The Forgotten God

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if you take your Bible and turn with me to the Book of Judges, the Book of Judges, we finished looking at and studying the Book of Joshua, and the book, right after that, in the Bible is judges, and it's actually fits chronologically to As far as the timing of When It Was Written in his disgust discusses the. Of time right? After the Book of Joshua, after they conquered the land Judges chapter 1, verses 1 and 2.

Says, now after the death of Joshua, it came to pass that the children of Israel asked. The Lord saying who shall be first to go up for us against the Canaanites to fight against them. And the Lord said, Judah shall go up. Indeed, I have delivered the land into his hand. Let's go to our Lord in a time of prayer as we think about the Forgotten, God, our Father, we thank you, Lord, for your love and your goodness to us. We thank you Father that Lord, you kept many, the storms away from our states and amenity devastating storms that we have seen recently. Lord, I pray that there's still a lot of cleanup there. Still a lot of damage that was done or still families for grieving over the loss of their loved ones during those storms. And father we ask you to just to be with them a very special way. Lord, I pray that even through the storms father that we would be reminded of your power, That you control them, the storms, you control nature. And Lord that this would somehow be a reminder of your power and your strength. And Lord that this would be something that you could draw us back to you, Lord where we have strayed so far. I pray, Lord. As we look at this passage of scripture and we look at this, beginning message in this new series through through the Book of Judges. I pray God that you would help us to Apply your word to our hearts. You strengthen us we will grow in your word and grow closer to you by the bless the prayer time to Come Bless The Children and Youth downstairs. We ask all these things in Christ name. Amen. It does not take very long at all. If you're reading to the Book of Judges to find that the Book of Judges is not a pleasant book at all. It's not a pleasant. But matter of fact is probably one of the darkest books. In all of God's word. Is it describes the people as it describes a. And Israel's history when they were they were without a strong leader. And it shows they had previously, Moses, the great and first leader of Israel as they are coming out of Egypt and then gone raised up Joshua. But here in the Book of Judges Joshua has passed on and so now Israel finds itself in a position that they no longer have a strong and godly leader. If there was one verse that, you could say that the Book of Judges had a theme, it would be Judges chapter 17 and verse 6, where it says, in those days, there was no king in Israel. but every man did that which was right in his own eyes, so when man is left to himself, it will not be long before he finds himself in deep trouble. And deep seeing, this is why I am not a proponent of libertarianism and libertarian movement, that is seemingly growing to some degree. The movement which says, well, hey, just legalize everything, if we're truly a free Nation, They just legalize drugs. Why are drugs Outlaws? Why is abortion Outlaws? It should be a woman's Choice even though you might be opposed to it yourself. Nevertheless you can't impose your convictions upon someone else. We live in a free land, they ought to choose for themselves and then they also think that's prostitution should be legalized. Well, there's a lot of problems with that, obviously. They feel like as long as what a person does does not affect us then, it ought to be legalized The problem is, we know that a drug addict that is left alone, eventually is going to affect us right? Whether through thievery. Through some type of a rage and the they just see this utopian society of Freedom where everybody does, what they want. And everybody will live have happily not the case at all. I'm not a Libertarian. There are some things and in some aspects that you could say, in principle is good. But the only way libertarian is works is when the people itself are a Godly moral upright, people And guess what America does not have a whole lot of Godly upright in moral people. If you just got rid of all laws, it would be worse then. What judge has faced in in the days of Israel. So that's my take on libertarianism

And it's against it, growing saying, because people are kind of tired, tired of the two party system of the Democrats than Republicans, and they see that as a third-party chance, am a creep in. But I don't ever see it becoming a You know, the Bible party. However, thing about this, if in some states that Trump lost had to libertarianism had the Libertarians voted for Trump, trump would have won and so that's what happened. Sometimes you have that third-party, sometimes it's a spoiler for the one that really is more moral than the one that we had our that we do now have. But going back to Israel. God had birthed them as we know, he had delivered them out of the slavery of Egypt. He led them through the Wilderness, he fed them in the wilderness, see bless them. How the children of Israel were a favored? People they were the chosen ones of the Lord God Almighty, he's LED them. He fed them, he protected them. As we have seen through these last few months, we saw how he had led them through the promised land. Conquering the land of Canaan.

