A Life Worthy of the Gospel
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If you have your bibles open them up to Phil 1 and 2. I have titled the message this morning, “A Life Worthy of the Gospel”
As we shift into chapter 2 and end chapter 1 today I just want to remind you of all that has taken place. Remember the church of Philippi was founded by a providential work of God. Sending Paul to Philippi when he was headed somewhere else and he gets this wild start of many being saved, but also he ends up in Prison very early on, and while in prison God moved in such a way that freed them because of this great earthquake.
And he is writing to the church of Philippi to update them about all that has been taking place. And Paul as he addresses this church made it really clear the love which he has for them, and the love he expects the people of Philippi to have, and its that love that is rooted and grounded in Christ, and grows over time, and grows in knowledge, and grows in discernment, then becomes a pure kind of love, that glorifies God.
And that kind of love he tells the church of Philippi is going to have the right perspective, that keeps its eyes of Jesus, knowing that whatever happens in meant to advance the gospel. And he reminds them and his readers to be faithful, to live for others, have the right motives, and rejoice when Christ is proclaimed.
And last week we got to see one of those famous passages in this book, and in the New Testament, to Live is Christ to die is gain, and we saw that living for Paul = Life, and I wanted to remind you of that, because in todays text we get yet another important truth that I want you to see, and that is this…
Our lives should be worthy of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Our lives should be worthy of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Paul had the expectation that he was going to live. That he was going to advance the gospel, all because Jesus work on the cross.
This passage today helps us live for Christ both when we go into the world, and in our own churches.
Let me read to you, our verses today
It says..
27 Only let your manner of life be worthy of the gospel of Christ, so that whether I come and see you or am absent, I may hear of you that you are standing firm in one spirit, with one mind striving side by side for the faith of the gospel, 28 and not frightened in anything by your opponents. This is a clear sign to them of their destruction, but of your salvation, and that from God. 29 For it has been granted to you that for the sake of Christ you should not only believe in him but also suffer for his sake, 30 engaged in the same conflict that you saw I had and now hear that I still have.
1 So if there is any encouragement in Christ, any comfort from love, any participation in the Spirit, any affection and sympathy, 2 complete my joy by being of the same mind, having the same love, being in full accord and of one mind. 3 Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. 4 Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others.
I want to camp for just a moment on the beginning part of verse 27.
Only let your manner of Life be worthy of gospel of Christ.
Last week I stressed the point that to live=Christ. To live = Christ. And that is something that we should strive to live for.
The word Only appears here in the text and that is important, one translation has this short statement instead of only by saying Just one thing…
Like Paul is telling them after this great text we read last week, Just one thing… Let Your manner of life be worthy of the Gospel…
Now that is powerful way to think about how you should live your everyday life. Not just one way around believers and another around others, but to only let your manner of life be worthy of the Gospel.
Now none of us do this, but we are called to. Paul really here is making an argument that believers in Christ are to live as though they are citizens somewhere else. Citizens of heaven. The way we live should not be dictated by our governments or our news outlets but the very word of God.
Something you have to understand is Living a Holy Life of obedience is not legalist its a response to what Jesus has done in your life.
ONE man said some striking words… Paul is saying, Live consistent with the gospel always. Take action with this, all of you—and that is God’s command. This command is for everyone, always.
The implication is that how we live must be consistent with what we believe; otherwise we will be a walking contradiction in terms. A disciple of Christ is responsible for conducting themselves in a way that matches and showcases the gospel they believe. As believers, we must never become passive in pursuing holiness. We must walk in a godly manner of life. Are you a citizen of the kingdom of God, a believer in Christ? If so, this command is directed to you. We must answer this call to “only” conduct ourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel.
What is the gospel? Its the good news of Jesus Christ. Its the news that he came to live a life you and I never did, never could, died that death that you and deserve, yet did not stay dead he rose again three days later giving life to those who repent and believe.
What Paul is saying I want you to live like Christ as through he has came and saved you so you by the power of the Holy Spirit, can now go and live life for him. And live by his terms and not the worlds.
Live in such a way as he described in the text we were in last week, Live as through your life = Christ. And as we are to live a worthy of the gospel we are to look like Christ in every way. Live as though we belong to him in every way.
