Honoring God by Keeping It Real | James 3:13-18 | Pastor Eddie Jones

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If you would email my wife, you would find out in her email address. She got it, keep it real 56. And at an end when I looked at this passage should begin to study, I said, what am I named this thing? And I thought about all my wife's always say, keep it real, keep it real. And so, let's just keep it real. I think that explain the third chapter of James. A lot about just simply learning how to keep it real, cuz lot of us, we just go through the motions in life, not realizing that God won't the real. You to show up. He does a lot of us shows up on Sunday, you got your son to you, you got your Wednesday, you and you Monday through Friday you. And if it got out Friday night and Saturday, you Anna. But God won't the real you to keep it real everyday of the week. Everyday you wake up. You want you to keep it real. So preacher hope I'm working to try to go to just touch the one at the bottom of them are just like okay this is new at home. I got the picture but this is a little different, alright? And you can see the scripture, hear it said, who is wise and has an understanding? That's that was a question their that James just sort of opposed to those of us even not just in the biblical day. But even in today's time would you call a present-day application? James, who is wise and has an understanding? You know, that would take you back to the first verse in the Book of James. When James, it has a lot of folks that want to be teachers, you know, and he said he's going to let me talk to give you an understanding that those of us that going to be teachers or preachers are leaders in the church. We're going to have the greater judgment. So if you going to teach a priest, something you need to know what you're saying. Back in south Mississippi where I'm from they say I empty wagon makes a lot of noise and you know our gravel road going on in and if they can make a lot of them are coming three miles off. So empty wagon makes a lot of noise. And so James said, if you going to be a leader, are you going to be a teacher? If you going to make this commitment, you need to be careful what you saying. Cuz word has consequences. You can say things to you wife, or your husband, or to family, men are church, members are to your children. These words hurt and I'll talk to you, say what? I don't know. Just the way I am. I just keep it real with you to keep it real on the real side and realize that and then you, it didn't said, he should show his work and other word. If someone to go on a really, be a leader, who can understand what God's word is. They need to understand that you got to show your works. You know, a lot of time, we just want to get there and say, well well you know, I'm a good teacher, you know, I can do this, I can do that. I'm telling you, you need to be able to show you work. Not like someone walking around with your glasses on a stick. Not someone walk around the show that my hair is gray. Completely agree. I must be why. That must be smart. Didn't they take about a lot of different things? And you wonder what, you know, remember my granddaughter up in Indiana. She said she's a grandpa. I'm wearing glasses now, don't I look smart Tweety as a treated. You smart with glasses are without them. And so, that's important to think about their it says about it. Since it's a show by you good work up about your Good Conduct with wisdom, gentleness, Rivers, 14, cine. But if you have now like this, but you have bitter envy and selfish Ambitions in your heart, don't brag or deny the truth. In our end. That's that's what I'm saying about those glasses on Ustick and walk around. Like I'm somebody I know more than anybody in here. If you need to know the answer as to me Call me up a T. Jones. Cam, smart, man that won't work. I'm not that smart and don't call anybody up because you should never walk around like you better than somebody else. One thing I've learned in life is that if you want to get the true measurement of how tall a big you are, you don't measure your neighbor or your friend or your family member, you don't measure your pastor, are your deacons or anyone else. The way you do that is you rather than walking up beside somebody else, bragging about who you are, just walk upside in Jesus and you know where you are. We know who we are. When come to Jesus, some 2,000 fact that Jesus we can't even measure up to him. He is our example. One thing I've learned is that Jesus Christ, is our example for growth, You know, the god life did not appear. In Jesus Christ, fully grown. We say that again the god life. By Jesus being our example, the god life did not appear in Jesus. Full grown, another word. Jesus was born at the baby in the manger. He got a record of him in the, in the temple, talking to the doctors, and the lawyers, and the Educators, whatever he was chatting with them. And then we see him again, when he was 30 years, being baptized to the guide, life does not appear to us fully grown, even in Jesus. He is example for growth. So, that