140-08 40 Days with the Risen Savior

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John 21:1-14

It is the hallmark of Xn faith and has been for some 20 centuries that JC was crucified on the cross, he was buried and on the 3rd day He came out of the tomb in His physical, glorified, resurrected body.
This truth is held by every believer, but today, just like in the early days of Xty, there are many who deny the reality of Christ’s resurrection and manufacture theories in hope of destroying the Xn faith.
In fact, attempts to disprove the resurrection have been prolific. The enemy will stop at nothing in order to stir controversy among those who might contemplate the wonders of the cross and by believing—to be saved.
A few theories have been offered:
Swoon theory: basically says that Jesus suffered terribly, was nailed to a cross, lost a great deal of blood and slipped into an unconscious state. He was taken off the cross, and after being resuscitated in the tomb he came out.
Stolen body: this denial is as old as the resurrection itself. Mt 28:11-15 highlights the plot by the chief priests and elders to account for the resurrection by propagating the lie that Jesus’ disciples stole his body.
Wrong tomb: skeptics seriously doubt whether the women were in a position to know with certainty that the empty tomb they visited was really the tomb where Joseph of Arimathea laid the body of Jesus. They claim that the great many tombs in Jerusalem would have made it impossible to distinguish one from the other without marking it.
Mark 15:47 NASB95
47 Mary Magdalene and Mary the mother of Joses were looking on to see where He was laid.
Matthew 27:61 NASB95
61 And Mary Magdalene was there, and the other Mary, sitting opposite the grave.
Luke 23:55 NASB95
55 Now the women who had come with Him out of Galilee followed, and saw the tomb and how His body was laid.
There are many other theories offered by those who deny the resurrection but for every believer, the resurrection means everything (brings joy, offers peace, gives hope, motivates our faith, love and service).
Not only this…but we have indisputable proof that Jesus Christ is Risen!
1 Cor 15
Testimony of the church: vv 1-2 the church, the Bride of X has always held fast to the truth of the resurrection
Testimony of God’s Word: vv 3-4 “according to the Scriptures” OT & NT alike testify to the reality of the resurrection of LJC.
Testimony of Eyewitnesses: vv 5-8, far more testimony than what the law required in order to confirm a truth…over 500 people saw a physically resurrected Jesus
It is the testimony of eyewitnesses and especially those who were closest to LJC (the disciples) that I’d like for us to consider the resurrection morning—as we lift our hearts in praise and worship to the risen One.
JC was alive on the earth for 40 days after His resurrection: walking about, teaching and preparing the disciples for the mission of the church which was about to begin 10 days after His ascension. From His resurrection to the ascension was 40 days—and I want to see from God’s Word the impact that Jesus’ resurrection had on those disciples.
John 21:1 “manifested” (φανερόω) lit. “to cause to become visible”
Obviously the resurrection matters to John (vs 14: 3rd time). It is the seal of the great work of redemption that He accomplished.
JC Ryle writes that the resurrection “is the crowning proof that He has paid the debt He undertook to pay on our behalf, won the battle He fought to deliver us from hell, and is accepted as our guarantee and our substitute by our Father in heaven.”
For John, it is even more than this…the resurrection of JC has become an essential feature as the Lord relates to His disciples. He appears to them—having been raised from the dead. This is a crucial moment for them: at this point the disciples would begin to understand not only many of the truths that He had been teaching them over the past 3 years but also that the power to live the life Christ called them to stems from His own resurrected life.
John 11:25 NASB95
25 Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life; he who believes in Me will live even if he dies,
John 15:4–5 NASB95
4 “Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself unless it abides in the vine, so neither can you unless you abide in Me. 5 “I am the vine, you are the branches; he who abides in Me and I in him, he bears much fruit, for apart from Me you can do nothing.
Today I want you to note 3 ways that the resurrection of JC influences your life everyday.

