Easter Sunday
Jesus establishes a new kingdom with new Values
Jesus establishes a new kingdom with new Values
Take Away- Stay Close to Jesus
Stay close to Jesus, no matter what is going on, to see kingdom principles and resurrecting power.
The kingdom is established with new priorities
The kingdom is established with new priorities
The Woman
The women stayed close to Jesus and wanted to honor Him. - Not trusted but blessed
The women stayed close to Jesus and wanted to honor Him. - Not trusted but blessed
They didn’t have time to prepare the the spices and put them on Jesus
Shocked when the tomb was rolled away.
So focused on what they could understand
We are slow to recognize what Jesus told us
Wanted to tell others - knowing they would be discredited
What would that feel like?
The first telling of Jesus’ is ignored
Other disciples wrote the women off
Other disciples wrote the women off
Women were not trusted
Culture stood in the way of resurrecting power
Women are important to Jesus
Peter wanted to see for himself - “bad disciple” Judaic
Peter wanted to see for himself - “bad disciple” Judaic
Denies Jesus 3 times on Friday
The angel doesn’t appear to him.
If you are not sure like Peter go see for yourself
If you are like the women know that culture not seeing is normal
The Kingdom of Jesus does not need your cultural values it needs you to stay close to Jesus.
The Kingdom of Jesus does not need your cultural values it needs you to stay close to Jesus.
In our serving Jesus we might get it wrong, but there is a difference between trying and not trying.
When the good news of Jesus is realized we are driven to others who we know will not believe us.
Resereccing power