means that in each of us Our new life in Christ does not appear to us full grown with have to take it, understand that we going to have to take home drink, the milk of God's word and grow, thereby to be what God want us to be. It has nothing to do with your age or the color your hair. You been a school of theology school. He got everything to be with what we know in Christ Jesus. We do not have the god life fully mature. The moment will save it. Something that we have to study and grow and pray. And that's how we get that done. So verse 15. So such wisdom does not come from above but is Earthly and spiritual and demonic another word. A how many times that we have seen situations and no situation does not measure up to God's word. We are a fallen and Worley system trying to get wisdom, the way the world declared that we have it. You know, you must be smart. You got to be before you start at all these church and you got to be the smartest creature out there. No. Remind me of somebody said, well, what am I do? Is it, you come to me the wrong way. Imma give you a piece of my mind when I think most of us probably have given out too many pieces and we got too many pieces left for ourselves. Can we get upset me? We just give everybody a piece of my mind. Everybody come up you little piece, you want a piece you want to be, you got a piece. Anna. So we just give away so much of mine that we have nothing left. And so let's be careful. Let me get to the next slide here. Alright then then also in James Arthur 8:16, is it Forward envy and selfish ambition exist. There is disorder and every kind of evil. Now what Imma do I'm going to skip over some of this some of this going to be in my presentation so I'm not going to read all of it right now but you can see the scriptures that I'm going to be using in my presentation, hear me get an introduction. Hear God knows our heart. So let us just keep it real. As my wife, are we safe? Wherever you? Keep it real. She tell me that all the time. Just tell me what you got something to say. Just say it and keep it real. And Do James, give us two versions of wisdom, false and and in Godly you got that false wisdom that the world offer us and you going to get it somebody on. We got some advice to give you, you know, the one that been through 25 divorces. Try to tell you how to stay married. And not. So be careful when you respond to give you some advice, do they really know what they talking about? And so here, we see the Thursday, I remember years ago when I was a boy. It's some of y'all will. I'm older than I think. I'm the only one in here. I'll take that claim, but, but, but I remember years ago, there was a Wendy's commercial, and the window commercial said, you found, you found you saw three little old ladies, and these three little ladies went to a hamburger establishment and they was in line and they ordered a burger when they are just the burger, the burger came and one little lady in the middle of, she kept saying, I see the bun, the, but always a huge Bond. The bond is so big, and they said, wow, it looks like it will be delicious. And then open the blind up, and inside the bun, with a small, little piece of hamburger meat, Small piece of tomato and lettuce, all that, and did a little later on the left little lady she said, where is the beef? Where's the beef? And they went all around town to other hamburgers establishment. And Sam were the Beast and beef. And every time they go in there, somebody with close the drive-thru window, wouldn't let him come to, let me ask where the be, nobody had the beef, but Wendy's Wendy said, but the question to you today, where is the beef when it comes to living the Christian Life? Where is the meat and potatoes? Were the things that make me who I am to make me feel feel God's purpose and those kind of things should be a part of who we are. So so where is the beef? So we have in our study today. Two kinds of church members, you got the pretenders and the contenders Pretenders are those? That pretend to be something that they're not. You know, like the guy that played the part of Superman on TV, he pretend that he could fly, he could pretend that he could be faster than a speeding bullet, or stronger than a locomotive. See, he just simply pretended to be a superhero. But so you got church members that pretend to be something that they're not. But you got all three. Got those at contenders a contender as someone that participate being a part of the process. So inside of a church, you going to find people that are pretenders and contenders and when you find that, you can always go back and you can see that there's some false of wisdom being displayed somewhere. Nobody says, what is you would in? You will come out on the pressure, you heard that saying before, just like, when you squeeze a toothpaste tube of what's in that tooth? They going to come out. Another where is somebody? Really Next to you and ring your bell. If you got some profanity in, you guess where they're going to come out, you going to curse when I'm doing carpenter work and I hit my finger, I've learned to say