Darkest Before Dawn
Darkest Before
Exodus 2:11-25
• Israel in Egypt: slavery, threats, and growth.
• Pharoah’s daughter defies her father’s murderous
plot and adopts a Hebrew baby that she found in
the Nile; she names him Moses.
• Moses receives the greatest privileges of his day,
but never forgets his heritage. Moses
understands something of his ultimate purpose
but has a lot to learn.
The Rejected Revolutionary (2:1115a)
1. “When Moses had grown up …”
Acts 7:23 says he was 40
Moses’s actions and God’s: “looked,” “saw,” and
“struck” are all words God uses for Himself
Some have defended Moses, but Moses never defends
himself and even displays a guilty conscience.
2. “The next day… ”
Moses’s naiveté is alarming: an Egyptian manager is
dead and Israelites resent him.
The Israelites aren’t asking for deliverance (Acts 7:2729)
The Resident Alien (2:15b-22)
1. “When Pharaoh heard…” – Moses was a particularly
dangerous person.
2. Moses in Midian – Moses Disappeared
Exact location unknown, but probably the eastern shore of
the eastern fork of the Straits of Tiran; nomadic people
A sojourner at a well – meant to evoke Genesis connections
Moses displays the raw material of a deliverer
Reuel: aka; Jethro, priest of Midian, likely knew of Yahweh,
but worshipped other gods, too (see Exodus 18:11);
descendant of Abraham through Keturah (see Genesis 25:4)
Zipporah – song-bird; Gershom – Resident Alien
The Remembering God (2:23-25)
1. God’s people finally pray
A new Pharaoh rises who likely went even farther in
the oppression of the Hebrew people.
3x emphasis on prayer: groaned, cried out, cried for
help (cry of distress)
To this point, God’s role has been mostly unstated
2. 4 Acts of God
God heard – hearing that compels action
God remembered His covenant – rehearsed His
God saw – same word for what Moses saw
God knew – an intimate kind of knowing
• God loves to use people with a past.
• The first step of deliverance is the discovery that
I need it.
• “When God’s mercies are coming, their footfalls
are our desires to pray.” (C.H. Spurgeon)