And Paul encourages them to do that because he has this expectation right that he is going to return, and he wants there lives to model what he showed them, but ultimately what Christ showed them.
Here is something for us to think about.. Paul is not coming to see us, but others do and many of us if we are honest do well at living or at least appearing to live Godly lives around certain people, but we should have the mindset that our heavenly father is always watching and one day he will come back and wouldn’t it be a real shame if in that moment we were not living worthy of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
It should be for the Christian before we take an action or say a word we should ask is this about to make me live worthy of the gospel of Jesus Christ?
One man said.... it matters to God how we live our lives. Grace does not diminish our responsibility to the moral requirements of what God requires. Grace does not lower the standard. Rather, grace enables us to meet it. Grace empowers us to fulfill what God requires.
Obedience to the word is never optional for the Christian. Keeping the commandments of God flows from a heart of love for Jesus Christ.
But how do we do that? How do we truly live worthy for the gospel if all of us have so much going on in our lives…
Now Paul knows this so he gives us a few ideas.
few points today the first is this…
A life worthy of the gospel means standing together against opposition from outsiders.
A life worthy of the gospel means standing together against opposition from outsiders.
Paul is calling for unity here a common idea in this book. He is calling for them to stand firm. He wants them to be powerfully unified even though he is not there.
That they in fact work together against those who are against them. And he is asking them to do that as if they are like soliders. Ready to plant themselves by the power of the common spirit they have, and he asks that they do it working side by side. Truly together. The church would be more alive than ever if it stuck together. If it contented for the faith.
Part of standing firm with one mind striving side by side is going to be contending for the faith. Jude 3 is a great example of this..
3 Beloved, although I was very eager to write to you about our common salvation, I found it necessary to write appealing to you to contend for the faith that was once for all delivered to the saints.
I love John MacArthurs explanation of this verse. “Jude wrote this urgent for Christians to wage war against error in all forms and to fight for the truth, like a soldier who has been entrusted with a sacred task for guarding treasure.”
We have a sacred task and that is living a life worthy of the gospel, and if we took at as seriously as a good solider does his post we would be doing well.
In the same way, Paul is calling the people of Philippi, and really us to stand firm for the gospel, even if that means there is opposition.
And I am sure there was opposition. Paul doesn’t address the kind of opposition here in these verses, but we know during the time the gospel got alot of push back from others, and he indicates to us that there is some push back from others.
And the term he uses for frightened in the text scholars think applies to being startled like a horse. Horses as you know are easily spooked, and he does not want his Christians brothers and sisters to be frightened by the enemy.
Now he is saying that he does not want them to be afraid to stand firm, side by side no matter what the enemy comes with.
I know many of you love church history, and I am came along a story this week that I thought was really helpful that fits in the context of this story. (John Knox, a preacher in Scotland who showed remarkable courage, endured much opposition from the crown. During the dark reign of Bloody Mary in 1553-58, she burned some 280 Christians, including some of Knox's friends. He was a small man with a weak constitution, but he had a burning desire to serve God. In view of his fearless ministry, one person said at his funeral, "Here lies one who never feared the face of man" You won't fear the face of man if you fear God more than man. Jesus told His disciples, "Don't fear those who kill the body but are not able to kill the soul; rather, fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell" (Matt 10:28). If you're a Christian, you've already been accepted by the only One who ultimately matters. You don't have to fear condemnation, so what can a human do to you? Don't fear them. Your Father is with you. Live in the freedom of your acceptance before God through Christ, and never fear the face of man.
I want you to notice a couple things… Notice the quote from his funeral.. "Here lies one who never feared the face of man"
I often wonder sometimes what the church could do if they did not fear man. Didn’t fear sharing the gospel, or standing up for what is right, because our lack of fear and our cooperation is a sign that we are selfs are saved people of God. Saved people act like saved people. John Knox knew death was coming to him and his friends yet he did not sway away, just like Paul did not sway, and hopefully just like we dont sway away.
