Testify of Jesus
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ME: Intro
ME: Intro
How do you know when you are at the beginning of the end of something?
I have this wireless mouse in my office.
For weeks now,
I would be in the middle of using it,
And it would just freeze.
It would stop moving on the screen.
I tried turning it off and on repeatedly,
I looked all over to see if it have a spot to replace batteries,
I unplugged the receiver from the computer and plugged it back in.
And it would seem to keep cutting in and out.
So, I knew, it was nearing the end of this mouse.
Ironically, when I finally went to get rid of it,
After all this time,
I don’t know how I did it,
But I happened to pop the top of the mouse off,
And sure enough,
I found where the batteries were,
So, I replaced them,
And now it works great!
Similar thing happened with my car.
I was driving and suddenly the RPMs would go up,
But the car wouldn’t accelerate.
I would shift it into neutral and back into drive to get it to start accelerating again.
Until it just stopped driving altogether.
Because the engine was overheating and it needed coolant.
So, although it is driving now,
It has been the beginning of the end for this car for awhile now.
But those are the kind of indicators that let us know the beginning of the end has arrived,
When things are no longer doing what we expect,
Or no longer serving its purpose for us.
So, we figure out how to get rid of it,
And replace it with something that will.
While this makes sense for certain things,
Like computer mouses or cars,
It is a little different,
When it comes to Jesus.
Matthew 21 is essentially the beginning of the end of His life on earth.
And just like the way we respond to things when the beginning of the end comes,
The crowds in Jerusalem eventually respond to Jesus,
By figuring out how how to get rid of Him,
And replace Him with something they think will do what they want.
Because when Jesus comes into Jerusalem,
He does not overthrow Rome as they expected or wanted.
He was no longer serving their purpose.
So, this morning,
We are looking at just the beginning of the end,
As we begin Passion week,
The week that leads to the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
Our passage this morning is Matt. 21:1-11, where the crowds Testify of Jesus.
And although He was not the King they expected or wanted,
Their praise of Jesus is spot on.
Vs. 1-5 shows how Jesus was...
Prophesied as Lord & Savior (1-5)
And in vs. 6-11, Jesus is...
Testified as Lord & Savior (6-11).
From this passage,
My hope is that you will...
Testify of Jesus with your actions and your words.
Then, after going through this passage,
We all have the blessing this morning to hear from two individuals,
Who will testify of Jesus in their lives.
And so, turning our attention now to this passage,
This has traditionally been referred to as Jesus’ triumphant entry.
Because it resembles a victory parade from Jesus’ day,
Where a Roman emperor would enter a city that he captured,
Or was within his realm,
Riding in on his majestic stallion.
Even today,
It is a spectacle when important people go places.
The pope has his blinged out popemobile,
The president has air force one,
A private armored jet.
But this is not how Jesus,
The King of kings enters,
He rides in on a young donkey.
John 12:16 says even...
His disciples did not understand these things at first, but when Jesus was glorified, then they remembered that these things had been written about him and had been done to him.
This is talking about how Jesus fulfilled specific OT prophecies.
WE: (1-5)
WE: (1-5)
So, put yourself in this scene.
People are crowding into Jerusalem for the Passover celebration.
This celebration alone stood for something momentous.
They were celebrating the grand story of God’s faithfulness to their people.
Their ancestors have gathered in Jerusalem on this day each year,
Just like this,
For generations.
But what these crowds did not understand,
Is that they were gathering for the most significant passover ever,
The final true passover,
The Passover of Jesus Christ,
The Lamb of God.
So, when Jesus entered this city,
These same crowds understood,
There was something more about Him.
More than just being a teacher or a holy man.
But even still,
They could not fathom the eternal significance of the events that would be unfolding right before them in the week to come.
Many of them still unaware of the details of the miracles Jesus had been performing.
So, to give you an idea,
I know it is hard to see,
But if you look at the screen,
This is ancient Jerusalem.
But off to the right,
That is to the east of Jerusalem.
You may be able to see that it says the Mt. of Olives,
And that small blue line running north to south is the Kidron Valley.
Out in that direction is where Bethphage,
A small village on the slopes of the Mount of Olives is located.
This is where vs. 1 says,
They came to Bethphage, to the Mt. of Olives, as they drew near to Jerusalem.
