THE TRUE IDENTITY: 13) Good Friday

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Really helps you out to take the Bible now and 10. So you all Bible reading for today, John chapter 19, it's found on page, 1000 and 8th. If you're feeling in the church 507, golden McIntyre from now until he's going to come and read it and then he's sorry, but to Island to bring all message. So I don't know if you can come and read to her. Thank you, Jordan. And then I was around


Later knowing that everything had not been finished until that scripture would be fulfilled. Jesus said I'm so thirsty. I got of wine vinegar was there so they showed to sponging, it put the sponge on a stalk of hyssop plant and lifted it. Do Jesus. Look, when you did receive the drink, Jesus said, it is finished with that, he bowed his head and gave up his Spirit, know it was a day of preparation. And the next day was very special service because it did not want all these left and Crosses during the Sabbath. The ask pilot to have the legs broken on the bodies taken down the soldiers left for Kim and broke her leg. So the first month 2 administer crucified with Jesus and then goes up the other but when it came to Jesus and found out he was already dead. They did not break his legs and stayed one of the soldiers pierced Jesus side with the spear bringing a sudden flow of blood and water, the man who saw it as giving testimony and his testimony is true. He knows that you tell the truth only testify so that you also May believe these things happen. So that the scripture would be fulfilled, not one of his bones will be broken and it's another script. Says, they will look on the one they have pierced. Amen.

Good morning, everyone. If you've got the Bible or just keep it open, we're going to be working through that before we do. Let's turn to the Lord in prayer.

Tell me father as we stand at the foot of the cross, we ask for your spirit out so that we may make sense of what your son did through his death. In Jesus name, man. Trying to make sense of death, is a different difficult thing for Humanity, school shooting in Nashville, a number of weeks ago, really brought this to the Forefront, the six confirmed add antifreeze I think was sure to go in a rind that captured people's feeling was senseless deaths. When you see the events, it's this question. Why? What's the purpose in this follows us through our experience? Think of the medical profession. When it when a person sadly dies and it turns out that it was preventable, there's that deep feeling a sense. Why, what was the purpose in that I senseless?

But even when death was expected and nothing, sadly could be done, it leaves, a deep Pan. And the question is being asked, why what was the purpose and locked on? This question is just continually being brought, how do we make sense? Then we want to ponder make sense of it. Because once we make sense of the death of Jesus, so much in our live, our future will make sense. And when trying to make sense of Jesus's death, there have been many answers that people have given some say, what's Jesus's death Was a Fairytale, it was an interesting story but it didn't really happen. Either save Willie's death is a motivation that it might be historical or fairytale they would say, but you know what, it just motivate them to just encourages us to be better. What other say Jesus's death is warning. This is what happens when a person claims to be God.

August 8th. Jesus's death was an accident. He just he just lost control of the situation. Another say Jesus's death. It's irrelevant it's just one of many tasks. So I'm in the world but with all the Bible says, it says there's something more significant that helps us to make sense of what's going on. John's gospel explains to the Jesus's. Death was a death with a purpose. So let's let's work through that and see if John has been working towards this point in chapter 19 away back in 1:29. You have John the Baptist saying, look the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world. And so that is being the movement in John's Gospel of this Passover. Lamb that ideal come very clear as we go through it. The most recently, in chapter 18 of the story Jesus has been before Pilate, and there is this interchange where? Height of essentially says, what is truth? The person of Jesus Christ, brings you face-to-face with truth, on 12:28 and verse 39. You got a reference to the Passover to the store. This point, it's free. And with the Passover in view of the Slime become relevant later on, and the people are wanting to crucify Jesus way back and 19:17. You have this reference for this claim that Jesus has been been making chapter 19, they want to crucify him Let me read chapter 19. Verse 21. The chief priest of the Jews protest at the pie. Do not write the king of the Jews, but that, this man claimed to be the king of the Jews. Jesus was clearly on. He was the king of the Jews. They don't like that as they come face-to-face with the truth of who Jesus says. And so he is to put on a cross and he's crucified a painful and brutal evil act. As soon as we come to this.