And all they had to do was answer the land destroy. The people who were living there and taking up residence. As we know, they disobeyed the laws of God. Israel deny the Lord, they defiled the land and they really defiled the law of God. And as a result that was forced to judge his people that he loved. So very much not in these verses that will be looking at this evening. We're going to see a portrait or at least some parallels of our nation today and we can get a glimpse of what lies in store for us as a nation. If we do not return to God, very very soon. I the first thing what you noticed was me is a nation that is blessed with amazing Conquest. Israel was blessed with amazing conquests. Again, verse 1 and 2. Says, now after the death of Joshua, it came to pass that the children of Israel asked. The Lord saying, who shall go who shall be first to go up for us against the Canaanites to fight against them. And the Lord said, Judah shall go up. Indeed I have deliver the land into his hand and someone is real entertaining. Really an honest, honestly, the sky was the limit. I mean, they're there was no limit to the blessings that they could have seen God had promised in the land. All they had to do was claim it by faith and notice inverse to notice some of the things that they enjoyed during those early days. I first of all, we see that they enjoyed God's Providence. They enjoy God's. Providence is providential hand verse 2. Again, says, I have delivered.

I have delivered the land into his hand, so God was going before them. He was preparing the way for searching for a certain big tree. And any honestly, there was no way they could lose. There's no way they could lose as long as God was with them as long as they were obeying the law of God. And as long as they were following the Lord, the sky was the limit. Always going to be blessed. They were going to conquer it. So they enjoy. That's a very beginning. They enjoy God's Providence. But notice also in verse 19, they enjoyed God's protection. They enjoyed God's protection. The Bible says, they're in the first parts of the Lord was with Judah. And drove out. The Canaanites, the perizzites. And so forth. So this shows us that y'all was actively involved in helping Israel conquer the land of Canaan. He not only prepared the way but he protected them in the way. And then verse for, we see how they enjoyed God's power. Verse for says, and the Lord delivered, the Canaanites and the perizzites into their hands over Sports houses, who the real power of the battlefield was it was a lord God, it was not Israel themself. It was God, he is the God of all power. I've been noticed. They also enjoyed God's promises. They enjoyed God's promises for hundreds of years, beginning with Abraham. In Genesis 12:1, Don have been promising to give the nation of Israel. A Homeland well, he is in the process of fulfilling that promise in these particular versus now, someone like to tell us that the promises given to ancient Israel. Have been transferred, completely to America. Wrong not true. America is obviously not Israel. So we cannot take the promises that that God made to the nation of Israel, apply them directly to our country and so we cannot spiritualize, he's versus but we can see these verses and we can use them as some type of a parallel or at least maybe an illustration of What the Lord Has Done for our country. Has it an indent for our our nation, for instance, we know that God was gracious to our nation. It, if you know, anything about our nation's history, you know that we should not have won the Revolutionary War. Is a lopsided Victory. The Brits should have won. We should all be speaking British tonight so you know but we're not gone. Providentially allowed us to win that war as matter. Fact, George Washington should not even have been our general in the Revolutionary War because he should have died in the French and Indian War, which read the stories. How he had? Four bullet holes in his jacket, he had bullet fragments in his hair and yet, he was not wounded. He was not killed his short, hit his horses. Were shot out from underneath him. Yet he survived. He also survived What many would have died from some type of disease? That was very rampant during that time, which he got, but he survived it. And so, but you see the providential hand of God protecting this man, because without George Washington, you don't have a revolutionary war Victory, okay. God, provide just providential guided our country and allowed us to to see great victories. Our country is a product of The Sovereign, providential will of almighty God. Now, with that said, I do not believe and really nobody believes every founding father was a bible-thumping Christian. However, it's very evident when you read our governing documents that Christianity greatly influenced, those documents it is, you have to be blind not to see Christianity woven in the early founding of our nation. And so we think about our nation, our nation was divinely protected. It was God had given us a seemingly. His power to defeat the British

and of course, many would love to rip these facts from the very fabric of our nation's history. But these things are true, they're absolutely true. And so we see a nation blessed with amazing Conquest. But notice secondly, we see a nation that is blemished by advancing compromise. Go to chapter 2 of judges.

chapter 2 and verse 1

a nation blemish by advancing compromises It says then the angel of the Lord came up from gilgal to baucom and said I led you up from Egypt and brought you to the land of which I swore to your father and I said, I will never break my Covenant with you. And you shall make no Covenant with the inhabitants of this land. You shall tear down the altars, but you have not obeyed my voice. Why have you done this? so we see very clearly that all did not remain well and Israel, if you go down to chapter 2 and verse 7 Judges chapter 2 verse 7 says so the people serve the Lord all the days of Joshua. And all the days of the elders, who outlived, Joshua, who had seen all the great works of the Lord, which he had done for Israel. That sounds good, right? But then go to verse 10 2:10. I said, when all that generation had been gathered to their fathers, another generation arose, after them, who did not know the Lord, nor the work, which had which he had done for Israel. That's a very key verse to seeing the downward spiral that is real face in the Book of Judges. These verses tell us that the old generation that had seen God move in power.