The Mount of Olives is not so much a mountain,
As it is just a really large rolling hill,
Kind of like the hills we have around here.
Then, when Jesus actually makes His triumphant entry,
He enters in through a gate along that orange portion in the middle of the city,
Along the eastern wall.
This is opposite end of the upper part of the city,
Where the high priest and Herod and everyone was.
So, leading up to this pivotal moment,
Ch. 20 just finished narrating how Jesus was just travelling from Jericho to Jerusalem,
Where he encountered blind men who twice called Him Son of David.
So, just before His triumphant entry,
Jesus stokes the expectations of the crowd,
By healing these blind men.
As was usual for Him,
He continues on foot right up to the edge of Jerusalem.
Then, as He, the King,
Prepares to enter His city,
He sends two disciples in vs. 2,
Into the nearby village to locate a chosen donkey for His entry.
He tells the disciples they will find a donkey first,
And with the donkey,
Will be a colt.
Now, this may or may not have been a miraculous arrangement.
Some believe that Jesus simply made previous arrangements to use these animals.
For example, Daniel Doriani says in his commentary,
“This is probably not a miracle in which Jesus has a supernatural vision of a donkey outside a house. Most likely, he has arranged to borrow the animal, much as he arranges to have the Last Supper with his disciples in an upper room.”
This is certainly possible.
But I would contend,
That Matthew refers to Jesus’ supernatural knowledge on more than one occasion.
So, it is also equally possible that Jesus simply uses His supernatural knowledge here.
But the donkey reveals several things about Jesus.
First, Jesus essentially commandeers these animals,
As a demonstration of His authority as Lord,
Without even being present.
I mean,
Just look what He tells the disciples in vs. 3.
If anyone says anything to you about taking this colt and donkey,
Just tell them,
“The Lord needs them.”
“The Lord,”
Is a reference to God,
Jesus is telling these disciples to tell anyone who asks,
That Yahweh needs these animals for His purpose.
So, there is no doubt,
These animals will be coming with the disciples.
Using this simple yet profound boldness, confidence, and directness,
Jesus sends two disciples to a nearby village to bring back these animals.
This command came from the words of a leader,
An authority,
A King ushering in His Kingdom,
Who is planning a symbolic act,
To enter Jerusalem as the King mounted on a donkey.
And when these disciples got to the village,
They found the animals exactly as Jesus said they would.
So, the donkey first reveals Jesus’ authority as Lord.
Matthew is the only Gospel that mentions the colt’s mother.
Seemingly, to emphasize that this was a young colt.
That was with its mother because it not yet been weaned from the mother,
Therefore, it had not yet been ridden.
We know this,
Because Mark, who is much more straightforward,
Simply says in Mark 11:2 that no one has ever sat on this colt.
This detail of the colt never having been ridden is important,
Because this was the clue for those who understood Jewish prophecy.
Jesus was shifting from hiding His identity throughout His ministry,
To revealing it.
Part of that even goes back to when Jesus told the disciples to say,
“The Lord needs them.”
He was beginning to reveal Himself as Lord and Savior.
So, secondly the donkey reveals,
That Jesus came to fulfill prophecy.
Matthew explains this in vs. 4-5,
Citing two OT prophecies to support how Jesus’ choice of transportation was a fulfillment of prophecy.
First, Isaiah 62:11 tells of the coming of the King,
And Zech. 9 prophesies about God liberating Jerusalem by the hand of a king who will come in humility,
Who will ride into Jerusalem on a colt,
The foal of a donkey,
In Zechariah, God promises to guard his house, his city, and his nation.
He says that no oppressor will march over the land.
And when the king comes,
The Lord will remove chariots and warhorses and battle bows from Jerusalem.
Then He will proclaim peace to the nations because of His covenant with Israel.
Therefore, He says,
Jerusalem must rejoice,
Because Her king is coming.
Gently and peacefully and ready to rule the nations.
So, Matthew cites only vs. 9 of this prophecy,
That the King will gently ride in on a donkey.
But he does not include the other parts of the prophecy.
Likely, because it is not yet time for Christ’s rule to manifest itself throughout the world.
For now, He is the peaceful King.
So, the Jews know,
That God has promised this throughout the OT.
