Jesus Is Coming Soon
Revelation • Sermon • Submitted • Presented
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· 18 viewsThe Christian can rejoice in the reality and certainty that Jesus IS Coming Soon.
A famous orator once stated: There are only two things in this world which are certain—death and taxes. I believe this is only partially correct. The reason, is that the most certain event is yet to come. What event would that be? Jesus Is Coming Soon.
Many of us have seen the old news reports or have personally experienced the anticipation of a loved one returning home from the field of battle. There is that glorious cheer as their soldier disembarks from the plane or the boat. What a celebration that takes place!
There is also that awful, hollow heartbreak when the loved one who was supposed to return home safely, never returns to be greeted by loved ones. There are no details about where they might be. They are simply not there. Or they may be back home, but no longer alive. It doesn’t matter how much hope there was by the one waiting, the reality sinks in that they are not returning.
My friends, The Christian can rejoice in the reality and certainty that Jesus IS Coming Soon.
These last verses in Revelation are like a postscript or epilogue to a book. Everything that has ever taken place throughout history is not even a distant memory, for we will have entered into the eternal state with no semblance of sin of any sort.
Christ’s Coming Persuades Us In Our Conduct - vv. 6-11
Christ’s Coming Persuades Us In Our Conduct - vv. 6-11
The speaker is no longer the angel, but Jesus Christ Himself. The whole purpose of the book of Revelation is to proclaim Christ and urge believers to live in light of the reality of His imminent return.
The urgency of what is going to be forever and ever is seen in a short phrase from verse 7. Because we belong to Jesus Christ, our conduct and behavior should match the walk of our Savior. Revelation 22.7 states: ““And behold, I am coming quickly. Blessed is he who heeds the words of the prophecy of this book.”” Simply knowing the words and information in the book of Revelation is not enough. We must heed or keep the words of the prophecy of this book. This means we must live a life of purity and godliness every day. We don’t merely hear the words and protect and defend this book, but we are to live out the Scripture. We are certain that Jesus is coming, but we are definitely uncertain as to the day of His appearing. So we are to live in light of His imminent or soon return. Plus, this is the only effective witness we have to a world that is lost.
The speaker switches back to John in verse 8. Poor John makes the mistake of bowing in worship to an angel again. The angel redirects John to doing what he should be doing; Worship God. You and I need that reminder, as well. John had personally experienced this revelation which we have read and studied, yet he was tempted to worship that which was good, but it wasn’t God. My friends, even though there are many righteous people, none of them are to ever be worshiped. God alone is worthy of our worship.
Because the Lord’s coming is near or soon, we must do all we can to live for our Savior while it is still day; while we still draw a breath on this planet. There will come a time when there will be no more opportunity to present the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Yet, everyone who accepts Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior has the guarantee that we will spend eternity with Jesus. However, for those who reject Christ, they will sadly continue in their unrighteous behavior and will spend eternity separated from Christ.
We have no idea how much longer it will be before Christ returns. Thus, John was told specifically to make sure this revelation remained unsealed. We dare not be quiet about the fact that Jesus is coming. We want to cause people everywhere to make a decision. Let me assure you that if you don’t know Jesus as Lord and Savior, yet you are still alive, you still have the opportunity to repent of your sins and become a child of God. It is so important that, as Christians, our life and conduct must reflect the Savior.
Christ’s Coming Provides Consequences. - vv. 12-19
Christ’s Coming Provides Consequences. - vv. 12-19
Christ is speaking, once again, in verse 12. Verses 6-12 are focused upon believers, in requiring that we respond appropriately to the reality of Christ’s soon return. Verses 13-21 are aimed towards the unbelieving, desiring that they would choose to repent and come to Christ for salvation.
We can probably remember many jokes about the good news and the bad news. For those who think quickly on their feet, this joke can go on forever. In these verses, there is good news and bad news, but it is no joke. For those who belong to Christ, there is the promise of rewards when Jesus returns. What are the requirements for this? One must have been washed by the blood of Jesus Christ through His death. Those who have had their sins forgiven, will live their lives after the Master, while on this earth. This is a marvelous picture of the reality that genuine salvation should result in obedience and discipleship. These are the ones who will be allowed to enter the Holy City, the New Jerusalem.
