The Road to Understanding
Sermon schedule cuz so far this year, I'd only made my schedule up till Easter so I didn't have anything after that. And plus, I went through this week, it changed about three or four different times what it was going to be, which meant I started a sermon and stopped working on it, three or four different times because the schedule changed. But you know what? I was really thinking about, was that, you know, we've been talking so much about the word of God and the importance of it so far this year. And, you know, at Easter, we were talking about, you know, how everything changed, how the week started out. So great with the triumphal entry and then by the end of the week, Everything's changed. And then on Easter, we talked about the significance of the Resurrection, I thought, you know, What about just kind of keep that ball rolling. So my first thought was to jump into the book of Acts and start going through that but then I thought well let's back that train up a little bit, let's back it up. You know, Luke wrote the book of Acts. So let's back it up to where he kind of starts off with the first time that Christ appeared after being resurrected and that's where we're going to go with this and then we'll continue on through it. And continue, working through the book of Acts after we get done with Luke here. I guess until I feel led to change where we're going with stuff. you know, one of the things I've talked about time and time again, is that one of the most important Realities in the world is God's truth and how important it is you know. It it's only those that Read and understand the Bible that can really know the truth about salvation and what it really means in the gift that it is. And also to know the flip side of it, what it really means to spend eternity in Hell, separated from God. And it's only those who you don't obey biblical truths and try their best to live by it that can truly live fulfilled blessed and joyful lives. We can try to fill our lives with other things and try to find joy in other ways, but that's always short-term. To understand scripture is to understand everything from God's perspective which is the only true view of reality.
Our society or culture tries to redefine reality all the time with a slant towards their agenda, but the only true view is gods. And I think nowhere is that fact more powerfully Illustrated than in the passage that we're going to talk about today. You know, it's the road to Emmaus, and this is Jesus's first, post-resurrection appearance that we read about in Luke's gospel.
And, you know, this, I read this, you know, it talks about how Jesus begins to travel along the road with two of his followers, who Are filled with doubt and very confused about recent events that happened. And I thought wow that kind of sounds like probably a lot of us right now with stuff going on in our world when we were confused by what happens. So they're not all that different and you know, it wasn't that they did not believe the Scripture. It was just that their understanding of it was lacking, it was incomplete.
And therefore Jesus open the Old Testament scripture to them and dispel their darkness and confusion about him with the light of Truth.
And we're going to kind of split this story up into three parts of the need for understanding the source for understanding and the response to understanding. so, starting out with the need for understanding Luke, 24:13, 224 Since now, that same day, two of them were going to a village called Emmaus about seven miles from Jerusalem, they were talking with each other about everything that had happened as they talked and discuss these things with each other. Jesus himself, came up and walked along with them, but they were kept from recognizing him. He asked them, what are you discussing together as you walk along. They stood still their faces downcast. One of them named Clip has asked him her. You the only one visiting Jerusalem who does not know the things that have happened there. And these days, what things he asked about Jesus of Nazareth, they replied, he was a prophet powerful and word and deed before God. And all the people, the chief priest in our rulers handed him over to, be sentenced to death. And they crucified him. But we had hoped that he was the one who was going to redeem Israel. And what is more? It is the third day since all this took place. In addition, some of our women amazed us, they went to the tomb early this morning, but didn't find his body. They came and told us that they had seen a vision of angels, who said he was alive. Then some of our companions went to the tomb and found it just as the woman said. But they didn't see Jesus.
I think you put your guys, selves in these guys shoes, here they are. They've just witnessed all this stuff happening this week there on this long walk.
You know they're talking about all the things that you know happened during this week that we've come to call Holy Week, you know they would have remembered the triumphal entry. you know, when the massive crowds held Jesus as the Messiah and shouted, praise him, and, you know, the King of Kings, the son of David, all the joyousness as he came in, they would have remembered on Tuesday when Jesus went into the temple and disrupted the corrupt Financial dealings of what they were doing of selling things in the temple. you know, Wednesday and Thursday is, when Jesus spent time, teaching the people in different places and, you know, he was Constantly being attacked by the religious leaders who were trying to trap him and trick him into saying something that they could use against him, but he kept feuling their plans.
