Have You Ever Been Forgotten
Text: Luke 23:39-46
Have you ever been forgotten? Have you felt the sting of loneliness or desertion? In times like that you cry for someone to remember you, to recognize your condition.
The thief on the cross was deserted, lonely, and about to die. He cried out to Jesus, “Remember me when you come into Your Kingdon.”
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Even a convicted felon like the thief on the cross gets desperately lonely. The thief didn’t do anything to deserve Paradise. All he did was recognize Jesus as the Son of God who didn’t deserve the punishment of a criminal.
But because of it, he was granted entrance into Paradidse.
You and I have sinned. When we are in sin, we are lonely, cut off from Paradise. And we are searching for that connection that reconciles, and will banish our loneliness.
Then along comes Jesus, who knows what loneliness is like. In a Garden the night before an agonizing death, He cried a painful prayer. His sweat turned to blood. His closes friends couldn’t even stay awake. It’s this man, the lonely Savior, who is here right now and He is saying to you, “Remember Me today, and tomorrow you will be with Me in Paradise.”