Luke 24 1-8
The unexpected Discovery
My brothers one thing I’ve learned about God is that he is a creative, he is plans, he creates, he is all knowing he is, he is omniscient, he is everywhere at the same time, he is intentional , there is no searching of his understanding.
The Bible gives reference to God creative Genius,
He proves his creativity when he creates in Genesis 1, when he created heavens and earth,
He separated the light and called it day, the darkness and called it night,
He creates man in his own image and gave them dominion,
However with Adam and Eve deceptions
Mankind fell to sin..
In genesis.....6:7
And the Lord said, “I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth, both man and beast, and the creeping thing and the fowls of the air, for I repent that I have made them.
But Noah found favor with the Lord that the lord will speak to him and build an arc to restore humans Ans mankind
In exodus the next chapter we find mankind beginning to worship idol Gods...
We find the the children of Israel who was the chosen people..
Taken captive by a pharaoh
God brings them out....
Moses does what most people would consider laying down the law when he creates the mosaic law........
The law although it created a standard for the people was often difficult to fulfill.
Man continue to fall in sin,
God sends a prophets
However man needed the king of kings to restore them back to our rightful place with God
We know the story, God sends his son for the ransom of our sins
My brothers and sisters I’m a firm believer that the life death and resurrection of Jesus Christ Gives a strong example of restoration. His life is a testament that whatever it is that we deal with he is able to resurrect us, reconstruct us, renew us, and restore us.
Truth of the matter is brothers and sisters believe it or not we are all going to have to deal with some issues and trials that may need at some point or the other is going to some Resurrection.
Some of our finances needs resurrected
Some of our homes needs resurrected,
Some of our families need to be resurrected,
Some of our relationships need to be resurrected.
There are some of our Job situation
I come to encourage you that no matter what you are dealing with God is able to bring it back to life.
Look at somebody and say God’s getting ready to raise it up.
If we look at the trajectory of Jesus life we will that One minute he had a crown of thorns on his head, the next minute he was crowned king of kings, One minute he was at the right hand of a thief the next minute he was at the right hand of the father. One minute he was Laid down his life, the next minute he got up with all power in his hand.
This is proof that you can be up today and down tomorrow or you can be down today and up tomorrow.
So, we shouldn’t get discouraged when things may not look well, Because he can shift it.
Paul made the statement I have learned how to be content in every situation I’m in I know that God is able.
PPeople have to be careful how they handle you when your with God because one moment you can be on personal cross, the next morning you can be in a tomb but if they hang around long enough they’ll understand that sooner or later just like Jesus did your gonna bounce back.
Is there anyone here that can say that you are a survivor, and everything that tried to bury you you were created to bounce back.
I believe it was Bro Jarvis that song the song I bounce back. Every time the Devil knocks me down.
James 1:2 says consider it pure joy my brothers and sisters whenever you face trials of any kind because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance and after perservernc has its finished work you will be lacking another.
Paul said it like this in 2 corinthians 4:8
We maybe troubled on every side, yet not distressed, we are perplexed but not in despair, persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down, but not destroyed
As we begin to understand the Gospel of Luke we understand that he was the author of Acts of the Apostles as well.
The Gospel of Luke is one of four gospels that tells Jesus story of how he endured this transition.
The gospel of Luke was addressed to a Christian named Theophilus and were designed for the purpose of presenting to him a complete and well authenticated narrative of the early history of the Christian movement.
During these times they practiced legal crucifixion which was the practice of executing certain criminals by staking their hands and feet to a cross.
So is was not uncommon for them experience a cruxifiction. However, the only issue with Jesus was that he was innocent and according to the standard of the law he had no reason to be crucified.
We find here Jesus one who was full of strength became weak. We find Jesus one who saved many now mocked by some saying that he could not save himself.
Luke paints a picture that’s almost hard to imagine.
This story and picture that Luke paints is one of, if not the most well known story ever. The life death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Luke most likely didn’t know at the time that his words 2000 years ago will be pinned and read 2000 years later.
We find Jesus going through a transition in his earthly ministry. We find Jesus so weak that Simon a Cyreion has to assist him with carrying the burden of the cross. We find a large crowd following Jesus just to see his execution. We find Jesus placed with two thieves and robbers to transition to the cross. We find Jesus eventually commuting his spirit to the father and transitioning from weakness to strength. From the cross to his crown from his earthly temple to his heavenly throne.