Died out. And a new generation came of age that forgot their Heritage and they denied the guy that had made them what they were. And Israel, then began a slow and yet steady descent down the slope of compromise. Now remember Numbers chapter 33, when they entered the land, they were commanded to utterly destroy the people of Canaan. And they were warned in those verses that if they fail to drive out the nation's that they themselves will be afflicted in that God himself will turn against them. Well. This became a reality in Israel. It became a reality in Israel, the matter fact. And verse 19 we see that they is real feared. The Canaanites, they feared the Canaanites It says, they're so the Lord was with Judah. And they drove out the Mountaineers.

But they could not drive out the inhabitants of the lowland because they had Chariots of iron. Niagara Summit initial success. Versus one versus Chapters 1 verses 4 through 19. Judah came up against some people that he feared, they did not drive these people out due to fear. So they fear, the Canaanites notice in verse 27, they've been favoured the Canaanites, they favored the Canaanites. It says, however manessa did not drive out the inhabitants, the inhabitants of Beth Sheen and it's Villages or 10:00, and it's Villages or then habitants of door and its Villages or the inhabitants of Ibrahim And it's Villages or the inhabitants of megiddo. And it's Villages for the Canaanites were determined to dwell in that land and it came to pass when Israel was strong that they put the Canaanites under tribute but did not completely drive them out nor did Ephraim drive out the Canaanites who'd welding Geezer so they can. I swell dinghies are among them nor did Zebulon drive out the inhabitants of Catherine or the inhabitants of May. Hello. So the Canaanites dwelt among them and were put under tribute, but the key phrase, there is that we're told that the tribes did not drive out. The people of the land that merely put them to Tribute, they an Essence, made slaves out of them. They enslave the Canaanites and force them to work for Israel. Verse 32. We see that they frequent did the Canaanites, they frequent the Canaanite judges 1:32. So the asteroids dwelt among the Canaanites, the inhabitants of the land for they did not drive them out nor didn't have to lie drive out the inhabitants of best chemise or than having a bath and off but they dwelt among the Canaanites inhabitants of the land. Nevertheless it happened in Sebastian and bath enough were put under tribute to them, the key verse and knows the key phrase. In those verses is this phrase, the Israelites dwelt among the Canaanites. They dwelt among the Canaanites that is a became accustomed to vile and Wicked Ways of the Canaanites and to dwell among them is to an Essence, accept them for who they are. That was not what God commanded of them is it? God told them to dry them out, destroy them. And here we find them dwelling with them and those that stay near, they enslave them. And that is a total transgression of what God has said. Let me think about this, how they dwelt among the Canaanites, the pagans. I think we can say, we can see this same Trend here in our country that we have already. Taken many the same steps down the slippery. Slope that Israel took all these years ago. Again, the key verse for out there for the whole Book of Judges as Judges chapter 17 verse six it says Thanos days. There was no king in Israel but every man did that which was right in his own eyes that means that there was no fixed standard of right and wrong. People did as they pleased. They did what they wanted to do without regard for God. And this is where we are at as a nation.

a Gallup poll that was

came out in June of 2020, to listen to this.

A record low. 20% of Americans. Now say the Bible is the literal word of God. Just 20% of Americans. Believe. The Bible is the literal word of God. That's down from 24%. From the last time, the question was asked in 2017. and half of what it was at its highest point in 1980 and 1984 Meanwhile a new high of 29%. Say the Bible is a collection of fables Legends, history and moral precepts recorded by man. It goes on to say that this marks the first time sitting difficulty, more Americans have used the Bible as not divinely-inspired, then as the literal word of God first time in our country that we have now a majority of people that do not believe the Bible to be the word of God. And guess what it shows. It doesn't not, it shows. I'll give you another illustration of how it shows and a Barna poll conducted two years ago. 54% / 54% of The Americans. Believe in no, moral truth, no moral absolutes. Why is that? Why? Because you don't believe the Bible is the word of God. If you don't have a foundation you're not going to have your your the way you think is not going to have any Clarity whatsoever. So, 20% of Americans believe that the Bible is true.

29% believe. It is fables. There for over 54% now believe, no, moral truths are no moral absolutes. Only one-third, only one-third believe moral. Truth is absolute.

so, as you know, we're in a mess. We were in a mess without. No clear standard for what what is right and wrong. The door is open for people to do as they. Please just as they did in Israel. In the days of the judges. We are living in the days of where the prophet. Isaiah said, woe to those who call evil good and good evil.

I noticed, thirdly, we see a nation that has blighted my awful consequences.

A nation blighted, my awful consequences because of their sin is real faced. The Lord's judgment. Verse 3 of chapter 2. 2:3. We noticed that they endured a Divine sentence.

God said, therefore I I also said, I would not drive them out before you But they shall be thorns in your side. And their gods shall be a snare to you. So John said, hey, I'm not going to drive them out. I'm not going to drive out the Canaanites in the perizzites has we have done before you have disobeyed me and because of your Disobedience, you're going to live with your consequences and they are going to be thorns in your side and their gods shall be a snare to you that shall entrap. You

Listen, is this not what?

