Rev - Introduction
why study revelation?, How we will study it. Pupular knowledge of revelation. read it and let it speak to you. dont try to impose the teaching you received on it. Calm your concerns. The blessing on reading it. The inspired outline. major themes?
What we cover tonight
Why study Revelation?
How to engage in this Study
Concerns and “worries” about Revelation
A few Guidelines to basic Bible Interpretation
God First: Always take a God-centered perspective
Unified Bible Story: The Bible is inspired by the Holy Spirit who does not change
Stay Humble: This is Interpretation and we are fallible.
Context: Look at the context of the passage
Genre: Identify the type of literature
Obvious & Plain: Look for the plain and obvious meaning
Authors Intent: Look for the intention of the authors when they wrote it
Examine words: Look at the language for what it reveals about its meaning
Themes: Notice the themes in the text
A blessing for those that read Revelation
The book of Revelation was not written as a riddle for well-fed Christians to amuse themselves with. Rather, it was given for believers under a lot of pressure from the state, religious institutions, the economy, and even their fellow church members. It was not meant to be so difficult that ordinary Christians would be afraid to study and apply it for themselves without an authority to explain the puzzle. In fact, it is the only book of the Bible that states an explicit blessing just for reading it (see 1:3) and another for acting on it (see 22:7)! If God expects believers to read, take to heart, and apply the Revelation to their lives, then He must not have intended it to be a closed book. And indeed, although Bible-believing Christians differ widely on how to interpret many of the book’s details, they agree on many of its main issues and applications for today.