The Voice of Jesus

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John 20:11-16
The Voice of Jesus
(Play Audio Clips of three different voices and see if the audience can identify them)
Why are we able to identify those voices? Because we know the people and because we have heard them speak before.
I’m sure you would be able to easily identify your spouse’s voice or your child’s voice, and maybe you would have little difficulty with a friend’s voice, but there is one voice that is speaking to us today, and it is a voice that we need to hear and know.
(Read Scripture)
With Jesus dying on the cross, just hours before the Sabbath was to begin, it gave little time for the Lord’s body to be properly prepared. And so, on the first day of the week, Mary Magdalene along with other women came to anoint the body which was custom in the Jewish culture.
But when they get to the tomb, they find the stone has been rolled away, the Lord’s body gone. So, the women rush back home and they find Peter and John and they tell them the news, and they go and see, and confirm what the women have said to be true. Then they go back home, but Mary Magdalene stays behind. Her heart is heavy.
I mean think about how she was feeling. She just saw the man who freed her from demon possession, beaten and nailed to a cross, where there he died. Her friend that she cared about dead. Then she goes to the tomb, finding him missing. She is hurting. In her eyes, what could have been worse?
But then she hears a voice. A voice that we should hear today as well. It was a voice that Mary had heard before. It was the voice of Jesus.
Now friend, Jesus is speaking to us today just like he spoke to Mary. The question is; are you listening to His voice? Do you know his voice? Friend, I would like for you to see three things about the voice of Jesus.
1. It is a Distinguished Voice (vs 15a) – Jesus saith unto her
a. It was Real
- It was Jesus who was genuinely speaking, not someone else.
- This was not something being interpreted as a voice. (Not wind, bird, tree)
- Mary heard the Lord speaking to her. Just as real as I am speaking to you.
- Jesus speaks to us today, but we are unsure if it is real. Was that his voice or someone else?
- We hear a person say to us, I heard the Lord speaking to me. And we question it.
- How can a person know the real voice of Jesus?
- Well first, you must be his sheep.
- John 10:27 “My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me”
- When I am speaking to you, whose words are you hearing? Are you hearing the words of Eric, or are you hearing the words of Christ?
- The Word of God is the real voice of the Lord.
- Romans 10:17 “So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.”
- Mary heard the real voice of Christ, and friend you too can hear the real voice of Christ if you would just listen.
b. It was Recognizable
- Now it was a real voice, but it was a recognizable voice.
- Mary was pretty upset at this particular moment, she didn’t pick up on the Lord’s voice immediately, but when the Lord said “Mary” that all changed.
- The Lord spoke her name and at that moment she knew it was Jesus.
- I will tell you, when the Lord speaks to us, if we would just stop and listen we would recognize the voice of the Lord.
- Our situation would change if we would just stop and recognize what the Lord is saying to us.
- Now the Lord is speaking in a gentle voice.
- In 1 Kings 19:11-12 “…And, behold, the Lord passed by, and a great and strong wind rent the mountains, and brake in pieces the rocks before the Lord; but the Lord was not in the wind: and after the wind an earthquake; but the Lord was not in the earthquake: 12 and after the earthquake a fire; but the Lord was not in the fire: and after the fire a still small voice.”
- Softly and tenderly Jesus is calling, calling for you and for me.
- Friend, all Jesus has to do is say your name, and you will recognize it is him.
- It is a voice that is recognizable alive or dead.
2. It is a Direct Voice (vs 15b)
Now it is a Distinguished Voice, but it also is a Direct Voice.
a. To the Person (Woman)
- Who was the Lord speaking too? He was speaking directly to Mary.
- He says here in verse 15 “Woman”, he is making it specific to her.
- Do you know that the Lord is speaking directly to you. I know we are in a group, but he is speaking specifically to you as an individual.
- When you leave on Sundays, do you leave out knowing the Lord has spoken directly to you?
- We may say, well that message wasn’t for me, but friend if the Lord spoke it, he spoke it for you.
- Now the Lord wants you to know he speaking directly to you. And he has spoken to you with a second thing…
b. With a Purpose (Why weepest thou? Whom seekest thou?)
- Jesus spoke to her with a purpose, and he asks two questions.
- The Lord looks on your life, and he knows that you are hurting. He sees your situation and he knows your tears.
- Oh, they may not be outward tears, but inward, yet the Lord still sees them. And he is asking you that question.
- Why are you weeping.
- Why are you sorrowing today? What is it that has brought such pain and sadness into your life?
- Do you know that the Lord is concerned about it. The Lord doesn’t take joy in seeing you cry. In fact, the Lord came to dry the tears.
- One day, there will be no more tears.
- Revelation 21:4 “And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away.”
- Now if you came in here today weeping, who is it that you are seeking?
- Are you seeking Jesus? Are you seeking the Savior? Friend, he is asking you that question. Who is it that you are seeking?
- Friend, if you are seeking Jesus, you can find him.
- Matthew 7:7 “Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you”
- Listen, Jesus is speaking to you with a purpose, he wants to answer your questions.
- He is speaking directly to you.
3. It is a Delightful Voice
Now the voice of the Lord is a distinguished voice, and a direct voice, but it is also a delightful voice.
a. By the way it Reveals
- You know this perhaps was one of the happiest days in Mary’s life. When Jesus said her name, he revealed who he was to her.
- There was no longer any question in Mary’s mind who this was. It was Jesus.
- She had been standing there thinking that she was talking to the gardener but by Him just speaking her name, she knew that it was Jesus.
- Friend, Jesus is revealing himself to you, he is saying your name.
- Do you realize the delight that Mary was experiencing when she heard the Lord speak her name?
- I want you to close your eyes for just a moment. And I want you to picture yourself in Mary’s shoes. You are there at the tomb, you’re upset, and feeling alone. Then here is a man who speaks your name. Say your name.
- Jesus revealed himself to Mary by saying her name, and he has now said your name.
b. By the way it Relieves
- It is also delightful by the way it relieves.
- Do you know when Jesus spoke, every worry, fear, and sadness that Mary had left her?
- She thought she had lost the Lord, but instead she found him.
- Friend there was a day when Jesus called my name, and I felt relieved. I knew at that moment everything was going to be okay.
- I knew that Jesus was there for me, and friend he is here for you. Are you listening to his voice. Friend it is a delightful voice.
c. By the way it Resounds
- And friend it is delightful in the way it will resound.
- 1 Thessalonians 4:16 says these words “For the Lord himself will descend from heaven with a shout…”
- There is going to come a day when the Lord’s voice will not be soft but a shout.
- A shout of acclamation, saying come home.
- I have heard a lot of delightful voices, voices that are soothing and beautiful.
- But friend there is not a voice that I will be more delighted to hear, than the voice of Jesus saying come home.
- You know, I can still hear the voices of many who have passed away. I’m sure Mary thought when she went to that tomb, she wasn’t going to hear anything but silence. But friend she heard something she wasn’t expecting to hear. The voice of Jesus.
- She thought the voice was that of the gardener, but it was the voice of Rabboni.
- Do you recognize the voice of Christ today?
- Do you hear him saying your name? Then respond to his voice.
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