Really the lgbtq community has become over the last 20 and 30 years. Think about this. How it how it started. going back to 1999, it all started with then crying while it's just recognize same-sex civil unions. I mean the height, it's not marriage, we don't want marriage, just civil unions.

And we should have nipped it in the bud, right? Then. But we did not but Vermont became the first States in 1999 to adopt and to accept same-sex civil unions and then soon other states followed suit and then it was not very long at all, when these states and many states has accepted these same-sex, civil union that they began to cry out for what marriage we just want equal rights. I love my partner just as much as you do and and we need equal rights. If you'll just get us marriage just like heterosexuals will will be okay. Well that happened. Did it not our nation voted to legalize, same-sex marriage? But have they stopped pushing No not they're not even close to stopping push up pushing their agenda. As a matter of fact, it inflamed and inflames them to keep pushing harder. So now that they are upset at some states who are taking a stand against children, showing up to drag queen shows. I don't know if you seen that on the news, you know, they won't show a whole lot, but Capaldi's transgender. people in drag queens or

Protesting and in some cases storming, the state capitals of Tennessee, and Texas demanding, getting them long makerspaces demanding that they have the right to drag queen in front of children. And a man in the right that you allow children to make the decision to transgender themselves. This keep pushing this stuff. And what is our government do? He bound down to. and, I said this back when the ruling was handed down, concerning same-sex marriage. Now, you have no lines drawn for what marriage is. And we're seeing that take place. Now, there is no moral grounds anymore. I pretty soon. You're going to see a man and a horse get married. All right, woman and a dog getting married in that. I know that sounds crazy, but who's to say that they don't love that animal, so much that they want to marry, who, who has the right to deny other people. That best the state in which we're in. But that's what happens when you compromise against that, which God has forbidden If we're nip it in the bud years ago, we would not be dealing with what we're dealing with today, and the same thing with Israel. If they would have drove out and listen to God. The first time, they would not have to deal with the many things that we're going to see dealing at them. Dealing with over and over again. I noticed quickly, wow, 737 nose quickly. They experienced deep sorrow. Verse 4, chapter 2 verse 4. They expressed deep sorrow is, it says, so, it was when the angel of the Lord spoke these words to all the children of Israel that the people lifted their voices, and wet. They call the name of the place bochum, they sacrifice their to the Lord and when Joshua had dismissed, the people, the children of Israel went each to his own inherent. Heritance to possess the land until that generation called on the Lord. As we can see because of their sins that says here that they wept. Now. I don't find any place there that they repented of their sin. There's no language there that just say that they wept and repented,

and the reason I say that is because we notice in verse 11, They? Fall deeper into sin. So they have this emotional feeling here in Verses 4 and 5, only 2 and verse 11 falling deeper into send notice. First 11 says, then the children of Israel did evil in the sight of the Lord. I remember just a few moments ago, they're crying. The children of Israel did Evil inside of the Lord and serve the bells and they forsook the Lord God of their fathers who have brought them out of the land of Egypt and they followed other gods and among the gods of the people who were all around them. And they bow down to them, and they provoked the Lord at Sanger. They forsook the Lord and served bail and the Asher Roth. And the anger of the Lord was hot against Israel so he angered. So he delivered them into the hands of the plunderers who decide who to spoil them is sold them into the hands of their enemies all around. So they could no longer stand before their enemies wherever they went out, the hand of the Lord was against them for calamity. As a lord had said, as a lord has sworn to them and they were greatly distressed. My soul, how you see the change how God is now dealing with his people? He who once was feeding them and leading them protecting them. Now, according to the scripture, now the Lord's hand is against them That's scary. That's scary. And it's obvious. But it seems that this is the way things are going in our country as well. We have forsaken, the Lord We have forsaken, the one that has raised us up and blessed us. And now it seems the Lord has turned his hand against us. And listen, it's not the Lord's fault, right? It's our fault. We have disobeyed, we have rebelled against God, in his word. And we're suffering the consequences of it today.

I pray that this. Message would help us to pray. Even more fervently than what we have. That God would. Be merciful to us. And as the prophet said, Lord. remember us in the time of in your time of raffle, remember Mercy.

I will go ahead and take some prayer request, this this evening. Continue to pray for Jerry Osborne. I don't know if he's on the list here. I don't see any but his granddaughter passed away. Sunday night, she was 23 years old, okay, recent deaths. Yes his granddaughter passed away, 23 years old, drug overdose and He had been praying for her for years and years. She had actually been to rehab and was clean for a long. Of time. And then relapse your recently. She has she left behind a Year-and-a-half-old son. And that is just tearing him up. I had a chance to visit him for a couple hours today. But just pray for Jerry that the funeral has not been the arrangements, have not yet been set.

Anyone else have any special prayer requests, or any update that you might see need to be updated on this list?

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