Second Sunday of Easter
Blessed are those who do not see but believe
But why?
what value is there in faith?
Why doesnt God just spell out every last thing about Himself?
Tale of two fiances
both of these men same:
the woman they are engaged to is near identical
height, build, etc
one different:
faith in the woman engaged
fiance 1
no stranger,
but, like anyone, doesn’t have absolute mathematical certainty about intention
always looks at her with squinted eyes whenever she says something
goes through her emails when she is away
puts a tracking device on her car
questions her constantly about her intentions
Fiance 2
at peace with her, trusting her word and intentions
like faithless fiance she is no stranger to him, but still much mystery
really fascinated with their future spouse
constantly think about her
only one is a skeptic, the other is full of faith
Fiance skeptic needs drop that man like a sack of bricks
We see faith is a good thing here in future marriage, a symbol God often uses to describe us and him
behold the hidden ugliness of what lack of faith really looks like
the beauty of the trust of the other fiance
Consider 2 soldiers fighting for an extremely noble cause
One surrenders groveling before the enemy at the slightest appearance of defeat
The other fights even when all hope of victory appears lost
who loves the cause more?
who is more beautiful?
Who are you?
Fiance comes from fidere, to have faith in
which fiance are we more like in relation to Good, Truth, Beauty
what are our motives for questioning God, deep down?
judging Jesus by some other standard than Jesus?
means IF we know Jesus we do not really love Jesus because we are placign something higher
Judge truth by something other than truth
Good by something other than the Good
Being by something other than being?
If you don’t really know Jesus or God much, then OK
you dont just trust a random thing you’ve never met out of the blue
but why do you hardly know God then?
probably b/c we’ve been seeking something else (our feeling, pleasure, sports, job, etc)
Blessed are those who believe but do not see.
Prob on how lack of proof is good for love
why do the wounds remain?
retain and forgive
shows self to women who came to tomb first
they gave in less to fear
Locked doors
Heb 11:1 “Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.”
89, dogmas lights on path of faith. If upright life intellect and heart open to them
149 Mary is the purest realization of faith
150 faith is personal adherence to God and assent to all revealed by him
155 act of intellect assenting to divine truth by command the will moved by grace
156 not blind impulse of mind
Didache connects “breaking of bread” w/ Eucharist
As sent me so I send u… for redemption and suffering
connects remission + retention of sin to bishop
only really believe if practice
if priest governs life well, but not others, goes to hell
wounds so that they know same person who was killed
Thomas probably did not touch.
his answer and Christ referring only to sight
Anyone remember mercy and justice of God on cross?
mercy as sacrifice
most imp thing show in life (dont expect mercy if you show none)