1. The Resurrection Demands Obedience

The disciples are gathered at the Sea of Tiberius (Sea of Galilee). It was called this b/c of the town on its shore was named after the emperor Tiberius. Something is not quite right about the scene here. The disciples are gathered in Galilee (some 70 miles north of Jerusalem). Why were they here?
At least for the first week after the resurrection, the disciples remained in Jerusalem. The other 2 appearances took place on Sunday (a week apart—the day of Resurrection and the following Lord’s Day).
Matthew 28:16–17 NASB95
16 But the eleven disciples proceeded to Galilee, to the mountain which Jesus had designated. 17 When they saw Him, they worshiped Him; but some were doubtful.
At some point (John says “after these things”) the disciples made their way to Galilee in obedience to the Lord’s command (Mt 28:10). Apparently they were supposed to wait for Him at that mountain.
Now, the Sea of Tiberius was about 70 miles north of Jerusalem. It would take several days to make that trip—perhaps up to a week. They also made the trip back to Jerusalem as the Lord ascended from Mt Olives—taking several more days (Jesus on earth 40 days after resurrection—Acts 1:3).
So the disciples are not in Galilee for more than a couple of weeks at the most. Matthew seems to suggest that they traveled together (could be). But John tells us on this occasion that only 7 of them are together. They are: Simon Peter (mentioned first to indicate his leadership, both names are used—John is fond of this), Thomas the twin, Nathaniel (nothing is said about him since ch 1). Then there are the 2 sons of Zebedee (James and John—author) and finally 2 other unnamed disciples. There’s some conjecture over who those were—but likely Andrew (Peter’s brother) and Philip (lived in the same town). All 7 are close together, some were even in fishing business before Christ called them.
The question then, why didn’t they remain at the mtn the Lord designated? That is likely where the others remained. But these came down to the lake and Peter said “I am going fishing.”
That seems pretty innocent doesn’t it? Some people say that Peter was tired of waiting and not given to idleness-so he goes down to the lake to fish. Others are not so gracious and say that Peter is here, intending to abandon the mission that Christ put before them and that he is intent on returning to his former occupation—a fisherman.
They see in Peter’s words (present tense) and the fact that they got into “the” boat—probably a specific one that belonged to the disciples or even Peter himself. The truth is probably somewhere in between. I don’t think it was purely recreational fishing that Peter was interested in nor do I think he was intending to defect.
Mark 14:28 NASB95
28 “But after I have been raised, I will go ahead of you to Galilee.”
The disciples had come to Galilee b/c the Lord directed them to do so. But they were impatient and upon Peter’s leading they left the mtn, got into the boat and that night they caught nothing.
I want you to note that the Lord is never interested in partial obedience to His commands.
Mark 12:30 NASB95
30 and you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind, and with all your strength.’
John 14:15 NASB95
15 “If you love Me, you will keep My commandments.
John 14:23 NASB95
23 Jesus answered and said to him, “If anyone loves Me, he will keep My word; and My Father will love him, and We will come to him and make Our abode with him.
John 14:24 NASB95
24 “He who does not love Me does not keep My words; and the word which you hear is not Mine, but the Father’s who sent Me.
There is no room for half-hearted devotion or partial obedience in these instructions. He’s not interested in that. But as He often is, He was compassionate and patient toward the disciples and 21:4. Jesus came to them (should had been on the mtn)—He proves time and again how faithful He is to His people—and to us His church.
In light of His grace and compassion your love for Jesus ought to grow, increase, advance—spurring you toward greater faithfulness in obedience to Him—its always best to obey Him fully. And obedience will always bring blessing. The fact that LJC has risen demands full, unhindered obedience to His commandments.

2. The Resurrection Discourages Self-Sufficiency

Now, you have to get a sense of what’s going on here. The boat is about 100 yards from the shore (vs 8). The day was just starting to break. This figure is standing on the shore, yelling at the disciples in the boat, yet they don’t know it’s the Lord. Maybe its still too dark, or maybe they’re prevented from recognizing Him until He’s ready for them to see Him.
So He says, vs 5
“children” rare form of address but used by Jesus as a picture of the intimacy He has toward these men. His question implies a negative response: you didn’t did you? That had to have been disconcerting to the 7. They answered “no.” They had been fishing all night, no doubt tired, exhausted, and this guy is on the shore—sort of rubbing it in.
These guys were fishermen by trade. It’s the one thing they knew how to do. But they caught nothing. As remarkable as that was—Jesus tells them vs 6.
I’ll bet at that moment they were thinking—we’ve cast all night in every direction to no avail—what good is it to cast 1 more time (I’m sure Thomas is thinking “I doubt it will work”). But they did—and great was the catch.
A different account: Luke 5:1-11
This account happened at the very beginning of Christ’s ministry—the initial call to these men to follow the Lord. There is a striking parallel to Jn 21.
Jesus said “you don’t have any fish do you? Why? The lesson is profoundly significant—He controls the fish. All night, He providentially kept the fish from gathering around the boat-while they were attempting to fish. But they were doing this in their own strength, in their own sufficiency.
Then just as the Lord providentially directed the fish away from the boat, He gathered the school of fish on the right hand side of the boat to illustrate that the strength to work, to serve Christ, to do anything—does not come from ourselves.
He taught them earlier—“apart from Me you can do nothing.” He meant it. Including fishing. If these men were tempted to return to their former occupation, or even a moment of recreation—nothing would be successful w/o Christ and His blessing.
The church, so desperately needs to remember that the source of strength/power for ministry, service, everything comes from Him and not ourselves. We cannot be self-sufficient—b/c we are not—in anything.
In fact, it is to His glory that He would demonstrate His power in what Paul calls “earthen vessels” (cheap, ordinary, breakable, replaceable pots)—2 Cor 4:5-7
They had little worthy of commendation in and of themselves. But it is their peculiar weakness that results in the power of God being more clearly manifest in what He accomplishes. So it is with each of us. 1 Cor 1:27-29
The disciples must have remembered that 1st account in Luke—b/c John (disciple whom Jesus loved) says “It is the Lord” (vs 7). Peter being himself, throws himself into the sea to swim ashore. The other disciples came in the boat dragging the fish.
Jesus standing on the shore, in His resurrected body—discourages self-sufficiency for all sufficiency is to be sought and found in Him alone.