We're going to see a death With a Purpose versus 20th of 30. It's a death with a purpose because it's completed. Notice, there's a repeated free is in in those verses in 19:28 finished First 30 finished completed done at the artist at the beginning of their panting is working. And when they're finished, they say complete finished dumb question. Who's doing their project? And you know what it's like, this is never going to end baby and work. This is never going to end. You completed to fill it done, complete. That's what's going on here. Jesus has completed if he is finished. We live in a world where where things are, just never, really done. A perfectionist in different forms. Not never done. And yet what Jesus did on the cross can be declared as complete and dung. No, more to tell you. It's complete. His death was doing something, it wasn't with Ida purposed. Why would the word finished completed be used? If there was no purpose Papa John's showing something has been completed. We can see the answer for what Jesus said. I am thirsty. Stationers used. Why would a person be thirsty? What's because they lost fluid. They've been working hard and Jesus on the cross has been suffering deep, peeing, working hard exercising and not reference of, I am thirsty, takes us back to Psalm 22 your reference, a sign of dividend in this sign versus 14 and 15 speaks of the davidic Messiah.

The word thirsty. Just can face of hard work that Jesus has been doing. Sweat pouring from and this is not easy. A person who works hard needs water and water is required for the body. And Jesus has been exerting himself on the cross, through that suffering. He was working on a marginally hard at the cross. For purpose.

Finished. His suffering is complete his death. Was the suffering that is dumb when they think, I still need to do this Jesus. It's done, it's completed. It's finished or this. Just burn that we might fail in life. If you're a Christian and you think? If I mess up, if I could use this. It's finished. It's completed. This is a death With a Purpose. Charles Wesley had a lovely him where you use these words to finish the Messiah dies, but not, as accomplished is the sacrifice, the great redeeming work. Is dumb. No more needed. Jesus has done it all at the cross. How do you know whether something is real? Saucony verses 31 to 35. As we see on over it, we see it's confirmed. We live in a world where it's too much of the world is virtue. You can be talking or interacting with a person online, and they don't actually exist, evolution of a iris taken place. What comes to Jesus death? Wasn't real. Did it really happened? Was there a real body high? Can we be certain? Because remember, I work 32 on you, if you remember at the beginning of John's Gospel of the importance of Jesus on his body has brought a 1:14 the word. That's Jesus became flash, flash, real images dwelling Among Us.

This is a real death really in history.

Sabbath which is often using words into sentence. The Sabbath was a an example of remembering God's rest from his work. That people couldn't trust themselves to buy a Jesus is just completed his work until because it's the Sabbath, we see that they want to sort this out because it's usually does did not want the bodies left on the crosses during the Sabbath day. A spider to have his leg broken on his body has taken time. The Story Goes On. these soldiers who did their job are going to confirm, the Jesus really is that there's something very significant

Soldiers are Fork a 32mm broke their legs the first month. And then the other first 33 when they came to Jesus and find that he was already dead, they did not break his legs. Why is that significant information job. Well at the inverse 36 not one of his bones will be broken. It's an indication confirming that Jesus has really happened but his death of the Passover Lamb. Look the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world, if I can access 12:46 the Passover Lamb, Was not the hottest legs broken. To see what John is doing. This death is a purpose. It completed its confirmed the Jesus really his dad, but he was the Passover Lamb because his legs were not broken, Halo the others around him had their legs broken. Passover Texas, Back To The Exodus, this bottle. If if you re accident between Yahoo way to the god of the Bible and pharaoh and then the ten plagues under the angel of death, and that last one would come, but if the blood was on the door post, it would pass by Alarm sacrificed in the place to see if and redeem the people.

Limas Causeway Ford Emerson freeing his people from the bondage that tyranny. Jesus and John is being presented at the Passover Lamb. This is the confirmation. He had a real body in the, the scene where the soldiers shows as he really was Passover, Lamb routines.

Because his body was not broken and communion that Brad's broken but Jesus body was never broken. He was beaten but he was not broken. He was bruised, but his bones were not bow broken.

But he was not broken. This was the Messiah, the Son of God, the word dwelt among Humanity, the Passover Lamb. This is a confirmation of who he is.

That's four seasons. One in him, we have Redemption through his blood, forgiveness of our trespasses Redemption, forgiveness, on the soldiers, didn't break his bones to confirm, who he was the Passover Lamb and Isaiah 53 is ringing. He was pierced for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities.

A language.