Jesus, but I'll pass that a lot of churches around this country that everybody had and mature to that point, they say other words. And so Alright, so let us take a look back. As I mentioned earlier, apparently, in chapter 1, 3:1 there was an argument going on, in church, about the teachers and who's going to be this who's going to do that? So, brother, James gave them something to think about, by saying teacher is going to have the greater judgment and that is so true. And you know, unless you try to remember that, he said to be careful because the tongue has the power to direct the right path and the wrong path. Way. When you say something you got to be careful when you sick of people listening to, you remind me of a young man, this man had a son and he was the one in the Backwoods of his house cuz he had a whiskey still back there and he want to go back and get something to drink. And so he walked out there in the snow and he was out there and he's turning up there, the nozzle and get him a couple of his Homebrew out of there and you look too high. Tell him. He saw his son walking behind you. But if someone was putting this his foot into the same footprint as his father and his father's day son, what are you doing? He said that I would be like you Daddy I'm following in your footsteps so the man decided if my son going to be a drunk like me, I'm going to take and tear up this Whiskey Still and I will never drink anymore again. You know, we got to realize that I Lifestyle the things we say influences, others. And if you don't realize that you just keep right on living, He said be cautious because the old tongue has the power to destroy like that, like burning up everything around you, your tongue can set the world on fire. All it takes is one person lied on you. It will give you a bad rep. You got to be careful if you got to be careful and then he said be concerned because the old tongue has the power to the light with both fresh and an s. Saltwater, the tongue was sort of like butter, you up, then tear you down, you know, you remember, when Jesus was coming into the city of Troy as the end of its Ministry, they were singing Hosanna Hosanna, the same one that was singing Hosanna Hosanna was walking around the cross. And said, crucifying you got to be careful that same, tongue would take and do something there and you have to deal with that. So James 3:13 through 18. Give us a clear application to life. It's all about life. It's very clear. You know if you want to know what life is all about, I think that assignment that I got from the pastor from verse 13 through 18, sort of makes it clear and I'm going to go through a kind of fast cuz I'm I don't like the whole people own. My wife already told me, you don't you, don't you preach all that cuz I'm not So these verses tell us to keep it real. I mean, if you going to live this life, if you're going to live, it just simply keep it real. Don't don't take it, don't take it. If you going to be a Christian Child of God, go ahead and do it right. My mama always told my sisters, are they come out mama like this or like my mama did. And my sister will come out with that dress and she to call except him. And it's uneven. And mama said, girl, if you going to wear that dress, you better hit it, right? You ready him it? Right. And so if you don't do something to it, right? Is it going to do it, right? And after we are saying the Holy Spirit guides us, he uses our mine. And he expects us to get the facts in the light of God's word and live out the word of God by renewing of our minds. If you want us to get this right, don't play get it right. That's why we have to study and come to church and and in life groups, and Sunday School in Bible study, you have to continue. You can't just stop and think everything's going to be okay. Now that we're always be false wisdom to deal with it for the rest of our lives. You can't, you can't excuse, it is going to be out there knocking at your front door when there is bitterness and Envy in the heart. It will be expressed by what the tongue. You know? If it was inside of that toothpaste, you squeeze it much. I don't know what's in here or just, squeeze it. Is going to come out with somebody. Put you on the pressure, the real you real show up, so keep it real. Don't be telling about it, preacher. And then you see me down the street and I'm at a restaurant, I'm cursing out to waitress or The Wider. I'm a preacher and every time some little girl come by to look and kind of neat. My eyeballs are looking and going. And it's not like that, it's not like that. You going to keep this real smile and say, if it's too hot in the kitchen, get out the kitchen. keep it real, and And then we can be a very picky by rejecting bad fruit. When we go shopping. When you get in there, I see women that may be squeezing and moving and looking at them. You know, the fruit always look like a banana is already bruised, it would touch the banana, and I'm talking about I got the memo brother. I'm pretty sure I'm having you out. And and we always want to look at those fruit for a bruised or take a bath or