Then on Thursday night. Things really took a turn and we see Jesus arrested and then on Friday, we see the mock Trials happen and his crucifixion and his death. Followed by his burial. A humongous swing of events during this week and you can only imagine as they're walking along talking about it. Why happening, as they're walking, here comes some random guy who starts asking stupid questions.
We've all had that happen right? When you're somewhere and someone you don't know, starts talking to you about stuff and You know. They would have known Jesus but Jesus didn't let them know it was him. So kind of kept his identity from today starts asking question cuz you know, that's what good teachers do, right? They ask thought-provoking questions. So, you know, Jesus knew what they were talking about. Isaac's white guy's been talking about, I think he did that because he wanted to hear what their account was of what happened that week. How did they see it? How did they perceive what had happened? How were they feeling about it? So he asked that and they give him that. And, you know, I set you up. I'd imagine, you know. When they ask me, why they even talk about it says they stopped and looked at him.
You know, I think it was one of those things they stopped and looked at him like, are you serious? You're asking us what we're talkin about?
But he was. So they told him, you know, we're talkin about the things got, you know, one of them would even went so far as they are you, the only guy in Jerusalem who has no idea what just happened this week? But he didn't. Be kind of like someone living in Monroe during Fair week and not knowing that the 4-H Fair happened.
Kind of that way and, you know, so they're walking on and they begin talking to him. And when he asked his follow-up question of what things, you know, they kind of launched into this whole tirade of all the stuff that it happened. And I can only imagine kind of the anger frustration despair that was coming out of them as they shared this cuz they just didn't understand. They thought he was the one. And then on top of all that, their religious leaders, their rulers, the people they looked up to Sentenced to death and crucify, this guy who they thought was their savior. Their Messiah. Extremely confusing.
You know and then they bring up the point of well you know some of the women with us amazed this you know, they went to the tomb, didn't find anybody there but then they said some angels told him he was alive but none of us really believed them. Yeah. Yeah. A couple of the disciples went there. You know, Peter and John went and found it. Just like the women said but they didn't see Jesus. They didn't see the Angels. So None of us really believe them. And then they start on this walk. Back to Emmaus.
And it shows us, I think How Deeply ingrained, some of the wrong ideas, the wrong understanding of what had been said about Jesus in the Old Testament, really was for them. Even though they knew these women, they were credible women. And what the women shared with them was verified by two others from their group. They still wouldn't believe it because their belief was the Messiah couldn't die. They just had to narrow view of that and that's what Christ begins to open up for them. To the next one. The source of understanding Luke chapter 24 verse has 25 through 27. He being Jesus said to them how foolish you are and how slow to believe that. All the prophets have spoken did not the Messiah have to suffer these things and then enter his glory and beginning with Moses and all the prophets, he explain to them. What was said, in all the scriptures concerning himself,
you know, the two disciples confusion and unbelief, you know, clearly is what was keeping them from understanding and seeing the reality of what it happen during that week. You know, they needed to know. Not only that Jesus rose from the dead but that his death and Resurrection were essential features of his being, the Messiah of his messiahship. It was a part of it, they needed to understand that even though they didn't understand the events of that week, They were all a necessary. Part of God's plan for the Redemption of Israel and the entire world. You know, their Lords questions in the responses, we just heard give proof that. You know, they needed some answers. They needed some direction here. And really their confusion stemmed from their failure to fully understand what the Old Testament had been saying about Jesus about the Messiah.
And really, you know, probably in their defense. You could say that a lot of that was probably misguided by the religious leaders of their day. Telling them that this is what this means about the Messiah. And, you know, they were right to expect him to rain in to rule and to establish his Kingdom of Israel and over the whole world. But that was only part of it. They didn't understand a lot of stuff. You know, when Jesus says, did not the Messiah have to suffer these things,
you know, they were looking for a messiah who would basically just come in and shut, the Romans down, get rid of their oppressors liberate them, so they could do whatever they wanted to do, was Jewish people.
You know, they thought that it would be some sort of military leader. Who could never be defeated, who would come in and free them from everyone?
They just didn't get it that. The Messiah suffering. Was a part of it.
