Easter 2023- one shot
The result of God’s begetting is also included; believers are born anew (cf. John 3:3, 7) and enjoy new life. The begetting again of believers is “in his great mercy.” The preposition “in” (kata) probably denotes the cause or reason for our new life. Believers deserve judgment and wrath, but God is a God of mercy and grace, bestowing life upon those who are opposed to him
A “living hope” is one that is genuine and vital, in contrast to a hope that is empty and vain.
The verse concludes with the promise that the inheritance is “kept in heaven for you.” The passive of the word “kept” (tetērēmenēn) is a divine passive, referring to God as the one who reserves the inheritance for believers. Peter emphasized in the strongest possible terms the security and certainty of the reward awaiting believers
Salvation can be defined as being rescued from God’s judgment or wrath on the last day
Believers rejoice despite suffering because they know that it will not persist forever. It strikes “now” (arti) and “for a little while” (oligon), but it will be swallowed up by the eschaton. Hence, when Peter said “a little while,” he was not promising that suffering on this earth will be brief.35 The difficulty is brief when compared to future glory, but it may endure for a lifetime
God brings sufferings into the lives of believers to purify their faith and to demonstrate its genuineness
The believers have never seen the Lord Jesus, nor do they see him now. Nevertheless, they believe in him. Believing is not based on seeing (cf. John 20:29). Seeing will be their portion at the revelation of Jesus Christ. In the meantime the Christian life is marked by believing
Peter’s main point in the verse is clear. Believers who suffer are not dashed to the ground by their troubles. They love Jesus Christ and rejoice in him, even though they have never seen him and do not see him now. Their lives are characterized by a hope that fills the present with love and joy
The love and joy of believers is rooted in the hope of eschatological salvation. They know, therefore, that despite present sufferings they will see Jesus Christ when he is revealed and enjoy him forever