overwrite. We don't want them. We want to buy bananas just right. We want peaches and pears and plums just ride with him. Sweet summer. I'll be in there. Open the bag of eating ones and some of y'all going to open the bag is up and be time you open up every bag, you don't want no more grapes. So when it comes to being picky about rejecting fruit, those of us know that the fruit that comes from the wrong, kind of wisdom, we should be picky about those two. If they show up in our lives, we should be just as picky about the fruit that comes from the wrong, kind of wisdom as we do. When we go down to Walmart Walker down somewhere, we should be just as Pickett in K. So be picking nothing wrong with that. All right, and then it is very easy to determine when they when they divided Church. A broken family are trouble person. Has decided to follow false wisdom. It will cause much problem in both family and church, you, will, you have jealousies Division and confusion. In other words, you can tell a family in chaos because somebody got the wrong information about marriage. When you have a man walking around, like, I'm in charge. I'm the boss. You can do what I say to amen. Sister, because she's a mess around tonight. I'm in charge of God made me the head with God. Did he made you the man? And God said, now I'm going to make your help me. I'm not going to get it from you. If I'm not getting it from your head from your back, I'm getting them from your rib and and we're going to happen is real. There's a place of protection. A river place that you going to hold on. To her and protect her from all harm and danger. Another words when a man is not doing his part chaos and confusion it really helps when that lady that I know I know you doing Pastor, will my mom raised most of us by herself? She's a good strong woman but I'm telling you every family need a man in the house. I'm not saying you can't do it. My mama did it and God is no respecter person but you can do this but it's a good thing to have a man. A good man, not a bozo now. You don't need a zero, you need a hero. And so remember how you talk, and what you look for and what and how things are supposed to go, you don't want this false wisdom. When people tell you, you're just get that man. Like to talk to said all the warning signs out there, you seen them and you ignore this much what popped? I just love him. Oh okay. All right, then I'll come back and we'll talk about that. And where there are problems. These people began to look to the world rather than to the cross for the answer as they fight with her Earthly wisdom. That's how people look at it. They get their girl I'm going down to the lawyer and I'm going to talk to about getting a divorce. Have you thought about going to your pastor for counseling? I'm not just any pass if you know a brother Pastor is down at the Jews drop in on Friday and Saturday night. You been I need to find cancel it from him. You were the final Pastor that live in the life live in the word of God and tell the people, the right team. All those things mean something. Okay. Alright, let's stay with me. Believers are fighting the good fight of Faith. You know, when it was all this stuff coming out of it is in John detention officer and when you see the HCS that's a home in Christians, Holman Christian Standard Bible, say think, only to steal kill and destroy. I remember now, the devil got an assignment and he going after our marriage has a family. After the things we say, I'm not doing nothing to it, but I do get off of my back when she get on my back. Well, it's a certain way. You can get her off your back without how the streaming she don't answer. I'll just got to fix my husband. My hubby's just won't listen with ice cream. Listen, you are not his mama. Okay.

If his momma didn't raise him, right? You can't do it and husband, you can't go down. So, I'm going to put her in check. I'm going to make her do right now. Look, you married her, now. Whatever it is. You reap. What you sow. So you got it. You got that brother. Leave it alone. You can't tell her anything else other than live, the life in front of her because a woman is a reflector, I mean a man, what a man does, a man project a certain God image before his wife and a woman. Look at her husband and he living, right? She looks into that mirror of God's word, and when she see it, then she'll begin to say, oh, okay, I see how I need to live but a man can't be live and he can't be different if it in Ripon. And called himself to lead his family. That's not going to work. A man, has to be living a Christian Life. And when a woman looked at that man and see what he saying, add up for what he's doing better, she will fall off if you want your wife to follow you. That's how you do it. That's how you do it. All right, so I tried it, is when believe us, because we believe things that the, that contradict the word of God, you know, how my friend down, the street told me the other day, if I try this, if I just buy me a good honey, he'll straighten up. Okay. Alright. All right, you going to end up doing prison evangelism. In the prison.