. :First section of Luke , Jesus First explains how Jesus ministers in Galilee, the northern area of the land Israel.
Next phase of Luke , he takes a long journey to Jerusalem, during which he welcomes people into the way of God's reign and challenges
Israel's current understanding of the kingdom.
:Third, Luke tells how Jesus
He healed the sick raised the dead , gave sight to the blinded eye.
He explained to them that everything written about the son of man shall be fulfilled..
But they could not comprehend.
he was betrayed by Judas
they could not find no fault in him
He was continually mocked
they Put a crown of thorns on his head
The led him to a his call Golgotha..
The crucified with him to robbers on on his left and the others on right
about three in the afternoon Jesus cried Eli lama Sabactaani..
God why how though forsaken me..
and he gave up the Ghost
He died,
Look at someone and say regardless of all of our mistakes your worth dying for.
He resided in Joseph’s tomb for two days
But early the third day morning he got up with all power in his hands..
Power to make time sit still..
Power to make time heal our broken our broken hearts.
Power to make time turn a sinner into a saint.
Power to make time wipe away our tears..
However after his resurrection we find Here in the text Mary Jesus’s mother coming to the tomb of Jesus looking to bring spices that they might anoint his physical body them.
Luke 23:56 adds that, on the day of Jesus’ crucifixion, the women “went home and prepared spices and perfumes. But they rested on the Sabbath in obedience to the commandment.” John 19:39 reveals that Nicodemus had already used spices on the body of Jesus: “Nicodemus brought a mixture of myrrh and aloes, about seventy-five pounds
The main reason a dead body was anointed with spices was to control the smell of decomposition. Jews did not practice embalming, and the funeral spices were a way to help minimize unpleasant odors. At the tomb of Lazarus, when Jesus asked for the stone to be rolled away from the mouth of the tomb, Martha objected: “By this time there is a bad odor, for he has been there four days” (John 11:39). The spices the women brought to Jesus’ tomb were intended to eliminate such an odor and honor the body of Christ.
The fact that the women brought spices to anoint Jesus’ dead body showed they did not expect Jesus to literally rise from the dead. After resting on the Sabbath (Saturday) according to Jewish custom, the women traveled to Jesus’ tomb early Sunday morning with plans to provide the traditional spices used on a dead body. This group of women included Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James, Salome, Joanna, and possibly others (Luke 24:10). Their primary concern was over how the stone would be moved to allow them entrance to the tomb. When they arrived at the tomb, they were surprised to see the stone already rolled away and no body inside.
It was an unexpected discovery.
In their act of devotion, these faithful and reverent followers of Jesus became the first witnesses of the empty tomb and the first to see Jesus alive again. The spices they brought were unneeded, since Jesus was alive forevermore, but their zealous loyalty to the Savior was rewarded with the honor of becoming the first eyewitnesses of the resurrected Lord.
When they got to the tomb the had an unexpected discovery, that the stone was rolled away, the grave clothes were still in the tomb and Jesus was resurrected and alive.
Their immediate response was to wonder bow down and weep.
However while they had their face to the ground they were approached by two bystanders that asked why are you looking for the living amongst the dead.
Is there anyone in here that can say God is not dead he’s alive
He is alive
Whatever you need Jesus has Power…to bring you out.
Luke 24:1–46 (MBC): In Luke’s account the events surrounding the resurrection all occurred on the same day, and all of them in, or around, Jerusalem (cf. Stein, Luke, 602).
1. Resurrection (24:1–46)
It was a ritual
Luke 24:1–3 (MBC): Luke assumed the reader would understand that it was the women who came to the tomb (they came; cf. 23:49, 55) to complete the burial rituals.
They were doing what was expected of them. It was the norms.
The women was the first to learn of the resurrection.
The stone was rolled away.
Luke emphasis was on the Body..
This was not just a spiritual resurrection. However it was also a bodily resurrection.
It actually happened… He was not physically there.
that he worked in Christ when he raised him from the dead and seated him at his right hand in the heavenly places, 21 far above all rule and authority and power and dominion, and above every name that is named, not only in this age but also in the one to come.
