Break ups
Break ups don’t have to be world ending
Break ups don’t have to be world ending
We are talking about dating and how to be following God through a relationship with someone else. However we need to talk about when those relationships fall apart.
When two people decide that they no longer should be together.
Since when you are dating people, it happens, you decide that someone is not who you want to be with for your whole life.
So lets face the facts, People Break Up.
it happens, and it might happen to you too. However breakups don’t have to be a nuclear bomb in your life, they do not have to be a tidal wave or a world ending event.
Listen to what the Bible says as we continue to talk about break ups:
As for God, his way is perfect: The Lord’s word is flawless; he shields all who take refuge in him.
God is for you and wants to protect you even in a break up. Even when that other person breaks up with you or you break up with that other person.
All you have to do is asking for help, in prayer ask God to help in a hard time, when you wish that break ups wouldn’t happen is a great time to ask God for his peace, not to change the mind of the other person but for Jesus to give you peace in the mess that is a break up;
Break up’s don’t have to break your world, because God still deeply cares about you,
However maybe this is a peice that you would not want to hear after a break up. God still deeply cares about them too.
Jesus loves both people in a relationship, even when they break up.
So with full truth here is my tips on how not to break up with someone:
Don’t say that God said we should not be together. To be honest if you are dating someone just leave the phrase “God told me we should/should not be together”. With putting it as lightly as I can its manipulative, does God call couples to form, yes! But, don’t use it as a way to date someone or break up with someone.
If someone breaks up with you and you both attend youth or church, don’t stop attending. I have seen break ups in the church and I have to say the ones where someone stops going to church completely have sucked. I get break ups, you need to not see that person for sometime, so don’t attend that worship service once or twice, but don’t stop going.
God is grieving that relationship with you. He cares that you are torn up about that boy/girl. It sucks and he cares about you and wants you to have peace in the grief.
Now the question is how do we still be Christians in a mess like a break up.
Well let me read again from the bible:
For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.
God never thrusted you into that relationship to hurt you by breaking it up,
Maybe dating that person was to learn and grow yourself, remember your on a journey and the hard times and the hurtful times can grow your identity.
Maybe that person showed you more about what kind of person you’d want to date more.
Maybe that relationship showed you how important family or friends are.
All in all Jesus is for you and has such great plans for you, is a break up a hiccup? yes, there is no doubt that it sucks too, break ups should not happen in a perfect world.
However there are plans for you to have a great future in Jesus, he has great plans for you, plans to help you succeed and prosper in life. Jesus is championing you on in life, even through the break up.
Leaving a Relationship right.
Leaving a Relationship right.
However as painful as a break-up can be, you cannot slander and gossip abotu someone after a break up
Public break up viewing
However the Bible would invite you to not speak bad things about that person, things that are not true or are damaging to someone else.
The Bible says
Whoever goes about slandering reveals secrets, but he who is trustworthy in spirit keeps a thing covered.
So that means if they told you something that is just plain embarrassing then you need to keep that to yourself.
It is really easy to break up with someone and just trash their name, saying everything wrongly about that person. However God is calling us to not do that, but to actually still up lift them in our words even when we are not with them.
So you need to leave relationships with positivity, not slander, taking the high road even if you were the person that was broken up with.
How does the media portray break ups?
How do people who are dating decide to break up?
What would a Christian do in a break up?
What should you not do in a break up?
How should you treat a person who just broke up with you?