So, when Jesus did this,
He embraced His fulfillment of prophecy,
Making it unmistakably clear,
Jesus is our King!
Jesus is our Lord!
Jesus is our God!
Jesus is our Savior!
The third thing the donkey reveals,
Is that Jesus is a humble King,
Or peaceful King!
This is incredibly beautiful!
If anyone has the right to be proud,
It is the Lord God Savior King!
But instead, He is humble!
Marvelously humble!
The word for humble here is a Greek adjective used to characterize one who is gentle.
It is also used in Matthew 11:28-29, where Jesus says,
Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.
So, the donkey reveals Jesus’ authority as Lord,
That Jesus came to fulfill prophecy,
And that Jesus is a humble, gentle, peaceful King!
He is not riding in proud on a stallion or blinged out armored car.
No, He rides in on a young donkey,
Because ultimately,
He is not riding in to fight a physical battle,
As the people expected.
No, He is riding a young colt as a gentle and humble King,
To win us peace at the cost of His own life.
GOD: (6-11)
GOD: (6-11)
So, what happens after Jesus gives this command to His disciples?
Vs. 6-7 say that the disciples are faithful in acquiring and preparing the colt,
As Jesus told them to.
It says they also brought the donkey along,
Because the donkey was likely the mother,
And would be able to calm this colt.
Demonstrating the inexperience of the colt.
So, after the disciples lay their garments on the colt,
As a makeshift saddle,
Jesus, the prophesied King,
Becomes the first to ever mount this colt.
YOU: (8-9)
YOU: (8-9)
With Jesus now on the colt just outside of Jerusalem,
He begins to make His way into the city.
And again, it is incredible.
Here is this colt,
That has never been ridden,
Seemingly needed its mother to come with it,
Just so that the disciples could lead it back to Jesus.
Now, Jesus calmly rides into Jerusalem on this colt.
Demonstrating how Jesus is master of all,
Including animals,
So, He is able to master this untrained animal.
And it is great,
The Jews testify of Jesus as He rides into Jerusalem.
But I do wonder,
Did this crowd of Jews catch the connection to Zechariah?
How much of what was going on did they really understand?
At the very least,
They had to know that this was some part of a prophetic fulfillment.
But how much they understood is hard to gauge.
I mean, this was a time where hopeful anticipation of the Messiah was through the roof.
And with it being passover,
Those hopes are without a doubt, amplified even more greatly!
Then, you can imagine the reports of Jesus healing blind men on His way here,
And being called the Son of David.
All of this together,
Contributes to the crowd testifying Jesus as Lord and Savior in vs. 8-9.
First, in vs. 8, they testify with their actions.
They hurried to spread their cloaks on the road,
Before the colt carrying the King walked over it.
They cut palm branches from trees,
And spread those before the road as well,
Taking action to keep their Lord’s colt from touching the ground.
All of these actions imitate the way in which kings entered their cities in the OT.
So, they are testifying that Jesus is their Messiah,
Their Lord,
By their actions.
But they also testify that Jesus is their Messiah,
Their Savior,
With their words.
In vs. 9,
This impromptu procession busts out as the crowd enters the city with Jesus.
Echoing Psalm 118:25-26,
They shout in praise to God,
“Hosanna to the Son of David!”
Which literally means,
“Save us now, Son of David!”
They were both pleading for salvation from God,
And testifying that Jesus Christ is their Savior.
Saying that God sent Him in the name and authority of the Lord.
So, they were shouting their hope that God would deliver them through this Jesus,
Their Messiah.
Their Savior,
The Son of David.
When they cry out Son of David,
They are picturing a king like David.
Someone who is going to wipe out their enemies,
Who will liberate them from Rome.
It was common during this time,
For Jews to pray for God to raise up the Son of David,
To destroy the unrighteous rulers,
And to purge all Gentiles from Jerusalem,
So, that they with the Son of David,
Would rule in righteousness.
So, it is important that we acknowledge,
That although this crowd is testifying of Jesus in action and word,
Many are likely misguided.
Because they are hoping for a military victory from Jesus.
This is what many believe led the majority of this crowd to change their praise into calls for Christ’s blood in just a few days.
But don’t let their eventual misplaced hope deter you from what they are doing here.