Then we come to verse 15, where we see those who will not be permitted into God’s Kingdom. They are excluded from God’s presence. By the fact that they are outside the city, it makes sense that they are in the lake of fire, which John spoke of earlier. These are those who have loved sin so that they continue to hold tightly to practicing it, refusing to turn to Jesus Christ.
This may seem unfair, but according to verse 16, Christ has every right to do this: “I, Jesus, have sent My angel to testify to you these things for the churches. I am the root and the descendant of David, the bright morning star.” MacArthur states: In His deity, Christ is David’s root; in His humanity, He is David’s descendant.
Now look at Rev. 22.17: “The Spirit and the bride say, “Come.” And let the one who hears say, “Come.” And let the one who is thirsty come; let the one who wishes take the water of life without cost.” This is the last time where the most wonderful invitation ever to be issued is given. Today, all who are listening to my voice and the words of this prophecy and vision, now is your chance to come to Jesus as Savior. Just as those within the congregations of the seven churches during John’s time were invited to become children of God, so are those in our churches today, who do not yet know Jesus as Lord and Savior. Just because a person attends church or is even a member, does not make them a Christian. It is the same today as it was in John’s time. Each person has to accept this gift for him/herself.
In verses 18-19, there is a warning given to those who would dare to change the way the Book of Revelation is written. The wording shows that this warning is meant specifically for this book. However, we recognize that we are not to tamper with any of the Bible. The Holy Spirit inspired the entirety of Scripture. The Bible is without error. Not only can it not be distorted or changed textually, but we cannot alter the moral and theological teachings. Those who would dare adjust this book are inviting condemnation and judgment upon themselves.
There are several words of encouragement in this section. First, God sees our lives and will reward us. Maybe nobody else cares. Maybe no one else understands why we do what we do. Maybe others will misinterpret us or intentionally malign us. But God sees. And the consequences for godly living will be rewarded.
Second, we have the greatest resource for sharing the potential for eternal life with others. It is God’s Word, the Bible. We do not base our testimony on what we feel. The information we share will not ever change with the latest polls and trends, or even what is considered tolerant and acceptable to culture. Yet, how we do church and worship and evangelism will change with the times and the cultures. Still, the message of the Good News about Jesus Christ will never change.
The Christian can rejoice in the reality and certainty that Jesus IS Coming Soon.
Christ’s Coming Proves Certain. - 22.20-21
Christ’s Coming Proves Certain. - 22.20-21
There are several fascinating things that we have barely touched upon as we’ve gone through Revelation. There are signs galore which point out the reality of the impending, imminent return of Jesus. Events presented in the book of Revelation are frighteningly similar to things that are or about to occur in our world today. The stage is continuing to be set.
Yet, for the Christian, we have no reason to be looking for signs and events. Trying to figure out how everything fits together is a waste of time for the Christian, in my opinion. We should be looking for the Savior. Our focus has been and always needs to be on Jesus Christ, not events and signs. If our focus is upon Christ, then we will be kept busy serving Him and living for Him.
My friends, as we conclude our study in the book of Revelation, I hope you have not been disappointed by the lack of being able to figure out what every detail means. I hope you have instead been challenged in your worship. I hope you have been shaken out of your complacency you may have had and filled with a burning heart for reaching the lost. I hope you have been affirmed in your commitment to Christ. I hope that you have received an assurance as to your position as a child of God, if in fact, you have accepted Jesus as your Lord and Savior.
The Christian can rejoice in the reality and certainty that Jesus IS Coming Soon.
I close with a phrase I saw on a magnet on my mother’s refrigerator, years ago.
What on earth are you doing for heaven’s sake?
“He who testifies to these things says, “Yes, I am coming quickly.” Amen. Come, Lord Jesus. The grace of the Lord Jesus be with all. Amen.”