The question was asked: Why do you seek the living One among the dead
Mary and Martha’s meant well when they went to the tomb. They had every intention to what was expected of them. However, they had an unexpected Discover that he was not there anymore.
It came as a rebuke but it was what was expected.
Sometimes people can expect us to be down but they are about to get an unexpected discovery that Everything that God had over your life is coming to past.
Luke 24:9Peter went out to the tomb in haste; he ran to the tomb (24:12a). While he saw the evidences of the empty tomb and the linen wrappings—and he was impressed (marveling)—the impression from what Luke wrote was that Peter did not yet believe
Peter himself had doubts once he saw the empty grave
And then They remembered his words..
We have to be able to remember his words…Sometimes we need a memory…..
They should not have been shocked but God is true to his word.. He is try to his promise…
Even if Jesus would have been there there still would have been a stone that the women thelmselves most likely wouldn’t have been able to roll away..
God knew how to help them get to the discovery
An angel came whil they were still trying to figure it out.
The disciples did not believe the women at all.
As He broke the bread and passed it to them, they knew Him for the first time. Had they seen the print of the nails in His hands? We only know that their eyes had been miraculously opened to recognize Him. As soon as this happened, He vanished.
24:32 Then they retraced the day’s journey. No wonder their hearts had burned within them while He talked with them and opened the Scriptures. Their Teacher and Companion had been the risen Lord Jesus Christ.
24:33 Instead of spending the night at Emmaus, they raced back to Jerusalem where they found the eleven and others assembled together. “The eleven” here is a general term to indicate the original band of the disciples, excluding Judas. Actually not all eleven were present, as we learn from John 20:24, but the term is used in a collective sense.
24:34 Before the Emmaus disciples could share their joyful news, the Jerusalem disciples jubilantly announced that the Lord had really risen and had appeared to Simon Peter.
24:35 Then it was the turn of the two from Emmaus to say, “Yes, we know, because He walked with us, came into our home, and revealed Himself to us in the breaking
There were a few situations that I noticed about the women as they arrived at the tomb.
Although they had Good intentions they did not have good expectations.
Their intent was to bring spices to the tomb…But they were not expecting the miracle.
Isn’t that Jus like us at times our expectations of God don’t match our intentions, However faith is not based off intentions but its based off of expectations….
Substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen……It’s an expectation
Truth of the matter is all of have good intention but our faith(Expectations) is about to match or intentions.
a. The right motive but the wrong mindset—-
Truth of the matter is my brothers and sister their mindset was not on his ressurection… They was still focused on their last vision of him which was his burial….
My brothers and sister our attitude will begin to change when focus on his ressurection, Growing up they would sing a Song, Gods not dead, he is yet alive, I can feel him in my hands feel him in my feet. Feel him all over me.
They had to be convinced to believe beyond what they can see-
My brothers and sisters often times in our own life although we come to church, although we come to bible study we often need to be convinced to believe beyond what we can see.
When Jesus had risen, Mary and the women and even the disciples did not believe. It wasn’t until Jesus showed him his hands, his feet that they believed.
Truth of the matter is sometimes we can’t see with our faith beyond our own reality.
Is there anyone that can say that we have to fix our spiritual eyes to see beyond our natural eyes.
Their experience led to their witness..
Because they saw the tomb empty and understood that it wasn’t something they heard it was something they saw. So therefore it strengthen their witness to the disciples.
Sometimes some of the things we saw personally God had to take us through it so that we can get to where we are. Sometimes its our own experiences that allows us to know.
‘You have to know what you know.
Is there anyone can say the reason I can testify is not because Ive been perfect but because I’ve an experience with Jesus.
We you understand that this unexpected discovery happened on this day…..
This Day we are celebrating that the tomb was rolled away…
We can be saved because of the unexpected discovery,
We can be healed because of the unexpected Discovery.
We can be delivered because of the unexpected discovery,
We can be justified because of unexpected discovery,
The song writer said it like this Living he loved me, Dieing he saved me, Buried he carried my sins far away, rising his justified me freed me forever one day he’s coming back glorious day.
To some it all up…..he was wounded for our transgressions, bruised for our iniquities, the chastisement of our peace was upon him and with his stripes we are healed.