Never, Never, Never Give Up!
Text Matthew 27:45-46
Never, never, never give up!
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This is the only moment in history that Jesus was alone. He who controls the universe stayed on the cross to finish what He came to do.
How much can you take before you give up? Are you a feather or a mighty oak against the winds of adversity? Can you hold a steady course when difficulties mount?
Would you faint when going to work one day and the boss says, “Hand in your keys, this is your last day?” Do you pull up roots with the news: “Your child has cancer, we are going to have to amputate his leg?”
In moments like these, let me tell you where you find your inspiration. You find it in the man who kept His word, though God’s people sometimes don’t keep theirs.
When people from His own hometown tried to push Him over a cliff, He didn’t give up. When Peter worshipped Him at the supper and cursed Him at the fire, He didn’t give up. When people spat in His face, He didn’t spit back. When a whip ripped open His back, He didn’t command angels to strike them dead.
And when they fastened the hands of the only innocent One to a cross with spikes, it wasn’t the soldiers who help them steady…it was the hand of His Father that held His hands steady! For those wounded hands are the same invisible hands that carry you through the times when there is only one set of footprints in the sand!
The hands that shed the blood of heaven will reach down again, again, and again…as many times as it takes…to pick you up when you are knocked down and are tempted to give up.
So the next time bad news shatters your day, take a hike! Take a hike up Calvary’s hill where there’s a cross stained with holy blood from the hands of the Son of God! That blood is from the same hands that wrote you a promise: “God would give up His only Son before He would give up on you!”
Prayer: “Jesus, thank you that You never, never, never gave up!”