João 19.28-30
Está Consumado
Comparação entre os Evangelhos:
“vendo Jesus que tudo já estava consumado”
Jesus sabia que sua obra em favor dos outros tinha sido completamente cumprida. Em toda a sua jornada terrena e especialmente na cruz, ele tinha sofrido a ira de Deus contra o pecado para poder livrar dela seu povo e merecer-lhe a salvação eterna. A tarefa tinha sido completada
“tudo já estava consumado”
Rather, Jesus’ knowledge that all was now completed is the awareness that all the steps that had brought him to this point of pain and impending death were in the design of his heavenly Father, and death itself was imminent.
“para se cumprir a Escritura”
The completion of his work is necessarily the fulfillment of Scripture and the performance of the Father’s will.
“Tenho sede!”
“Embeberam de vinagre uma esponja”
Far from being a sedative, it would prolong life and therefore prolong pain.
“fixando-a num caniço de hissopo”
O hissopo ou caniço de hissopo a que João se refere pode bem ter sido a manjerona (Origanum maru), cuja haste lenhosa é rija e bastante comprida para satisfazer todos os requerimentos. Ela não precisava ser muito longa para alcançar os lábios de Jesus, pois a cruz provavelmente não ficava muito acima do chão.
It grows plentifully on the mountains near Jerusalem.
A plant used in rituals for ceremonial cleansing and atonement
Referencia a Pascoa
Aqui também, como anteriormente, a ênfase deve ser posta no infinito amor do Senhor, revelado em sua disposição de sofrer a sede abrasadora a fim de que, para seu povo, ele pudesse ser a fonte eterna de água viva.
“Jesus (...) disse: Está consumado!”
In the Greek text, the cry itself is one word, tetelestai (cf. notes on v. 28). As an English translation, It is finished captures only part of the meaning, the part that focuses on completion. Jesus’ work was done. But this is no cry of defeat; nor is it merely an announcement of imminent death (though it is not less than that). The verb teleō from which this form derives denotes the carrying out of a task, and in religious contexts bears the overtone of fulfilling one’s religious obligations. Accordingly, in the light of the impending cross, Jesus could earlier cry, ‘I have brought you glory on earth by completing (teleiōsas; i.e. by accomplishing) the work you gave me to do’ (17:4). ‘Having loved his own who were in the world, he loved them eis telos—not only ‘to the end’ but to the full extent mandated by his mission. And so, on the brink of death, Jesus cries out, It is accomplished!
Do modo como Jesus via, a obra completa de redenção (tanto obediência ativa quanto passiva, o cumprimento da lei e o fato de ter suportado sua maldição), enfim estava terminada.
Compreensão teológica de “Está Consumado”
A Ironia da Cruz
poem by S. W. Gandy
“E, inclinando a cabeça, rendeu o espírito.”
e entregou seu espírito. Ele o entregou. Ninguém o tomou dele. Ele deu sua vida.
For John the point of the story is not just that Jesus was killed but that he died in accordance with God’s appointed hour.