Spiritual Fruit - Gentleness Their rights not yours

Galatians  •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented   •  22:22
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This week we are looking at the first fruit found not in 5:22 but in 5:23
Talking about Gentleness today. I believe a misunderstood topic, Because in some twisted way we have let ourselves believe the Lie that Gentleness is weakness, And nobody wants to be weak even the weak. Survival of the fittest.

What is Gentleness?

Let’s us begin the day by looking at what this word means:
Forbearing the Faults of others
Being selfless
Not demanding ones rights
Coincided with kindness
Not rude or bruits
These are all words that work with Gentleness.
Gentleness is not demanding your rights but serving others.
Humble people can’t say they are humble cause then they are not really humble they are proud to be humble.
We are proud people perusing Humility by the Grace of God.
When we are proud we want our rights our self to be put before others. But a gentle person opens the door, sits last, serves and knows how to be served in return.
Two types of proud people:
Those who always want to be served
It’s always my way
I want it my way
I want to watch that
We are eating that
And those who always want to serve
How is that proud?
I want to be the one who gets to serve
I want to get that glory
Or I want to always “bear that burden”
What can I do for you - Nothing
What you want to watch
Whatever you want
What you want to eat
Whatever you want
I am the proud servant
But we get benefited when we serve so if you are hording all the service then you are proud too
Gentleness, We usually think of women in today’s society, Because we have forgotten that manliness is not in how hard and fierce we can be but also in how gentle we can be as well. We have forgotten what it means to be a gentle man and have placed it on the women.
When we should be leading in showing what it means to be gentle.
Gentle with women
Gentle with Kids
Gentle with other men
Going to put them first
Jesus himself was gentle”
1 Peter 2:23 NIV
23 When they hurled their insults at him, he did not retaliate; when he suffered, he made no threats. Instead, he entrusted himself to him who judges justly.
He didn’t insist on his own rights instead he died for our sake. He died because he was thinking of us first. And we are to do like wise.

We Are To Be Gentle

When we are proud we are quick to anger. Anger is a secondary emotion, It comes from something else. And anger when it is about your rights being hurt. Is not helpful. Anger about injustice in the world is Ok. Anger because he cut you off, Not ok. Anger cause there are 27 million slaves today, Ok. Angry because he called you names not ok.
Instead a gentle answer turns away wrath
Story about some missing mail.
We had a thief working at the University Post office, He was caught. I was angry with him because he betrayed the trust bestowed on him, But I was slow to anger so that he may prove himself innocent. He couldn’t.
Because of this a woman called in hot as could be. Over some missing mail. Yelling screaming cussing.
I gently told her that the problem has been discovered and had been turned into the police and person caught.
But she would have to talk to the post master to have her issue worked out.
My gentle words brought about a change in her so she was no longer wrathful but an intelligent person with a problem.
We are all proud.
How proud are you?
1 like Jesus - 10 I am a J.E.R.K. Personality type.
How would your spouse rate you?
When we are growing in the Spirit our fruit of Gentleness grows. I am proud I want to grow in Gentleness
If you want to grow in Gentleness there are two things you need to do:
Just two simple in no way easy. (Bet some of you can guess what they are, I have said these two things so many times)
LOVE Others
If we love God with all our being – heart, mind, strength. All that we are.
We put him in his proper place then our lives start to change and we open ourselves up to receive his Love. And when we do this then His love pours out on those around us. We Love because he First Loved us. And when his love pours out through us.
We are gentle, Because we consider them first. We aren’t thinking about ourselves.
We are focused on loving God, And loving others as we love ourselves.
What about you?
You love God and love others
You don’t have to worry about you
Just set healthy boundaries and it will all work out ok
Are you Gentle
May start with just being a gentle man. I see some of you men regularly opening the door, That’s wonderful.
May start with you being a Proverbs 31 wife.
Love God love others and watch your gentleness Grow
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