George Mueller's prayer life

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"There will be silence before You, and praise in Zion, O God, and to You the vow will be performed. O You who hear prayer, to You all men come."

Psalm 65:1-2 NASB

Born in Prussia in 1805, George Mueller spent much of his youth in rebellion and a lifestyle of waste and deceit. But at age 20, he made a radical commitment to serve Jesus, and he went on to become one of the most influential Christians of his time. He moved to England, where he became a pastor. He also developed a burden for orphans and eventually started 117 schools, in which thousands of young people were educated.
      Mueller became a powerful advocate of prayer. Many times, children in his orphanages were given plates with no food, but somehow food always arrived, often through miraculous circumstances. No one ever went hungry.
      Mueller believed in being specific in prayer, and he taught that vague, nebulous prayers are frequently not answered. For example, on this day in 1838, after studying Psalm 65, he wrote down eight requests and committed them to the Lord. Then he concluded, "I believe He has heard me. I believe He will make it manifest in His own good time that He has heard me; and I have recorded these my petitions...that when God has answered them He may get...glory to His name."
      He also believed in persistent prayer: "We should continue in prayer till the blessing is granted; without fixing to God a time when, or the circumstances under which, He should give the answer."
      Today, God is ready to hear your prayers. Right now, don't be vague, but tell Him the specific burdens of your heart. Seek Him, and tell Him exactly what you need. Then allow God to stir your spirit and give you faith to believe He will answer your prayer, in His time and in His way.

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Source: Magazine Name, January 1, 2006

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