Untitled Sermon
Israel had sinned & separated herself from God
Isaiah 59: 1-
They hatch cockatrice’ eggs,
And weave the spider’s web:
He that eateth of their eggs dieth,
And lthat which is crushed breaketh out into a viper.
6 Their webs shall not become garments,
Neither shall they cover themselves with their works:
Their works are works of iniquity,
And the act of violence is in their hands.
designed to show the evil nature and tendency of their works. They were as if they should carefully nourish the eggs of a venomous serpent. Instead of crushing them with the foot and destroying them, they took pains to hatch them, and produce a venomous race of reptiles
they formed plans designed to seize upon and destroy others, as spiders weave their web for the purpose of catching and destroying insects
15 Yea, truth faileth;
And he that departeth from evil cmaketh himself a prey:
means evidently a man who did not, and would not, fall in with the prevailing iniquitous practices, but who maintained a life of honesty and piety. It was one of the evils of the times that such a man would be harassed, plundered, ill-treated