We must testify of Jesus in action and word.
Because although they were eventually misguided,
The truth they speak here remains,
Jesus is our Savior now.
So, Hosanna!
He comes in the authority of God.
So, blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord!
And He is the greatest Savior,
He is the promised eternal Savior.
He is the Savior from heaven.
So, Hosanna in the highest!
On that day,
Even though they did not realize it in that moment,
The crowds in Jerusalem got a glimpse of the One whom they eagerly awaited for centuries,
Their Messiah,
Their Lord,
Their Savior,
The Son of God.
WE: (10-11)
WE: (10-11)
Vs. 10-11 button up the triumphant entry rather quickly.
Saying, when Jesus entered into Jerusalem,
It caused quite the uproar.
The city was all charged up.
The same thing happened back when Jesus was first born.
Look at Matthew 2:3,
When Herod the king heard this, he was troubled, and all Jerusalem with him;
Now, once again,
Jerusalem was all shook up because of Jesus.
But remember,
With it being passover,
Jerusalem is especially packed with all the people travelling from all over.
So, all these people in the city are asking who He was.
And this is the perfect question to ask!
Sadly, they got a really underwhelming answer in vs. 11.
I mean,
Yea, it is Jesus of Nazareth.
And yea, He is a prophet.
So, the answer is not false.
But man,
It seriously undersells who He is!
It would be like meeting Taylor Swift,
Then posting online that you met this lady who plays guitar.
That’s true,
But I think you are missing the magnitude of who it actually is!
Likewise, the crowds underestimate who Jesus is,
Even as they have been praising Him.
This was their opportunity to fully testify of Jesus, their Lord and Savior.
But instead, they simply call Him a prophet?!
It is wild...
This amazing scene,
Sadly ends in confusion.
Jesus, the King, humbly rides a colt into Jerusalem,
Performing no miraculous healings,
Starting no wars to overthrow Rome.
Luke’s gospel adds how Jesus weeps as He approaches Jerusalem.
Because here is their Lord,
Their Savior,
Their Messiah,
Their God,
Humbly riding into Jerusalem to bring them peace.
And they miss it.
Because they wanted their Son of David to drive out Rome.
They cry out for their warrior king.
And when He is the gentle King instead,
Eventually their shouts change from Hosanna to crucify.
And because they missed that Jesus is Lord and Savior,
They miss out on knowing the peace He wins them.
Matthew presents Jesus as He is,
Not as the Jews imagined Him,
And not as we might want Him to be.
No, Jesus defines who He is,
Not us,
Not our expectations,
Not our wants.
And Matthew says,
Our King Jesus chooses the cross,
He chooses to be betrayed by His own people,
He chooses to be slain by Rome,
He chooses to set aside His infinite power to die for us.
Because His reign is far greater than the physical.
He has an eternal and spiritual reign.
And His reign still exists in this world.
So, we must know King Jesus,
As He is,
Not as we imagine Him to be,
Or want Him to be.
He does not only overthrow a world power,
He overthrows sin and Satan and death.
And He does so,
As the gentle King,
Who has come peacefully on a donkey.
Saving us,
Not by slaying our enemies,
But by dying for us.
So, Jesus’ triumphant entry teaches us that King Jesus is our Lord and Savior.
No matter what we might prefer Jesus to be or do,
It does not change who He is.
Wishing Him to be something or someone different does not make it so.
He is who He is,
A personal, interested, powerful, just, merciful, peaceful, loving, perfect, gentle Lord and Savior.
So, as the city was asking,
Who is this Jesus?
He is more than just a prophet.
He is the Son of David,
Our Lord,
Our Messiah,
Our Savior,
And our King.
So, let us all testify of Jesus our gentle Lord and our eternal Savior,
Both in action and in Word.
To close this morning,
We are blessed to have two sisters in Christ,
Who plan to do just that.
Kelly Mallette and Jazmine Albin have testified that Jesus Christ is their Lord and Savior!
And they have also expressed a desire to commit to the body of FBC Afton as members.
So, they are going to each take a moment to testify how Jesus has saved them,
Then I am going to ask the members here to give a vote of affirmation,
Expressing our commitment to them as members of this body.
So, first, I am going to invite Kelly up to testify of Jesus.