The Greatest Posession

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Alexander the Great - Born in Macedonia in 356 BC was taught by the best teacher of the times one being the philosopher Aristotle. He built a vast empire the stretched from Greece, through Egypt and Persia and all the was to India. He had wealth beyond measure and his stories have been told and retold for centuries. Despite his mythological status, he like all natural men Died. At the age of 32 he was poisoned and the finest doctors nor all his wealth could not save him. It is said that he was placed in his coffin with his arm hanging out to show despite all his military accomplishment, dispute all of the treasure he amassed he would be leaving this world empty handed.

If you want to enter the Kingdom of God you must immediately leave what you have temporarily obtained and you will gain a hundred times more that which will eternally remain.

1. Leave what you Have Temporarily Obtained

2.Gain the Which Will Eternally Remain

1. Leave what you Have Temporarily Obtained



The Greatest Evangelistic opportunity Ever.


The Greatest Evangelist Ever .

What must I do to inherit eternal life?

Why do you call me Good?

Jesus is Good because He is God.
This is a question to get the perspective of the man out. The Greatest Evangelist Ever. You have to explain what you mean. You cant just say things that you may have heard You have to believe them in your heart.
Intrinsically Good
Extrinsically Good
To say that something is intrinsically good is to say that it is good in virtue of what it is – in virtue of its own intrinsic nature; while to say that something is extrinsically good is to say that it is good in virtue of the relations in which it stands to things outside of itself.
Good pizza compared to other Pizza this is good Pizza.
Good Dog- It sits it
Saying that he is good does not make him morally superior to all other Dogs.

The Greatest Evangelist Ever .

The 2nd tablet of the 10 Commandments
V. 21-23 Putting your trust in the thing you have obtained will leave you in want.
If you put your trust in material wealth you are trusting in something that cannot redeem you.
Matthew 6:24 ““No one can serve two masters, since either he will hate one and love the other, or he will be devoted to one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money.”
What do you have? What do you have to get rid of?
Camel through the Eye of a needle
One point of entry in Jerusalem gate- called the Eye of the Needle -
THe camel would have to ben its knees - Tich people can get into the kingom of heaven on thier knees.
Long After Jesus time.
This is one of the larges known animals to go thorght one of the smallest openings.
They are tempeted to rely upon thier wealth and .
The most proserious people in the hisoty of the work.
Where is your heart.

Poverty is not a fruit of the Spirit

I am Poor
4 categories of the Poor
Poverty or Poor
Poor because they are lazy- The are irresponsible will not work. - Disfavor or Judgment
Poor Because of Calamity- Illness0 disasters things outside of their control
Poor because of the exploitation of the rich and Power - Exodus form Egypt We must defend those who face exploitation - James 1:27 “Pure and undefiled religion before God the Father is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself unstained from the world.”
Poor for righteousness sake- The embrace poverty that the might devote themselves to spiritual things
The Love of Money is the root of all kinds of evile.
Sometimes it is not the money we have but our desier to get money that will keep us from truting in God for all that we need.

2. Gain the Which Will Eternally Remain

The things that we temporally posses are not going to last for ever. And they do not compare to the riches to come.
You will Receive a Hundred times more - NOW at this TIME that will be eternal.
The prosperity Gospel.
Brother Sister
Mother or Father
Children or fields

Our faith is a gift of God - It is impossible for men. Because it could only be done by God.

26 They were even more astonished, saying to one another, “Then who can be saved?”

27 Looking at them, Jesus said, “With man it is impossible, but not with God, because all things are possible with God.”

V.27 The Greatest Possession
Cannot be earned
Cannot Be saved
Cannot be inherited by your parents
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