And that's what Jesus opened up to them. He helped them to see, you know, in order for a debt to be paid a price has to be paid, right? And this suffering was a part of that price and paying that debt. And yeah, I can only imagine, can you imagine standing there having Jesus explained, all this Old Testament stuff to you?
I used to have a professor in seminary, dr. Sandra Richter, who was an Old Testament, survey professor. She could do the entire Old Testament. She could do a summary Everett in, like, 55 minutes. Where she would start all the way at the beginning, go through the whole thing. And the nice thing of it was, is it really helps you to see the flow of the story when she did it that way? Even though that was impressive, I had imagined, it was nothing compared to having Jesus himself. Do it. And that leads us to the last part of the response to understanding. So after Jesus is opened up the scriptures after they've come to understand them how they should be understood. Luke 24:28 232. This as they approached the village to which they were going. Jesus continued on as if he was going to go a little further but they are Tim strongly. Stay with us for his nearly evening. The day is almost over so he went in to stay with them. I'd imagine after he just talked these things, they wanted to continue this conversation then when he was at the table with them, he took bread gave thanks broke it and began to give it to them. Then their eyes were opened and they recognized him and he disappeared from their site. They asked each other, we're not our hearts burning within us while he talked with us on the road and opened the scriptures to us. Like I said, you know,
I'd imagine Christ survey of the Old Testament, his unparalleled By Any teacher.
But you know, that is what left them, overwhelmed and stunned. You know isn't it funny that okay a guy you were just walking and talking with a guy who was just setting eating bread with you just suddenly disappears. and the thing you're amazed about is Man, don't you think our hearts were burning within us as he talked about the scripture? They didn't talk about the fact that this guy just banished. They talked about the understanding he gave them of scripture. Their hearts were ignited by the scripture explained in You know, since Jesus hadn't let himself be revealed up. Until that point, he suddenly was And, you know, for all of us, understanding the meaning of the Bible for Phil's, kind of the deepest longing, we all have, and especially for us as Believers when we fully understand scripture. It gives us a profound Joy because we realize that this isn't just a matter of faith. It's reality, it's God's reality. Know, the true interpretation of scripture is how is to know, God and realize how his plan is unfolding in. His Sovereign, purpose is being accomplished. A lot of times, we don't get that. in the midst of who know their conversation, God opened up scripture to them in a way that they had never seen. It opened up a way. They never seen it explained and it changed everything for them.
Like I said, instead of marveling at his remarkable disappearance. The thing that they Marvel at is we're not our hearts burning within us while he was speaking to us on the road. While he was explaining the scriptures to us. That's what really spoke to them. but it was that right understanding of scripture that set their hearts on fire, where they had the Old Testament explain to them in such a way that they saw, so many of the times throughout scripture, It was Jesus that it was referring to.
And that fire was set on them. So significantly that they didn't even care anymore, that it was Pitch. Black night outside. They had to get back and tell the others. Because not only did they have a clear understanding of what the Old Testament meant now they knew something that no other believers new.
That Christ suffering was a necessary part of God's plan. That what happened by the religious leaders and those choosing to crucify him and kill him on the cross? That didn't stop God's plan. It solidified, God's plan. It kept it in motion, it actually Set It Off from that point to where now, he was going to redeem the whole world through that sacrifice. So they wanted to go back and tell the others that God's plan is being fulfilled.
And when the truth is scripture becomes clear, the heart is set on fire. You know, that's why I David Bernard wrote once. Oh, that I could be a flame of fire in the service of my God.
Or John Wesley on his conversion, he wrote, I felt my heart strangely warmed. When he truly understood scripture, there was nothing that could put that fire out within him. And that's why it's so important for us to have a true understanding of it. And that's why it's so important for us as a church to always take that stand on scripture in the truth of scripture in that. That is what we will follow. Please bear with me.
Heavenly Father, we thank you for the blessings. You give us Lord. We pray that you will be with us and guide us. Lord, we thank you for your holy word and Lord. We pray that you will continue to open up its truth to us so that we may more fully understand who you are. And your purposes and Lord how we fit into that plan. We pray this all in your most, holy name. Amen.