We will be discussing Salvation
Question what is Salvation?
How do you know that you are Saved?
What am I saved from?
Introduction: Salvation defined is
The Death of Jesus Christ
In his death on the cross, Jesus Christ fulfilled and replaced the Old Testament sacrificial system (priesthood; unchangeable). He offered up himself as the supreme, once-for-all sacrifice (slay) of atonement through the shedding (sprinkling) of his blood. By his one act of righteousness, salvation (save) as a free gift is for all who believe. In being delivered up to death (interposed; taste), Jesus accomplished several things:
• He paid the penalty of sin. In his body Jesus Christ bore (bear; nail; stripe) the sins of the world so that humanity might receive forgiveness (remission) and that their sin would be imputed to Christ’s account, in order that Christ’s righteousness might be reckoned to their account. He was the propitiation of God’s wrath against sin (mercy seat).
• He broke (kill) the power of sin by paying the ransom price (buy, bought; deliver, deliverance, deliverer; exchange; redemption), so that believers could be free (discharged; liberty; release) from slavery to sin.
• He removed the pollution of sin by making men clean (blot out; washing) through his blood.
• He destroyed (abolish) the partition (hedge) of sin to reconcile human beings to God and put them back into a right relationship (justification) with him, so that they may never again be separated (die) from God.
Vine, W.E.: Vine's Complete Expository Dictionary Topic Finder . Nashville : Thomas Nelson, 1997, c1996
Sermon text with italics and bold and John 3:16 and v. 20.
Heading 2
Text with an outline.
- Level 1
- Level 2
- Level 2
- Level 3