In the FOOTSTEPS of the SAVIOR (4)
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I. The uniqueness of Jesus
A. We do not believe that our life is just a brief trip between birth and the hearse. We believe that we are here to make a decision - and that is what to do with Jesus Christ.
B. Jesus is unlike any other of the billions of human beings that have ever lived. He made claims that either make Him the hope or the hoax of mankind. He made claims that set Him apart.
C. “For God so loved the world the He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life” (John 3:16). At the heart of that verse is the heart of the claims of Jesus Christ. He claimed to be the one and only Son of God.
II. Jesus’ one and only relationship with the Father
A. The Greek word monogenes highlights the singular relationship that Jesus had with God the Father. We are all children of God but none of us is a monogenetic child of God.
B. Only Christ can be called the monogenetic Son of God because only He has the genetic makeup of God. Just as our children have our genetic makeup, so Jesus carries God’s DNA.
C. Jesus enjoys a relationship with God that is unprecedented and unexperienced by anyone in human history. He claims to enjoy the Christ the Redeemer perch above all.
III. Jesus is the one and only ruler and revealer
A. Matthew gives us more details about what this means in his Gospel. “My Father has given Me authority over everything” (Matthew 11:27 NLT). Jesus claims to be the one and only ruler over everything.
A Roman officer sent a message to Jesus, asking Him to come and heal his servant (see Luke 7:1-10). Before Jesus arrived, the master sent a servant to tell Jesus, “It’s an unnecessary trip. Just say the word where you are and my servant will be healed.”
The officer was part of the Roman Empire and understood authority. He was saying, “I got authority and Jesus, You have authority. You call the shots.”
Jesus replied, “I tell you the truth, I haven’t seen faith like this in all Israel!” (Matthew 8:10 NLT). Jesus did not correct the officer but applauded him and said, “Okay, here is faith.”
B. Jesus is the one and only revealer. “No one truly knows the Son except the Father, and no one knows the Father except the Son” (Matthew 11:27 NLT). Nobody knows God except Jesus.
C. Jesus says that He shares all intimacy with God. Consequently, when He speaks, He speaks with God’s authority. Jesus claims to be not a top theologian, not an accomplished theologian, not even the supreme theologian. He claims to be the only theologian.
IV. Jesus’ invitation as the one and only Son of God
A. Jesus is the only theologian to ever live. He has walked pedestrian streets that no other human being has walked and has witnessed moments that no other person ever will.
B. Jesus doesn’t just boast in His knowledge, He shares it. He doesn’t just gloat, He gives. He doesn’t just revel, He reveals. He reveals to us the secrets of eternity. We don’t understand them all, but we can ask and we can seek them. He shares them freely.
C. Accept Jesus’ invitation and let Him teach you. He can handle any problem you have. He knows the right choice about every decision you make. Don’t go to others. Go to Him.
D. Seek Him out. Don’t stop searching until you find HIm. Lift up your eyes and set your sights on HIm. No passing glances or occasional glimpses. Make Jesus your point of reference.