That will always be true wisdom from the heart that going to be displayed in the Christian Life. A true man with wisdom does not go around with a sign telling everybody. Look how wise I am his lifestyle. Tells the story for him. You know, if you got some wisdom it's not about Xavier. I can take about all the degrees. I got in the only one that my wife has but it got nothing to do with wisdom. Do I say you are glasses your daughter and your granddaughter, are you smart? Because, you know, I just barely made it out of high school. So I got nothing to do how smart you are, but I do know as I got closer and closer to the word of God, I do know that the wisdom that God imparted came about to me and my life change. And as I Look Back 40, this year's party of years, my wife and I have been married And I'm telling you and don't forget all, we have some battles, we said something lot of stuff we did. We didn't know what the word said was doing something about. But by the grace of God, he kept us together. And in the word of God, makes things much better today than ever before. And so he has had a attitude adjustment want to put a man, latest lifestyle display a God's work of Grace in his life. That mean he had an attitude adjustment, see if you can give your husband, some time and get him into the word of God, that would be an attitude adjustment, that would make your husband. Why should you make your husband? And prepare him for the next woman to come along to get what you've been working on? All the pitfalls, you know what you got? You know what you been praying? And when you saw those seeds, they going to come up and when you when you dismiss him I'll get rid of him before the right time then all of them. Some other sister gal come alone in the hall said he'd become a preacher and you find out he write any books at all on TV and everything and you want to know is what happened then. I mean, you need to don't give up. Does attitude adjustment coming. He knows how to behave himself at home at church and at work with a person got himself, right? I mean, when I went to the Zimbabwe Africa, my wife and have her call me and say it's Reverend, are you behaving yourself over there among those African women have to have to do that and I don't have to call back home in about stopping by. Over the back. You know, not what you love each other with love know how to behave yourself, the right words, to write Lifestyle, the right attitude, attitude adjustment, all that will help you become a battle. Say knowledge will puff up a person. It will, you know, I remember when I got my associate degree, How do you know? I went back to my little Hometown macneill. After, you know, all my cousin was saying, dr. Joseph McNeill, Mississippi to take it when I would only got the The Bachelor that you the two bachelors in the master degree, then, but I had to put myself in check. You have to, you have to say a lot Lord, I don't care what I got without, you doesn't mean a thing. And so education, knowledge with puff one up, but spiritual wisdom, make one humble. Free when you got wisdom is not about being with people think you are is about to be in what God wants you to be. And that's important. And I look at it says, you get it India versus a 17 and 18, tell us about the way wisdom, behave yourself. That's a certain way. Wisdom have to behave. You know, when Paul said that the the Church of the Living, God, the pentagram and Truth need to know how to behave themselves. Sometimes even church. Folks don't know how to behave himself, so we need to be talked with it. Be brought into the presence of God in the word of God as well. There's some things you let me just pull them out real fast and first what is Pierre? Pierre. True wisdom is not tainted with evil. It is completely disappear so you don't have to get there and try to make it. Or clean or whatever. If you got wisdom it comes automatically here completely. Without anything now. Just pure don't mean the same thing like a woman being a virgin or something. The other this. He is simply means that he's got no no evil know. I kind of thought about somebody that's the kind of pure is talking about here and then goes on the same piece. 