In in this section points to Jesus was a side with pierced. If you notice their love and water flow dies from him, and what saint has been spelled on, what exactly is the water, what exactly is blood? What is clear is that this piercing results and the elements that are needed for life just flowing out of Jesus life left him. The life could be given to you. If you'll accept him through life lasting, life flows, from the very side of Jesus, through his death, that's the purpose of the death of Jesus. It's completed a work of redemption, providing lasting life because the Passover Lamb lost his life, as he's pierced on the very life elements, Floyd of him, he was providing a way of life, eternal life. People.

Something you can just leave tonight. Play the path of the purpose. Its completed confirmed. Can you just leave without doing anything? Finally, its consequence for 6:35 to 7:37

CrossFit. It's not like one of these government grants that, you know, you just automatically added to your kind, like some energy grants that you don't have to actually sign up for often, so it just gets paid. In the same way that you might think. Well Jesus dentist and I just don't have to respond in any way. I can just have it out of my account. The reality of the Cross requires a response. Passive in this unexpected out of your sin to be counseled automatically earn the cancellation by your works. But you do need to accept that. You do need to respond. It's completed. It's confirmed that it has a consequence in the store. Identify rightly with the Passover Lamb died in your death with Passover. John 3:16 for God. So loved the world.

And then the contrast between those who perish, and those of eternal life is a lie. The first 35, the man who saw it has given testimony in this testimony is true. He knows what he tells the truth, any testify. So that's the consequence. You also May believe

Are you receive this life by the crosses by belief? I really like the story of Charles blondin. He was a tightrope Walker in the 19th century, storical character, and he apparently went along a tightrope on the Niagara Falls to the shoot. Water is underneath the clean Canada, and the United States, and the bicycles across this allegedly, they say that he went across for the stove and cooked an omelet to do this next part of the story. I think might be a little bit of folklore involving Marlboro landfill. As you do this, do you believe that I can carry a person across in this wheelbarrow? Freud indicated in the story. Was the question who will get in the way borrow

but nobody. Whether it's not actually happen to know, the distinction of what belief is acknowledgment in the audience was not enough.

Belief is not just acknowledge mint. In John's gospel.

Christ, the son of God. It's an acknowledgement.

The Obedience, remember the obedience is what forgive sins? Because Jesus is the Passover Lamb, but it says, obedience in response to having received this, not a major blow and then just got my imagination. Going that belief in Jesus is is acknowledging that Jesus is the son of God and I believe there's life and I'm going to stop in and I'm going to trust myself to him not to myself to get to the other side but in all the price has achieved at the cross. I don't learn it. I trust Christ belief not just sitting on the sidelines acknowledging some fats. so, African clothes. How do you make sense of the death of Jesus?

Can you make sense of it? Remember, this is a death with a purpose.

Bring so much good people. It's completed. No more to do. No more Spanish dumb. Confirmed. It was a real body, a real de. A real lamb that takes away the sin of the Worlds. Globe, all those who would believe that consequence is so the people would believe as soon as we try to make sense of death,

the death of Jesus to the deaths, you want to mix answer because that is eternal implications for everyone here. That's what the purpose of life, that last that's been offered acknowledging him in the crowd, and just staying, there is not enough, that's not belief. Trusting yourself to Jesus knowledge and who he is. And then acting upon that in face. That's how you can see lasting life and you can have lasting life. Because at the cross, Jesus was pierced and a life left in me, shoe that life to be given to all who believe. We're going to spend a few moments and song he's going to come up which is the words the music of a section and Isaiah chapter 53. If maybe belief in Jesus is not something you thought of before. While spend the time as you listen to these words just reflecting on responding to this Wednesday I believe in Jesus. Maybe you believe in Jesus and what will it look like to? Live following Jesus is Lord enjoying everything these cheese at the cross so it should come up for a few minutes.


Did Carrie.

Yeah, we esteem them straight and Kinsman.

Call me. When was the chastisement?


Do you like Siri?

Do you need food?



Are we like sheep astray?

Thanks for not telling if you'd like to think about that little bit more in the back of oil. Chase these leaflets called the remedy of that free. You're welcome to take them home, reflects a little bit more, on the the death of Jesus about us. We've listened to that song. It's a private. We now can respond by seeing ourselves. So I've been trying to find it going to leave this week.

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