Second thing I want you to note is that verse Matthew 10:28
28 And do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather fear him who can destroy both soul and body in hell.
Ultimately we should know as believers in Christ that the enemy is not who we should be worrying about pleasing. The worse thing the enemy can bring against you the possibility of death, but we know the one who holds the keys to life and death, and those who go against the gospel, and Gods people will meet destruction in the end, but we will have salvation. Our salvation is the reason we should seek to earnestly work together.
But that does not mean we won’t suffer.
In fact Paul says. Phil 1:29-30
29 For it has been granted to you that for the sake of Christ you should not only believe in him but also suffer for his sake, 30 engaged in the same conflict that you saw I had and now hear that I still have.
Second point this morning is this..
A Life Worthy of the Gospel means seeing suffering as a gift from God.
A Life Worthy of the Gospel means seeing suffering as a gift from God.
You might say wait a minute this is not what I believe about suffering… suffering is horrible, its anything but Godly, I want you pause and think for just a moment, that suffering is a gift from God. Paul says that it has been granted to you that you not only believe in him, faith is a gift from God, but also that you suffer for his sake.
Suffering can be a gift from God. I was reminded reading this week that Peter himself did not want Christ to go the cross to suffer that kind of way. He wanted a gospel that did not include suffering.. One man said.. Peters gospel did not have the cross in it.. Interesting thought isnt it.
Many of us do not want the part of the Christian life that says we must suffer. We don’t want it.. In fact there are preachers out there that say suffering is not a gift but something else, and I want to tell you today, that there is something about suffering that brings you into a closer relationship with Jesus Christ. It makes you depend on him in ways you never would have in your life was sunshine and roses.
In fact Jesus said in Mark 8:31-38
31 And he began to teach them that the Son of Man must suffer many things and be rejected by the elders and the chief priests and the scribes and be killed, and after three days rise again. 32 And he said this plainly. And Peter took him aside and began to rebuke him. 33 But turning and seeing his disciples, he rebuked Peter and said, “Get behind me, Satan! For you are not setting your mind on the things of God, but on the things of man.”
34 And calling the crowd to him with his disciples, he said to them, “If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me. 35 For whoever would save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake and the gospel’s will save it. 36 For what does it profit a man to gain the whole world and forfeit his soul? 37 For what can a man give in return for his soul? 38 For whoever is ashamed of me and of my words in this adulterous and sinful generation, of him will the Son of Man also be ashamed when he comes in the glory of his Father with the holy angels.”
There seems to me to be an indication that suffering is in fact part of Gods plans, and if we are to follow in the footsteps of Jesus and live a life worthy of the gospel than we must be ready to suffer.
We don’t suffer like Jesus though, because we are not worthy to carry the burden that he did on the cross, but we share in his sufferings in a many ways.
In fact one man said..You will enjoy a special intimacy with Jesus as you identify with Him through courageous Christian witness. Suffering for the sake of the mission doesn't mean He is abandoning you; rather, suffering is a sign that He is with you. Jesus calls us all to obey Him, and that will lead to varying degrees of conflict. You may face a mild form of opposition, like being mocked, insulted, or ignored. You may face severe opposition, like being tied up by Islamic extremists. In every situation, see your suffering as a privilege. We get to suffer for His name.
In verse 30 Paul tells the church that they were following his own way of life. They knew of his sufferings in Philippi and now in Rome, and he calls on them to share in these sufferings for the sake of the King.
Paul and the church both received this gift of suffering Full citizenship involves the grace of believing and the grace of suffering, together in the cause of Christ.
Suffering is apart of this life see it for what it is, and live worthy of the gospel in your sufferings..
I want you to see one more thing today..
A life worthy of the gospel means seeking unity with one another.
A life worthy of the gospel means seeking unity with one another.
I never been in a church that did not preach unity, and why is that, because unity is Key to getting anything done. Why do we have so many issues in our country we see its because we are not unified on anything.. Why can the church as a whole not get anything done, because we are not unified. because Paul knows the importance of a unified body of believers, and so should we.
Paul really stresses some things to us in the first four verses of chapter 2 that can help us seek unity with another.
Verse 1 sets the tone..
