Another easter another reminder...

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Jesus died on the cross for our sins. But three days later he rose from the grave. He came back to life. This is what we call the resurrection. This is what we celebrate at easter.
Why is the resurrection so important?
It proves Christianity to be true. How?
It proved the claims of Christ
It showed the Father accepted the price paid for sin
It proved Jesus was the Son of God
It proved defeated death so now those who believe in him will one day be resurrected.
There is another reason why Jesus was risen from the dead and often it is over looked but we have it in our passage.
Give context.
The resurrection of Jesus is proof that we will all be judged by God one day.

I. God commands repentance

Acts 17:30 “Truly, these times of ignorance God overlooked, but now commands all men everywhere to repent,”
a change of mind-
Biblical repentance always has two aspects there is a turning from sin to God and a faith in Jesus Christ forgiveness of sin.
Acts 20:21 “...testifying to Jews, and also to Greeks, repentance toward God and faith toward our Lord Jesus Christ.”
Have you repented? Notice the question isn’t do you go to church? Do you say your prayers? But rather have you repented. Have you turned from sin to God and have you put your faith in Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of sins?
Why does God command repentance?

II. God will judge the world by Jesus Christ

Acts 17:31because He has appointed a day on which He will judge the world in righteousness by the Man whom He has ordained.
a) A day has been set
b) udge the world in righetousness
c) By Jesus Christ
We must all appear before the judgement seat of Jesus Christ.
What does this have to do with easter?
It is because of easter that we know all of this is true.

III. God has given certain proof of this by the resurrection

v.31b He has given assurance of this to all by raising Him from the dead.””
The resurrection accomplished many things. One of them is the certainty of the coming day of judgement.


Some mocked
Some said we will hear you again
Others believed.
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