God Is At Work
The resurrection of Jesus is the foundation of Christian faith. Paul says that without the resurrection, both his preaching and our faith are in vain (1 Cor. 15:14).
A distinction must be made here between resuscitation and resurrection. Lazarus was resuscitated; his body was reanimated for a period of time, only to die again. However, Jesus was resurrected and still lives! Jesus was raised from the dead; and his resurrection becomes for Christians the opportunity for a new and transformed life in God, and life in the age to come.
Resurrection is a work of God!
In other words, Peter’s speech demands a radical change in perspective. Not only had God accomplished what God had promised, but the agent who accomplished this among the Jewish people was none other than Jesus, the same one whom they were responsible for murdering. The crucial role of Jesus in this divine fulfillment is the distinctive aspect of Peter’s message and the gospel proclaimed by the believers to the Jewish people.