Revelation 21

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1-8 9-27 22 1-5 6-11 12-17 18-21


After all of the unredeemed have been judged and thrown into Hell, John sees the creation of a new heaven and a new earth, these are not the existing universe as those have passed away, swept away before the great judgment. This new heaven and earth which is the new Jerusalem are a totally new creation from God to be the our eternal home. Even better news than that is that God will be there as well, with us as our God and we his people. Then the comfort promise is given, that there will be no more tears, no sorrow or pain and death is no longer over us, we will have our new resurrected sinless bodies for all eternity so that we may enjoy God and worship him forever.
John then hears God from the throne telling him that all things will be made new and God instructs him to write all of this down because God is trustworthy and true, amen to that. He says that it is done, all of history is done and God is the beginning and ending of it all. He created everything and is eternal. It was God’s plan that gave us the way to be reconciled to him through Jesus, the spring of living water. This gift from God has no cost, because if it required anything from us then it would not be a gift of grace from God. All that are his, all that He wrote in the book of life before creation are His sons and daughters and He is our God. All of the rest, all of the unrepentant are subject to the second death that is eternal punishment in Hell and the lake of fire.


Then one of the angels that poured out one of the last bowl judgments takes John to see the new Jerusalem, the new dwelling place of the Bride of the Lamb, who are the redeemed saints. John sees the new Jerusalem coming down from the new heaven again but this time in greater detail. It shines like a jewel lit up with the glory of God. It is a cube in shape, 12,000 stadia in the ESV or furlongs in the KJV, each stadia/furlong is 607 feet, so each wall is just shy of 1,380 miles long and high, the mention of the second measure of the wall is probably its thickness which is 144 cubits or 72 yards, or 216 feet thick. Each wall has 3 gates corresponding to the 12 tribes of Israel which is reminiscent of the way that the twelve tribes laid out their camp around the tabernacle of God as described in Numbers 2. The walls also have foundation stones 12 of them and each stone has the name of the 12 Apostles of Jesus, as the Apostles are the foundation of the Church. The walls are made of Jasper or diamond while the city itself is made of gold. The 12 foundation stones are adorned with jewels and each of the 12 gates are carved from pearls, one gigantic pearl for each gate.
There is no temple in the new Jerusalem because God himself will be there, there will also be no need of a new sun or moon because the light of the glory of God will provide all of the illumination necessary and it will never dim or go out so there will not be anymore night. All of the redeemed peoples from all nations that are in the book of life will be there giving glory to God the most high and the gates will never be shut and nothing unclean or sinful will ever enter.

22 1-5

I imagine the angel giving John the tour of the new Jerusalem zooming into the inner city after showing him the outer walls and a high view of the city, showing him the center and God’s throne and the river flowing from the throne. Its crystal clear water ever flowing from the throne symbolizing the pure unpolluted flow of eternal live from God to his people. On either side of the river of life that flows through the middle of the main road is the new tree of life, like the tree of life that was in the garden of Eden. It produces fruit all year, although all year is an expression as time itself will be different, it will also produce a great variety of fruit as well. The leaves of the tree are for healing, but not healing from injury or sickness because there will be none in the new world, but more like life giving vitamins from God. It does not say if we will be eating the leaves to get these effects of if just being in its presence will radiate it to us.
We will be able to see God face to face and His name will be on our foreheads, meaning we will be his and God’s glory will shine and he will reign for all eternity.


After all of the visions have been shown to John a few last words were given to him. Some of the statements do come from Jesus but others may come from the angel who was showing John the visions, as even John seems confused because for a second time he falls down and worships an angel, and again the angel reprimands him for doing so. To me verse 6 sounds like it is the angel speaking as God is mentioned is referred to in the third person. He says that what he has seen and heard is trustworthy and true, just as God did in 21:5, and that God sent the angel to John all of these vision of what is to take place.
Verse 7 is Jesus telling John that he is coming soon, and amen to that. And that we are blessed if we read and believe the prophesy of the book of Revelation.
Then John falls and begins to worship the angel again, no doubt confused and awestruck at all that has happened. Then he is told not to hide what he has seen and will write down, he needs to spread the prophecy that he has been shown because as Jesus said He is coming soon and the time is near, the time being the time when men may be able to repent and seek forgiveness, that time will end and it is coming soon but during this time evil will continue but also the righteous and holy will continue as well.


Here again is definitely Jesus repeating that he is coming soon and when he does he will bring judgment with him. Jesus states his divinity saying He is the Alpha and the Omega, the fist and the last, the beginning and the end. He was with God the father and the spirit in eternity past and is eternal.
The ones who’s names are written in the book of life and have been washed clean are most certanly blessed and will dwell in the new Jerusalem forever, but those outside the city, those who’s names are not in the book of life will be outside the city never to enter.
Jesus then identifies himself and is the one who has sent the angel to show John the visions so that he may tell the churches what he as seen, the churches referring to all of Christianity.
God and his Bride, us, say come, the invitation to salvation is still open. We still have a job to do, to spread the Gospel to all the world, to every nation tribe and tongue, spread it to all that are thirsty for the water of eternal live that is available by the grace of God free of charge through the blood of Jesus Christ.


Near the end we get a warning that if anyone adds or takes away from the prophecies written he will be cursed and all of the plagues written about will fall upon him. We are not to change the word of God but are to preach it and spread it just as the Holy Spirit has inspired man to write it and if you preach a false gospel your name is not written in the book of life and you will not be in the holy city for eternity. We are to testify that our Lord Jesus Christ is coming soon and the time to repent is now! Amen.
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