter 2:13-15

            1.  Doesn’t mean you have to agree with them.  Titus 3:1

            2.  You must obey the law and pay your taxes.  Submit.

      B.  Only one exception to this rule.               Acts 5:28-29

            1. Christians must obey God over man.        Luke 12:5

            2.  Be prepared to suffer when you do so.        1Peter 4:12-16

II.  Our church leaders.

      A. God has allowed them to hold their office.        Heb.13:17,  1Cor.16:15-16

      B.  They need your support when dealing with difficult situations.  1Cor.5:3-5

      C.  Your options are simple.  Obey or find a new pastor or new church when they contradict God’s word.

III.  In our homes, our schools, jobs, etc.

      A. God has established the home.        Eph. 5:22-24

      B. Children must obey the governing authority. (parents),  Eph.6:1

Con.  God is not the author of confusion.  He is a God of order.  He has arranged the home, the church and society in such a way that they will run smoothly if we follow His guidelines. We can rebel against authority but the Bible says you will “reap what you sow” and “you can be sure your sin will find you out.”


Isaiah 63:1-9

November 22 2009

Intro - Our text shows that God has in the past and will in the future punish those who rebel against Him.  Today we live in a day of grace but when Jesus returns He will punish the enemies of God.

I. Christ is pictured as dressed in red.

      A.  Why? because He has judged the unbelievers.        2Tim.4:1,  Rom.2:16,  Rev.20:13

      B.  Punished them like grapes in a press.        Rev.14:18-20,  19:13-16   READ

      C.  Judgment belongs to God.                 Heb.10:30,  Rom.12:19

            1.  We are to expose sin.                    Eph.5:11

            2.  We are to separate from the ungodly.        Eph.5:7-10,  2Cor.6:14-18n  READ

II.  Who does He pour out His wrath on?

      A.  Those who reject Christ.              Jn.1:1,  3:18

      B.  Those who reject the truth.          2Thess.2:11-12   Illus. letters from pastors

      C.  Those who are unrepentant.           Rom.2:5-9

III.  How shall we escape His wrath?        Heb.2:3

      A.  By becoming one of His people.        Jn.1:12

      B.  By getting saved.              Acts. 16:30-31,  Rom.10:9,  2Tim.3:14-16,  Rom.8:1

      C.  By repenting of sin.                   1Jn.1:9

con. - The redeemed of the Lord need not fear the day of vengeance. (9) Are you one of the redeemed?


Matthew 21:1-9

November 29 2009

Intro - the bible talks about Jesus  holding 3 offices while here on earth.  We are told He would be a prophet, priest and king.  Our text today makes reference to those 3 positions.

I. Jesus as a prophet.  (2)

      A. Jesus is the prophet predicted in the OT.            Duet. 18:18, Jn.9:17, Lk.13:33-34 - Jesus

      B. He knew things that were humanly impossible.        Mt.9:4, Jn. 4:19

      C. He preached and taught the Word of God.            Jn.3:34,  Lk.4:18-21, Lk.13:3, Lk.19:10

      D. He fulfilled the prophecy about Him riding into Jerusalem.

II. Jesus as king.  (5)

      A. Jesus is the king predicted in the OT. (5)         Dan.7:13-14

            1. He fulfilled the promise of God.            2 Sam.7:16,  Lk.1:32-33, Jn.1:49

            2. Son of David by birth. (Genealogy)      Mt.2:2, , Lk.23:3

      B. As King He is Sovereign.  

            1. Over creation.           Jn.1:3,  Col.1:17.  (miracles)

            2. Over all people.              Ph.2:9-11

      C. Are you a part of His kingdom?  Col.1:13,  Lk.23:42-43

III. Jesus as high priest. (9)   Heb.2:17

      A. Jesus never served in the temple but He did the work of a high priest. Heb.4:14,

      B. In the OT the priest provided cleansing for the people.       Heb.9:6-7

      C. Jesus provides cleansing for us.                    1Jn.1:7, Heb.10:19-22

Con. Jesus is still fulfilling these offices today. As prophet He teaches us through His word.  As priest He is our sacrifice and mediates for us. 1Tim. 2:5.  As King He rules in our hearts and is coming again to reign as King of Kings over all the earth.  The question is, do you know Him as your Lord and Savior?

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