3. The Resurrection Displays Christ’s Provision

vv 9-14
The disciples had spent 3 years with the Lord and He was constantly making provision for them during that time (where they slept, what they ate). Now, as His ascension is coming quickly, and the fact that the disciples knew He was not going to be with them physically, they needed the assurance that Jesus would continue to meet their needs—and to meet the needs of the church as it is established a few weeks later. At the beginning of His ministry the Lord assured the disciples that God cares for His own—He meets their needs (even illustrated by the birds of the air—Mt 6). Here He is at the end of His earthly ministry affirming that this principle does not change. Christ continues to meet their needs.
Take note of 3 traits of the provision of the Lord:

It Is Timely

The disciples are tired and hungry and when the party came on the shore, they found that Jesus had already prepared a charcoal fire with fish on it and bread to eat. Now, I don’t think the Lord picked up a fishing pole—He created the fish and bread miraculously as He had done before. The Lord had providentially met their need for sustenance and it was timely. It was at the moment the disciples needed it. Jesus understood their need and was quick to meet it.
This doesn’t change with time. Christ continues to know your needs. Paul assures:
Philippians 4:19 NASB95
19 And my God will supply all your needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus.

It Is Abundant

The Lord told them to bring some of the fish they had caught to add it to what Christ made. They too were to contribute to the meal, illustrating that God’s provision is not without our effort—
2 Thessalonians 3:10 NASB95
10 For even when we were with you, we used to give you this order: if anyone is not willing to work, then he is not to eat, either.
Peter went back to the boat to pull the net onto the shore and the comment is that there were 153 large (mega) fish—yet the net was not torn. The Lord’s provision was abundant. Now, there are plenty of ideas as to what 153 means.
Some have said there were 153 kinds of fish known to exist—symbolizing the universal nature of the gospel--meat for all people.
Others have noted that 153 is the sum of numbers 1-17 (about the #17? well, its the sum of 10--# of commandments, hence the Law and 7—representing the 7-fold gifts of the Spirit. By law or grace people are moved to the Lord (Augustine—master of finding hidden meanings in the Bible).
Others say 153 can be arranged in an equilateral triangle with 17 dots along each side—interesting geometric shape—but unimpressive.
Personally, I think John tells us its 153 b/c that’s the number of fish there were. We all know that fishermen love to talk about their catches—John did not exaggerate the truth—153 large fish.
It shows just how abundant the provision of the Lord was—illustrated even in a greater truth:
John 10:10 NASB95
10 “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly.

It Is Compassionate

The Lord showed compassion for His friends. They needed something to eat so He invited them to partake: vs 12. In this the disciples didn’t question the Lord—perhaps for the guilt of what they were doing, or lingering doubts in their minds. It was the Lord and they were refreshed to be in His presence.
Jesus was with His disciples. He had physically been raised from the dead and was manifesting Himself to them.
It is the resurrection of JC that prompts us toward obedience
2 Corinthians 5:14–15 NASB95
14 For the love of Christ controls us, having concluded this, that one died for all, therefore all died; 15 and He died for all, so that they who live might no longer live for themselves, but for Him who died and rose again on their behalf.
It empowers us to live and serve
It causes us to recognize the provision Christ makes for His church
Of course, the greatest provision is for your greatest need. And the greatest need of every individual is to be reconciled to God—brought back to your Creator. Your sin separated you from Him and it is God’s gracious plan to bring you back by giving His Son who would take upon Himself God’s judgment and wrath that is directed toward your sin, and as the LJC hung on that cross so many years ago, the payment for sin was made completely so that trusting in Him, you would be redeemed, forgiven, reconciled to the Creator—forever saved.
On account of the resurrection of JC:
Hebrews 7:25 NASB95
25 Therefore He is able also to save forever those who draw near to God through Him, since He always lives to make intercession for them.
1 Corinthians 15:3–4 NASB95
3 For I delivered to you as of first importance what I also received, that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, 4 and that He was buried, and that He was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures,
JC has risen—demanding our obedience, discouraging self-sufficiency, displaying Christ’s provision first in salvation then by sustaining those who trust Him for eternal life.
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