It says… Phil 2:1
1 So if there is any encouragement in Christ, any comfort from love, any participation in the Spirit, any affection and sympathy,
In verse 1 the if is best translated as since, because the people of Philippi knew the things Paul was explaining to them in fact its really their foundation to living a life of unity that is worthy of the gospel.
You see this foundation that all believers are to have and that is to have encouragement in Christ. Knowing he is the foundation he is the example when things don’t go according to plan. He calls for this love that comforts which Christ has yes, but a love that can comfort one another. He reminds us that we all have this common spirit that unites us, IDK if you knew this, but if you are a believer you have the same Holy Spirit that everyone else has, including Paul who writes this letter and that is what ultimately brings us all together. And because of all those things we should show affection and sympathy to one another.
So he tells the people of Philippi, and us if you have those things you are going to complete my joy. Paul was going to be a happy man if the people of God had all these things in their life.
Its a joy to know those who you poured into are doing well. One of the greatest joys in ministry is when everyone is on the same page. John even had this same perspective when he said this in 3 John 4.
4 I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth.
Soloman had this perspective..
In Proverbs 10:1
1 The proverbs of Solomon.
A wise son makes a glad father,
but a foolish son is a sorrow to his mother.
So for Paul, he gives us the blueprint for how we can come together to be unified.
He says have the same mind. We have alot that we can think about… Lots of different ways our minds can be pulled, but we have something that we can collectively unite with that helps us have the same mind. And that is the word of God, the Philippians had maybe some of the scriptures, and Paul’s teaching to help them, but today we should be in more likeminded than the Christians of the past because of the full council of God before us. And Paul says have the same mind.
He says have the same love. A love as we have seen is united in love of Christ. A love that is defined by God. By his word, and empowered by his spirit. Paul knows that the church of Philippi can only be united if it has the same love.
This is so key, because a love defined by God is the only Love that unites. Its a love that causes us to be one together. Its a love rooted in the love he had for us when he died for us. He died for us so what we could share in his love.
Paul wants the church of Philippi Truly thinking one thing.. How can I be unified, and if the church of Philippi or us is struggling with that Paul gives us some answers…
He says do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit. Remember there were pastors trying to make a name for themselves because Paul was in prison. He is saying to them don’t live like that don’t live for your own glory in fact in humility count others more significant than yourselves…
That’s worth chewing on right? How many of the problems do we have in this life come from us elevating ourselves our wants, our needs our desires over what God wants for us.
Remember that analogy i gave you a few weeks ago of Joy. Jesus, Others, Yourself. Unity does not happens without effort. And if we want Unity in our lives we must consider first what Jesus and Gods word wants us to do.
Next week we see the perfect example of what humility looks like in person of Jesus Christ, but I want you to think for just a moment is your default to think of others and others interests before your own every single time, and if you say yes, come talk with me after the service because you need to help me with this..
But idk if alot of us think about this when we are trying to be unified with one another. The fact that humility plays such a vital role in unity.
Many of people have said, Humility is not thinking less of yourself; its thinking of yourself less. When it comes to be unified with one another that is what we must do. Look as the text says not for our own interests but the interests of others.. Many of us have to take a long look at our lives and see if we are living our lives worthy of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Today I wonder if you are living your live worthy for the gospel. I have told you a few times now how this book is really challenging me to live a better life by the power of the Holy Spirit, but as always I cannot stress to you enough that you cant live your life worthy for the gospel if you don’t first have a realationship with Jesus Christ. We are not saved by works, but only the work of Jesus Christ who himself came standing firm not wavering from the mission he had, never afraid to die on that criminals cross, because he knew it was going to destroy the power of sin for those who are his, and he died so you could come to him by faith, turning away repenting of your sins, and placing your faith in Christ, and I want you to know today that if you believe that you can be saved, and you can know you are now in him, be comforted by this love he has for you, and know that because of his death, and him granting you faith you can in fact have the same Spirit that Paul had that all believers have and in turn can live through the sufferings of this life, standing up for the truth of the gospel, and living in unity with your fellow brothers and sisters in Christ, but you can only have that if you believe in Christ by faith.
So live a life Worthy of the Gospel…
Let us pray.