The Beginning of the End pt. 2

What in the World is Going on?  •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented
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We’re continuing our journey through the book of Revelation, and we are now full into that longest section dealing, not only with things that are yet future, but specifically truths which deal with the time period known as the tribulation period.
We saw the last time we were in this passage that the tribulation period begins, after the rapture, when Jesus receives the title deed to the earth from the Father and opens the first seal. This begins the tribulation period, and I believe the seal judgments cover only a fourth of the tribulation period, some 21 months. That is not a very long time and in this time we see the four horsemen riding out and bringing their judgments with them.
The first horseman is the antichrist, riding on a white horse pretending to be Jesus when he is not. The second brings war, riding on a red horse symbolizing the blood that will be shed in this time. The third is a black horse bringing with him famine and inflation, and the fourth, riding on the pale horse is death and hell follows with him.
This is the scene as it unfolds on earth, but when we read in verse 9 we see John’s attention is drawn once again from earth to heaven for a moment, but it will not stay there. Will you read these verses with me as we close out chapter 6...
The tribulation is not going to be a pleasant time for anyone to endure. I want to bring a message today on the “Great day of His wrath”. We see this day unfold as Jesus breaks the fifth and sixth seals. When these seas are broken they reveal two truths about the horrors of that day. It will be a time of...

Martyrdom v.9-11

Might I say to you that this time of persecution will be like nothing this world has ever seen. There are martyrs today. There are thousands being killed each year for their faith. The difference is, they are all of different religions, and in different regions in the world.
Not in this day. In the tribulation period martyrdom will be reserved for one religious group only: anyone and everyone who worships the God of heaven.
There are some truths I need to point out in this section:
Their Position: Under the altar *Did you know that the earthly tabernacle and temple were modeled after the one in heaven?
It is interesting that in the OT when a sin offering was made the priest would pour the blood of the sacrifice under the altar.
That is what is pictured here by these being “under the altar”
They are not imprisoned here!
John is seeing something that is difficult to understand, he is using figurative language
I believe John is describing a group of people for whom Jesus died, and their souls are seen under the altar in heaven
This demonstrates something else about these souls: They are different from “Church saints”
Notice the 24 elders, representatives of the church saints, are seen on thrones
But these souls are seen “under the altar”
This difference in location must refer to them being of a different group of saints
I believe these are “tribulation saints”
That is, people, men, women, and children, who have trusted in Jesus in the days following the rapture!
“Pastor, not too long ago you said, ‘Anyone who has heard the gospel and rejected it, when the rapture happens, they will not be able to be saved’. Is that true?
Yes. Let me prove it:
Are their people alive today that have NEVER heard a clear presentation of the gospel?
Yes! There will be people alive when Jesus comes for the church who have never heard the gospel. They will be able to be saved!
“Pastor, not too long ago you said that when the church is raptured out, the restraining power of the Holy Spirit will be removed from the earth. How then can these be saved? Who will be around to bear witness?”
Two things:
Yes, the tribulation will be the single greatest period of persecution and martyrdom of believers this world has ever seen, but it will also be the greatest period of evangelism in the history of the world! More people will come to Christ in this seven year period of time than any other time in history!
Also, when I go to heaven, I’m going. Not my belongings. Among my belongings I’ll leave behind are a collection of Bibles and Bible study resources. I believe, in the quest for answers, millions will begin reading the Word of God and as a result, realize the truth and trust in Jesus!
In addition to the Bibles that will remain behind, there will be witnesses we will meet in Revelation 11 that will an untold number to the Lord in their day.
It is amazing that in a day of such turmoil, the Word of God will go out like never before and this world will witness the greatest harvest of lost souls than at any other period in history
Church God is good.
Why does John just see their souls?
The Bible mentions 2 different resurrections, rather 2 different kinds of resurrections
There is the resurrection of life
Jesus is the first to partake in this resurrection, and also the reason we will be resurrected
The second to be resurrected will be the church saints, that is you and me who are alive today. We will all be changed to be like Him.
The final group to be resurrected involves believing Israel, the OT saints, as well as those who lose their lives in the tribulation period.
There is the resurrection of death
This is reserved for the unsaved dead
This takes place at the GWT after the rapture, after the trib., after the millennial reign of Christ.
These souls which John sees then are awaiting their bodily resurrection
How then can they wear a robe if they have no body?
I don’t know. But here is what I do know:
The robes speak of righteousness
Therefore these must be the souls of people who have placed their faith in Jesus Christ.
Their Faithfulness: Why were they martyred?
The Bible offers two reasons for their martyrdom:
The Word of God - this speaks of their convictions
We are living in a day when God’s people have no convictions
Someone has said, there are a lot of “closet Christians” in our world
Let me say in the days following the rapture, when the tribulation saints give their lives to God, they will give their full life to God!
Why will their convictions be so strong in this day?
I want you to consider what it will be like for those who will be here after we’re gone.
There will be more questions than answers....
In their quest for answers as to why such a large number of people disappeared many will begin consulting the various religious books left behind
They will find no answers in Islam’s Koran, nor in Hinduism’s Vedas, nor in the teachings of Confucius, nor in Buddha, but when they turn to God’s Word they will find what they’re looking for!
Today, you may convince a weak Christian to doubt the Bible, but in this coming day you will not: Becasue they will be living it out!
The book of Revelation will make more sense to them than it does to us, because they will be living it in real time!
Reason number 1 - their convictions in the Word of God, reason number 2:
The testimony which they held - this speaks of their character
I’ve said already, they will have an unshakable faith in God
Christian, what is your excuse?
Christian, you and I today need a dose of the faithfulness of these martyrs
Their prayer to God goes unexplained
Revelation 6:10 “10 And they cried with a loud voice, saying, How long, O Lord, holy and true, dost thou not judge and avenge our blood on them that dwell on the earth?”
God does not explain their answer as to why He is waiting
Why? Because they wouldn’t understand if He told them.
Christian in your life you may endure suffering, pain, heartache, and difficult with no understanding as to why.
God doesn’t owe you an explanation because He is God and He knows best.
“Pastor, what do I do when difficulty comes?” Just trust God.
God is good, their suffering may have gone unexplained, but thank God...
Their suffering does not go unnoticed
The first four seals dealt with what God was doing on the earth. The fifth seal with the martyrs in heaven. Why the shift in view? To show us that God takes notice and watches over His people. That God has a place of rest for those who will trust in His Word.
When the sixth seal is opened, we see...