11 shoe wisdom does not look for trouble, but look for peace true, wisdom, don't go around here imma, go up there at church today. I'm going to find out where I can bust out. I'm going to school today and I'm going to tell that teacher. I'm going to tell that teacher off. You know we need to be careful how we say thing. I tell people all the time I said I'm not going out to that church or two that I mean to that school or any other place and tell somebody off because next week that person may come and visit my church and who I'm sitting up there, they come in with me. That's the guy told me off. That's what I told me that I better do this and see what I do. I'm different if I'm driving somebody from one of y'all pull in front of me, I just wave my hand. I've been fine. I just waiting smile. I don't get the California where you like on Jed Clampett, you know, that middle finger a naughty wave that, but you got to be nice to folks. Have one day, that same person makes your back up here at your truck. Then what you going to do it when that when the praise leader, the mistreated somebody better come in as a women, she singing all those beautiful song but a heart is so dirty. The past of doing it, but heart is so dirty. Know, you got to be careful and don't let that happen to you. We look for those of us to have wisdom, we look for peace and then gentle again. It is gentle, it looks to be helpful to others, not to harm anybody, to be gentle. You know, I remember when I was preaching, here in Greenville, 35 minutes 37 years ago, I think. And, and there's a white lady. She was there. I had a couple different people in the church. So, I went in got another church to lend me, one of their interpreters. And then when I used the word gym tour or something like that, I noticed when she did, she did this on her sign language and I stopped in my sermon. I say, what does that mean? Did she said just like when you put a bit in a horse's mouth, and then you got the ring and you can control that big giant horse by just the Rings. You don't mean that you week. That mean, you meek? And so gentle, and when you talk and how you act and how you perform old nature, tell her, hey, I'm a man, you don't talk to me that way, but my new, they just said, I don't have to talk to you like that, to your new date, you should be in control and and that's important there and then a compliance. True wisdom does not try to start argument. Come On Now ladies if y'all wanted those. Now saying if you'll do a bell ringing get up cuz somebody trying to get in your house, your telephone ring, it answered it for you. The last time when you can or it will FedEx UPS know your address and they going to bring it to your front door and leave the package out there, you going to get what's coming to you don't order. True, wizard does not probably start argument, but tries to be reasonable and compliant. By ignoring the truth. But it's how you say the truth, you got to talk, right? You got to walk, right? You got to know things are right and you can't assume anything. What about full of Mercy? Full of Mercy is true, wisdom lead that leads up to the people of Mercy, quick to forgive, put to overlook in a fence with something. If you pull a mercy, don't walk around like, you know what, God made me to the Bible police. And if you do something wrong, I'm getting my billy club out. I'm coming out to you. I tell people all the time I was there. Now, my wife is a school teacher, she's a nurse and a school teacher, but I'm just the preacher. I built ships and submarines. That's what I did. And we didn't have to read the, it didn't matter if I cut a verb or not trying to read the instructions on how to do something. I'll just need to subject matter or how to do something on a ship and so and I took you all the time. Look, I'm full of mercy and Grace and when somebody say or do something wrong, I don't sit back and he said that wrong. He could have bird key to do this quick charging. For you to judge another man's servant when somebody doing the best it can then leave them be. At least they trying to serve God and it ain't doing nothing wrong, then don't be there trying to condemn them because they have not fulfilled the way you think they should. What about full of good fruits. True wisdom produces godliness in each of us and went in sometime. People tell me where Pastor Jones, I just have not I'm ruined but I don't have that fruit yet. I said, have you looked at the fruit of the spirit in safe route, floor is Adafruit singular. What you mean by that? Well, that mean that inside of that, cluster, all of these things are in there in the Christian life. You don't just get one where I got the bananas now and then I'm going to get some and get some plums and some great later. No, God mature us, you don't. Kinda in a woman get pregnant and have a baby and they give it to deliver the baby. And and and and then we could go to the doctor's office and say it's okay. Today we're going to deliver your baby, it's okay. And in the process begin and all he get his arm and said, well, you come back next week and imma get the other arm and the other leg and and get the ears and eyes later that day this dead already. But would it come to being born again? Every single thing in the DNA is present in that baby? When you're born again, Rowdy said, look, the Fruit of the Spirit, The fruit of the spirit, all these characteristics of the fruit of the spirit shows up and it comes out of my mouth, the way we live. And we got to be conscious of that and unwavering true wisdom, stick to the truth and the Caribbean and the correct way, without wavering, you know, if you don't do the truth