Sunday Service (Praying)

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Praying  •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented   •  44:33
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All right, I'm on the road. They are on Route.

Call of Duty.

Are you in the hospital?


Hallelujah. Luna down.


Fox TV.

Raising money.

Call Doug.


Put your hands together. He is The Great. I Am. He is the bright and Morning Star.

He's melilli.

What brings you on today? Ouija.

A man and a man.

Let's go pay our eyes to the screen. For the day's bumper message.

Go. Praise God. Everybody. How is everybody doing? I hope you're doing great. Great. Great, great, great. We are starting a series called, right? It will end on May 7th.

National Day of Prayer.

November, 4th, that's a Thursday. And the cousins will not be available, but you will be closed. We will be having service on Sunday and that would be all inclusive of that. Including the end of our series playing where I'm at. I will be speaking on. On how to pray. half price is on how to pray, but that sermon will be on how urination. be healed and whole

And when Anna is on the Lord's Prayer. And so,

I have to make this a little bit bigger help on my eyes.

The Lord's Prayer. We all know that. Silent.

In churches in religion. Events, like weddings are things of that nature.

But they can be so much more.

Gene, Taylor's riding a model of where they won't connect you to the father.

So I am going to read this recipe child, in your Bibles to go when you know, who Billy is with the Bible. Please turn in your Bibles to read chapter and the first verse, we got to read that and then we can you can jump over to watching. The 6 chapter 14th verse and we will start there. Then you turn to table here. That over. Time to in my Bibles here as well. So you are. Come on. How do you load paper in a bowl of my phone Bible? And when I had in my iPad Bible but it is nothing like hearing the word of God. That just makes your makes me feel more like an ignitor for the Bible. A Man chapter When is chapter 11 verse 1. 9th, June 13th, lottery evening today and let me know when you are not blooming.

Elsa and Anna talking about.

Finished one of the disciples said to him.

Teach us.

And I think I'm going to go over to the second Rivers. Well, you can keep reading with me. Thank you.

Play father, and your name be humble as holy your kingdom come.

God bless you, that is all I know. Excuse me. If you do not know that Matthew, Mark, Luke and John are all the same content for all of my current temperature in your language.

All the more of those books have the same content. build a tarp used for

have the same content of Martin Luther and John.

Excuse me.

What you got to say. Jesus.

He said.

So, what is the meaning of Matthew 6:9? Airport. You should play like this.

Your name.

You come and bring us our debts. As we have forgiven, our debtors.

And do not bring upon us temptation. But Deliver Us from the evil ones, are going to keep going to the 5th, starts the 15th. Do you forgive other?

Your heavenly father will not forgive you.

Hallelujah. Santana. You want to go quick so long.

Connect with God relationally.

Connect to call Felicia.

Let me tell you.

Our Father in Heaven. God isn't interested in

God is not interested in us as a symbol midget.

Interested. He desires our relationship.

He desires a relationship with God has adopted.

We have watched you as his children and he loves.

Call. Michelle other. and I put it in my notes as us, but I'm talking about you because I want you to make it personal That's what I want. I want you to make it person.

I want you to make a potion.

I would like to speak with God.

And the lights him as well.

You have not received the spirit.

That makes you feel.

Indeed instead.

When he adopts, you call him.

That's what he wants. He wants you to call him Abba, Father. Because guess what? He is your father. because he's adopted you

Can you talk to you? If you would, please turn with me to Romans 8, chapter 2 of Romans 8:15.

That's the 14th. Thank you. Now.

Best Buy.

Do what you do, not receive the spirit of slavery and still, you have received the spirit of adoption, whereby we cry out.

That's the worst.

Basketball is just said that.

Let me tell you play addressing him. Nothing that you are.



Number two. Google traffic is nice.

Glad you asked your name? God, love when we worship Him. And, and there is power in his name. I don't know who you probably be there.

No, it depends on what you.

Because guess what? You can, then me.

Jordan a list.

Name of worship. Specific specifically.

You disappeared and I want to name my mom. God is white.

What makes up clean? God.

Copies are stupid. He hasn't called us apart. Got used.

Let me make that clear.



The better.

I forgot.


God is my provider. People who has all of our needs.

God is the name. Apollo Beach.

And that which doesn't

at the name of Jesus.

The way truth and the life.

The Meg movie. How old is Neymar? Call Logan, Dane mobile.

Go on.

A piece.

I'm here.

I'm not going to spend time for me. I'm going to play at the end. Always room service.


Tried to tell you something. Go home.

I'm glad we claim to be. Remind on sale.

A mare.

God first.

Call agenda. in heaven.

Part of my child of God.

How to being a child of God.

Is caring about what?

Windmill apartment. We acknowledge his with his agenda.

People are you all you need from day-to-day if you will make the kingdom of God?

Primary colors.

Search songs.

his primary, who,

When was the last time used?


Thomas mentor.


That wasn't you, who stole time.

Is a passionate.

Give me.




God is real gold inside such as parental, Authority.

In our lives.

A man. Amen.

Who is my favorite? Favorite favorite?

God promises to me. He wants us to come to him. I need

depend on him.

I've been up to the mountains. Does my help come from there? Maury Show. Come on. Who makes heaven when heaven on Earth.

Oh my God.

Show me.


White gown. Turn swing on your mind, or and desire the van or the tires.

You can bring them.

Instruct him.

Hampton. Bishop Foley, it may help. Your hands.

Musically, Show Your Surrender. Problems. Can either be or God cannot be. That's the one that got folks. It cannot be both. I have to be one or the other.

What are you going to do today? Problem solver. Call my friend.

Oh, You Are God Alone.

Bring. You rang. What is nobody is.

Play, nobody like you.

Arnold because you all the other like, you.

Walmart on, in the name of Jesus.



Spell, in the name of Jesus.

Turn right now. In Jesus name on today, might only father we thank you. What you have spoken today?

Call me pretty sweet.

Indian buffet near me.

My Motorola washer. And can you please make a temple of faith?

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