Wrath v. 12-17

In chapter 6 we go from earth back to heaven, and we end going from heaven back to earth! I must point out that as these seals progress the intensity of the judgment increases along with them.
The sixth seal reveals the “Great day of His wrath” upon the earth. What will that day be like? There will be:
A Change in the earth v. 12
An earthquake - a world shattering earthquake
Possible the result of volcanic eruptions
Possibly the result of an impact from an asteroid or large meteor - whatever it is it will be felt world-wide.
Mountains and islands will move v. 14
Again, this gives evidence to seismic activity from volcanoes and earthquakes
But there is more:
If there is a shifting of the tectonic plates, then this would explain the draining of the Euphrates river which will be supernaturally drained
It would also explain land routes being opened to expedite the invasion of Israel
A Change in the Heavens
The sun will be blackened and moon will appear as blood v. 12
Interesting, both of these phenomena could be the result of seismic activity, specifically the eruption of volcanoes.
It is we documented that volcanic ash can cause the sun to be blotted out
It has also been reported historically that volcanic ash in the atmosphere can cause the moon to have a reddish appearance
Notice I said volcanic eruptions could be the cause of these events, could.
It is equally likeley that the events and goings on in the cosmos are the result supernatural activity
Whatever, however, this will be a global event and EVERYONE will bear witness.
Stars will fall from heaven v. 13 -
I understand that a star cannot fall from the sky.
If a star fell to the earth it would incinerate the earth
John is using figurative language.
My brother and I went camping once during a meteor shower
As we laid on the ground looking up at the sky we saw the shower begin
Neither of us said, “Look a those meteors!”
No, we said, look at those “shooting stars”
I believe that when this seal is broken there will be devastating meteor impacts all across the globe!
The heavens will roll back like a scroll v. 14
This further describes the point John is making in verse 13...
There will be tremendous atmospheric upheaval in this day!
This will lead to verse 15-17...
Man will acknowledge God, but they will not repent
Those present on the earht in these early days of the tribulation will acknowledge they are under divine judgment
But they will not repent
They will flee to the mountains, they will hide, but they will not be able escape
They will realize that they cannot hide from God and that they cannot stand against Him
Sadly, instead of turning to Him, they turn further away.
Their focus will be on the people of God and persecution will follow like never before.
There is no escape, there is not hiding. When the first seal is broken, the tribulation will begin.
Listen to me, if the rapture took place today, if Jesus was to receive the seven sealed book from His Father tomorrow and open the first seal, this awful period would begin.
My friend I want you to know that if you are not saved, if the rapture was to happen today, when this period begins you find yourself saying, “…the great day of His wrath is come; who shall be able to stand?”
That is a rhetorical question. No one will be able to stand against God in that day.
“Pastor, I don’t know about this tribulation stuff. Here’s what I’ll do, when the rapture happens then I’ll repent and get saved.”
First off, don’t be so arrogant. You have no idea if you will even live long enough to see this happen! Second, if you don’t trust Jesus as your Savior now, you will not be able to then!
What is your answer? Let’s pray…As our musicians make their way forward, I want to ask simply, if you died today, where would you spend eternity? Do you know for sure that you would be in heaven. You say, “Pastor, I know I’m saved and I have Bible reasons to prove it!” Would you raise your hand?
Just now you couldn’t raise your hand because you’re just not sure that you’re saved. Let’s do something different today. If right now you are not for certain that you are saved, if you would like to speak with me after the service, would you raise your hand, I’ll be happy to arrange that meeting with you.
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