you don't do it, just on Sunday. You got to live this thing and every day you got that my relationship with God on the outside, inside a Beacon Light. Let It Shine. Don't ever let it go out and then what about without pretenses that what I'm saying about the pretenders and the contenders know sometime. We just pretend we don't we singing? Holy Holy Holy and we lift up holy hands in the sanctuary your hands ain't holy you say stuff and do stuff. Don't say a thing thing. You know you don't have any time. You see people singing song, I'm Standing on the Promises of God while I'm sitting down in my chair, just seen that. People think I'm missing standing on the promise and everybody staying in their seat. Now, that's not right. You got to do with the word said, you can't get there and say one thing and do something else. Well, let me hurry on the closing. All right. How's your living? How's your living? How, how things are going with you? How's that lifestyle? What are you got to project before guy? How's your living? I think James is 3rd Chapter challenge us today to check the way we're living by keeping it real. Nothing should be fake. Don't think it'd just be genuine be real and In progress, 29 verse 11. Say our food, just do a lot of talking but it said a fool gives full vent to his anger. I mean, he going to let you know exactly how he feel. But a wise man, hold it in. Check, in other words you got to be able to live in. Should be put in to check. You don't just let your gun fly. You remember when you were a kid that you had you shooting firecrackers and you get that, you like them and you throw it and you throw it out, then it'll pop you ever got one with a short fuse and a blue and you lit it and brought it back and write in your ear and blew up. And your hand, throbbing in my SMS. I've done that. You don't want to throw a firecracker with a, she want to see you. And some church clothes got short fuses, and they don't know, they got one and they just angry and upset with the world and that parents and everybody because they're not using the wisdom that God has given them to keep that in check. You can't let that happen to you. And then gentlemen's, go back to gentleman, we think of others first, we are patient with others. We go out of our way to Not to cause any harm to anybody, you know how many time we just don't care. Well, you know, I'm okay. I just don't care. How do you feel this to me? Well, What it says here, you may be asking, how can I live my life? Like that, what you just been talkin about today? How can I use wisdom to be my God, to guide, my mind, and my heart, and my thoughts and my tongue. Now, that's a very good question. How can we do that? Well, hopefully in Philippians the fourth chapter verse 13, Is it? I can do all things through Christ. Which strengthen mean? You can live this life, this life can be live, you can keep it real, you don't have to fake it. Because I know I've been, I've been out there, I'm not saying you're perfect. The Bible makes it clear to strive for Perfection or be perfect. As my, heavenly father is perfect with Jesus said, we are not perfect. None of us. We are all sinners, saved by the grace of God, but just remember, we should be one bigger trying to tell another bigger where the, where to find bread. If you have came to this church and you found something too, good to keep all to yourself. You should have a case of thing happens. We stayed up again. You should have a case. I can't help it. I can't help myself. You should tell everybody about this church. Hey, I found a place I can worship. I can study the word of God says, people love you. Genuinely. This is where I'm inviting you to come and be a part. So we can do all things through Christ who strengthen us and that can happen. We practice self-control with others. We are confident in the strength that the Lord has given us, and we don't use it or we don't use it to have our own way. You don't say. Well, I'm the man of the house. I'm the woman of the house. I do. What I want to do. Know, you don't do it. You don't act like that. That's not the way to act in Magee this.

To be honest. Is all about the cross. If I'm a leave it right there to be honest. Keeping it real. It's All About the Cross. When Jesus died on the cross, he died. A vicarious death. He died in your place and mine. He had you on his mind when he died on the cross. He had me. When did when it was nailing the nails through his hand and throughout the Sounder in Jerusalem as a nail, the spikes in his hand, you can hear the pinging sound from that Spike and that hammer and it rings throughout the community throughout Jerusalem and it says repent. TV repair. And if we're doing things, I'm not right. They're not going to go away. By hoping and wishing and Wishful thought. You got to pray and believe God that God will handle and manage everything in our lives.

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